[tantek]Looks like Twitter is downsizing my portrait images down to ~750px wide anyway (and my "medium" resolution is 960px wide) so I won't lose anything to Twitter by syndicating just my "medium" resolution images there
snarfed[tantek]: re u-photo on link w/bridgy publish...hmm! interesting. i see your u-bridgy-flickr-photo prototype. it's not supported yet. :P i'm open to it...but do you know of any other prior art for u-photo on <a>s? i wonder if there's a more general way to specify multiple alternative urls for a given u-photo. maybe srcset? https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/592
Loqisnarfed: [tantek] left you a message 34 minutes ago: is u-bridgy-flickr-photo a reasonable feature request for Bridgy Publish, like p-bridgy-twitter-content, but for a custom photo (e.g. higher resolution) for Flickr? Or is that violating "keep Bridgy simple"? Asking before I file an issue requesting it.
[tantek]that is, I'd expect clients consuming mf2json to want something structured for the different image URLs and sizes, rather than a big string to parse
snarfedalmost all image data in bridgy/granary already looks like that structured latter option anyway. (AS1, AS2, all silo APIs, etc). mf2 is the exception
[tantek]whereas linking a thumbnail (or other medium resolution) to a full resolution is a common (automatic) pattern I believe: user uploads full resolution, CMS downsizes it for "common" viewing pages
snarfedcool. i'm open to srcset or anything else to help there. not sure u-bridgy-*-photo is the best approach, seems much too narrow, but i'm open to discussion
[tantek]another approach is if anyone else thinks that a[class~="u-photo"]>img[alt]:only-child pattern is useful more broadly, then we could move that to mf2 parsing
[tantek]Yes the u-bridgy-*-photo approach is very narrow, but that also means it is very conservative, and precise, simple, testable, narrowly scoped for all the above
[tantek]Anyway, there's a few options. add srcset to mf2 parsing, add a[class~="u-*"]>img[alt]:only-child to mf2 parsing, add u-bridgy-*-photo to Bridgy
ZegnatMy first feeling towards a[class~="u-*"]>img[alt]:only-child is a little sceptical. Feels like that would move away from the meaning of u-*. srcset sounds like the right point to work on imo
[tantek], iasai, jamietanna, [Rose], [pfefferle], jamietanna[m] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jeremycherfasCan anyone recommend a tutorial for SimpleXML? I am having such trouble wrangling the beast that is the Overcast OPML as arrays that I am looking longingly at a simpler solution, but I have difficulty in grasping how to address nodes. Something that starts with basics would help.
[grantcodes]!tell tantek: re your photo sizes with mf2 I ended up having to use data elements for my use case, which is slightly different. I know it's not best practice but lets parsers pick up the highest res images. Not tried it with alt attributes yet though
jeremycherfasThanks! In the meanwhile, I am going to go for a little walk to clear my head. Maybe I will come back with a solution to filleting my array.
[jgmac1106][tantek] do you have good resources for doing details and summary correctly for accessibility. The WebAIM articles I keep reading mention bootstrap accordion..
Loqi[tantek]: [grantcodes] left you a message 3 hours, 14 minutes ago: re your photo sizes with mf2 I ended up having to use data elements for my use case, which is slightly different. I know it's not best practice but lets parsers pick up the highest res images. Not tried it with alt attributes yet though
[grantcodes]I don't know how much I'd actually want alts on my photos though to be honest, since I almost always publish photos with a name or content that usually describes the image. But my site will handle alts if they are sent via micropub
jeremycherfasThanks, but here's the thing. I can actually parse the OPML fine, into a multidimensional array. And I can extract the data I want from it. What I am trying to do now is to extract only those elements that have changed since the last time I obtained the OPML.
jeremycherfasI'm also pretty sure that the if() on l.15 is not working the way I want it to, now that I look, because the break just sends it back into the outer loop, whereas I want it to exit both loops.
[tantek]cweiske, I'm curious what problems you have experienced with DOMDocument. I just checked and I've been using it just fine for over 9 years on my site (though perhaps my usage is quite simple).
[tantek]I do need XPath though, for extracting various microformats properties when I don't know the exact path-to-my-tag because there is no such exact path
jeremycherfasRight now, I need to get the more comp[licated part working. And actually, I know for a fact that I will never need the last element, because all I want to do is find the elements before needle is found.
[jgmac1106][tantek] yeah will do going to be using it for rubrics, doing a session at IWC New Haven...going to be using nested h-entries and flexbox inside details and summary...right now only place I use it a ton is on my resume...will do a stub after I teah Accra how to get their notes and photos on wiki
[tantek]thanks [jgmac1106], and especially for helping out with Accra! Was going to tweet about all the HWC this week (a record 11! including 10 cities, 3-4 which are new!) but then Twitter unhelpfully suspended my account
jeremycherfasI was having problems with array_diff before, but now I see that might have been because there were null elements. I may go back to that, now that I know.
[jgmac1106]here are the notes...want them to add to wiki....teaching how to sign in ...but I can't remember my password and work is blocking the password reset
jeremycherfas!tell [kevinmarks] I like your use of $shiny and $legacy, and with your help and cweiske's I may even have solved my problem without needing to compare the arrays. I'm just storing a crucial key value and using that.
[davidmead]This maybe a silly question but, if I add a field into a Known plugin, do I have somehow add it in the DB structure separately? Or does it it get added automatically when itβs used?
jimpick, [tantek], jackjami_, [Rose], barpthewire, [schmarty], gRegorLove_, [kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu, snarfed, iasai, [jgmac1106], [pfefferle], dougbeal|mb1 and [aaronpk] joined the channel