#dev 2019-03-22
2019-03-22 UTC
iasai, KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], [kenbauer], [kevinmarks], jjuran, jmac, sfoster, cweiske, [Rose], jimpick, Ruxton, dkm, ancarda_, jeremych-, treora_, oodani_, grantcodes[m], jgmac1106[m] and swentel joined the channel
iasai joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] This UK petition site is really making the case for websub

eli_oat, iasai and snarfed joined the channel
swentel snarfed, hi! I'm close to start testing drupal activity pub module. re: followers the you store, that's just the users canonical url, e.g. https://mastodon.social/@chrisburnell

snarfed for mastodon those actor id urls actually usually look like https://mastodon.social/users/cbfishes
jgmac1106 and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Had to move to Slack; IRC playing up for me.

iasai, snarfed, [kimberlyhirsh] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Me again, still totally flummoxed. To whit:

[jeremycherfas] How can````

[jeremycherfas] $finalarray[] = ($podcast[‘outline’][0]);

[jeremycherfas] if (isset($podcast[‘outline’][0]) || array_key_exists([‘outline’][0], $podcast)) {

[jeremycherfas] Result in “Undefined offset: 0” when I attempt to add to $finalarray?

[jeremycherfas] Unless those tests don’t mean what I think they do (which is entirely possible).

iasai, chrisaldrich and [deeden] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Thanks, Maybe it is redundant, but I am tearing my hair out here. I was just about to try the isset on its own.

[jeremycherfas] But my understanding is that isset does not test for NULL. That is, if something is NULL, then isset would return TRUE

[jeremycherfas] Well, isset on its own does seem to be working now. Thanks.

[jeremycherfas] ok

[kenbauer] and [eddie] joined the channel
iasai joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] so you link the source with a blockquote under the link?

[kevinmarks] you could put a fragmention on the link and encourage them to use the fragmention extension

iasai joined the channel
jgmac1106 just a random idea as I have been trying to annotate on my own domain first. Trying to think if a POSSE model to a source where other people could log into coudl work….so five of my students annotated on their own site, and then indielogin to what ever this thing is that I want…all the blockquotes and u-in-reply-to display

[jgmac1106] and [eddie] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] 🎉🎉🎉 It works! https://www.jeremycherfas.net/stream

gRegorLove joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Heartfelt thanks to everyone here who helped though all my trials and self-induced tribulations. To [cleverdevil] for the original inspiration and to everyone else who taught m so much. Of course, I won’t know for certain until tomorrow, when I will check again, but I think all the podcasts I listen to through Overcast will now make their way to my own site.

[eddie] joined the channel
chrisaldrich joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
[jgmac1106] jeremycherfas++

[jgmac1106] I want that so bad

jeremych- How do you listen?
jeremych- Oh. Sorry, don’t know that.
snarfed joined the channel
[jgmac1106] gwg I signed up for the paid web account and get my history now from pockecast but it isn't backfilled

snarfed joined the channel
[jgmac1106] you have to buy the web app for $9.00

[jgmac1106] but I only get history since purchase, I wanted previous

snarfed, [Rose], iasai, [kimberlyhirsh] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
jackjamieson, jackjami_ and snarfed joined the channel
AngeloGladding hey guys i believe the idea of cryptographically signing a post (or microformat structure) has come up in the past and even recently -- is there a consensus documented on the wiki somewhere?
AngeloGladding i'm aware of the IndieWeb (https + domain) philosophy but i'm looking specifically for that "on-the-record" feature
gRegorLove_ AngeloGladding, I think this is the only example https://indieweb.org/OpenPGP#Integrity still very much in brainstorming. Looks like the one example by KB there, the domain is under new ownership

AngeloGladding ideally a parsed note page -- https://testalice.cnpy.gdn/notes/2019/03/21/5xrm -- would have my specific note signed, using the key found in the authorship algorithm
AngeloGladding so when i reply to someone i go ahead and cache their content -- it'd be nice to have a first-class copy of that content, obviously if and only if the original author signed it in the first place
jackjami_ joined the channel
gRegorLove Wouldn't signature verification mainly be useful if you'd verified a person's key via some other channel? Otherwise you're still relying on the key/signature the domain is advertising.

AngeloGladding so i'm incorporating PGP's Web of Trust into the "follow" and "identify" (ie. add contact) web actions, if you will
AngeloGladding so it isn't just naked keys save for an unbootstrapped node
AngeloGladding i'm definitely sending webmentions upon update
AngeloGladding basically i'd like to insert the signature into the microformat namespace
AngeloGladding have you guys ever standardized the output of a parse?
AngeloGladding what i had before was https://testalice.cnpy.gdn/notes/2019/03/21/5xrm.json and https://testalice.cnpy.gdn/notes/2019/03/21/5xrm.json.asc and just pretty-printed the JSON and took a detached signature of it
AngeloGladding but that was obviously ugly
AngeloGladding right
AngeloGladding so it was even a working solution
AngeloGladding i'm thinking that by constraining it to the mf use case it could be simplified
AngeloGladding i just opened that tab right now actually
AngeloGladding someone on HN barked about it so i stashed it in memory for this afternoon
AngeloGladding what microformat parser do you guys use for misc debugging -- i know there's xray.p3k.io
Zegnat For signing HTML there are several prior art projects. I think a relatively recent and interesting looking one would be https://github.com/tasn/webext-signed-pages

[eddie] joined the channel
AngeloGladding k i've got a better feel for the state of parsing now
AngeloGladding both those PHP sites are claiming to use the same version parser, so redundant
AngeloGladding but appears to be the same output as my python parser
jackjamieson joined the channel
AngeloGladding maybe i'm missing some simple trick here
AngeloGladding https://testalice.cnpy.gdn/notes/2019/03/21/5xrm is the note
Zegnat Not sure the PHP one will always give the same result either. It probably just uses whatever PHP is calling “pretty” at any time. If that changes, so does the output. (E.g. it may have changed when they switched JSON implementations, which I think they did at some point to get rid of the weird JSON licence.)

AngeloGladding so that page is live and dynamic and the interface changes, which will obviously change the resource's signature
AngeloGladding gee i also like the atomicity of a single request w/o a second for a detached sig
AngeloGladding so if you see the parse of my page -- http://php.microformats.io/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftestalice.cnpy.gdn%2Fnotes%2F2019%2F03%2F21%2F5xrm
swentel joined the channel
AngeloGladding there's a signature stuffed into the entry
AngeloGladding that's just the carryover of a signature of the pretty printed JSON
AngeloGladding in this example the signature would be of some concatenation of the name, url and published properties
AngeloGladding nothing more, ideally
AngeloGladding and yeah i've gotten pushback from anything Web of Trust related in the past so i'm not surprised
AngeloGladding but in terms of journalism it seems like a really nice addition
AngeloGladding well that's what i came here for :)
AngeloGladding i'm implementing it right now
AngeloGladding i've kinda waited and i heard you guys talking end of Feb i think
AngeloGladding the whole thing kind of rests on my underlying implementation of GPG, which none of you will have access to
gRegorLove Yeah, and some of us advertise public key with rel=pgpkey

gRegorLove I do, though honestly haven't used it for anything, heh

AngeloGladding but the WoT part is the bridge to nowhere
Zegnat AngeloGladding, all I can say is that (AFAIK) mf2 parsing does not define any output encoding and publishing date may sometimes be a little finicky depending on whether a perser decided to do normalisation (especially in case of value-class parsing). Thus I wouldn’t recommend it as a seed for anything you are planning to sign if you also want others to reproduce it and check the signature (which sounds to me like the entire purpose

jackjami_ joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] i sign everyone one of my notes, with my url

[jgmac1106] but yeah I use hellosign and stuff all the time, a way to own this would be cool

[jgmac1106] and uggghhhh the signature system built in acrobat......uggggh

gRegorLove Yeah I'm interested in it on a hypothetical level, but time and priorities have mostly kept it there for me.

AngeloGladding yeah the signing HTML part was what worried me the most
snarfed joined the channel
[jgmac1106] ..and literally everything i electronically sign is just for someone to print our and file away....

chrisaldrich joined the channel
AngeloGladding so the problem is -- i reply to something, the original author changes their original statement without telling anyone, my software picks it up and raises a red flag in my UI, i render that to my website users in a graphical manner, but it's left to visitors to manually work through the dissonance
AngeloGladding twitter and screenshots..
AngeloGladding i mean we're all playing nice now in the IndieWeb
AngeloGladding and this doesn't have to be for all posts, just "on the record" type material
AngeloGladding i'll just come up with something simple and try to break it myself
AngeloGladding thanks for the input!
AngeloGladding but then how to convey the data to a feed subscriber -- you'd need a "tampered/modified" field or something
@bupk_es ↩️ Me too! I have had a few indie sites but dropped them all. currently learning Flask, hope to get webmentions etc sorted at some point (twitter.com/_/status/1109202170631606273)
snarfed joined the channel
@HazardWarning ↩️ Grief, I've never heard of that! I've done ok with my WordPress site, which serves as my http://micro.blog site. I have webmentions, but not a great deal else. I'm no coder and I grew up pre-internet so this stuff doesn't come naturally. (twitter.com/_/status/1109202855515181056)
snarfed ah, here. checks AS type, verb, content, location, image. https://github.com/snarfed/granary/blob/master/granary/source.py#L767-L797
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
gRegorLove haha

gRegorLove That does sound like granary

snarfed joined the channel
snarfed for bridgy users feel free to use bridgy's h-card. https://brid.gy/about#api
[jackjamieson], snarfed and [kenbauer] joined the channel
GWG Hmm...Google apologizes for rel=next/prev mixup http://feeds.searchengineland.com/~r/searchengineland/~3/RiVn5dLY-1U/google-apologizes-for-relnext-prev-mixup-314494
snarfed joined the channel
@WebspaceInsight b2evolution 6.11-beta with webmentions support https://ift.tt/2uoQn3C (twitter.com/_/status/1109236013866668032)
@bradenslen B2evolution version 6.11.0-beta adds Webmentions support for Indieweb. This is a great addition to an excellent CMS. https://b2evolution.net/news/2019/03/22/b2evolution-6-11-beta-with (twitter.com/_/status/1109241308718223360)
@nitinthewiz Indieweb & adjacent ppl - I see a lot of sites with webmention links, but don't want to reply full scale on my blog with 1 line comments. What's better - a separate 'blog' for comments or a page in WP that links to their post and does a 1 line comment? (twitter.com/_/status/1109242083745792000)