#dev 2019-04-15

2019-04-15 UTC
[eddie] joined the channel
Hmm, so I’m looking at an academic post I made for school, and of course you have text where you quote another work (like a blog post). Of course, if I send a webmention to that url I quote, it’ll be a mention. I wonder if it it beneficial to mark it up as an h-cite and then, if the webmention processor sees it’s in an h-cite it knows that more than just a mention that it was quoted in another post. Is that beneficial or just not needed re
you could mark it up as an h-cite and if the receiver doesn't recognize that it'll show up as a generic mention anyway
that does sound useful though
Yeah, I definitely like that the mention is still fallback behavior. Just thinking through if that h-cite is helpful for those that process and use it. It did seem like some extra info that was nice, and something I might look for in my own webmention processing code when I work on it
I’m excited to see EventSource can be used outside the browser! That seems like a great way to get some real-time integration between Microsub clients and servers
Also node.js seems to have a EventSource client so I could have my node.js server subscribe to updates from Microsub as well!
[schmarty] joined the channel
regarding websub; would it make sense to have 'pass through' hubs?
like a hub you can publish to and it'll send to other places as well?
that might be a bit of overloading of what the hub does
lol I could just expose all of those hubs
gRegorLove and [eddie] joined the channel
some thoughts on using microsub + websub + `u-follow-of` to build a dynamic following list
[Jacky Alciné] The fact that Microsub is pretty flexible makes me excited to build out my own Microsub server. Also, I wonder if making a list of u-follow-of posts could help in building out one’s own subscription system for their following of feeds! The flow cou...
probably won't get to this for a few weeks lol
more or less a dynamic OPML that a microsub server could use to build channels
[eddie] joined the channel
jacky: interesting, but when it’s not public stuff it really seems like you are recreating the Microsub API except differently
Another solution could be to just have your website be a Microsub client
So as your Micropub Endpoint receives follow/unfollow requests the Micropub Endpoint could act as a Microsub client and change the Microsub URLs
Of course, feel free to experiment with what you want to do personally, but I don’t know how many Microsub servers would duplicate what you describe in that post
That said, for public follows I can see generating a public OPML list or something similar that a Microsub server could subscribe to
gRegorLove_, seblog, krychu_, jeremych_, ingoogni and [Rose] joined the channel
Morning all
[jgmac1106], gRegorLove_, seblog, eli_oat, [Rose] and krychu_ joined the channel
↩️ #IndieWeb is your friend here and in particular webmentions. There are options to add to your WordPress installation. https://indieweb.org/Webmention https://indieweb.org/Wordpress_Webmention_Plugin
krychu, dougbeal|iOS and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[grantcodes] and snarfed joined the channel
trying to document as much of this stuff on my site as possible (just so I'm testing things I'm building for it and using it in real time)
!tell [eddie] I like your thoughts! you might have gotten a mention but I folded them into here: https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/ab3992d2-1bd3-4e99-97b2-02151793881e
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Jacky Alciné] Got some feedback from @Eddie Hinkle on chat.indieweb.org. Namely the following bits: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2019-04-15/1555303377021400 https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2019-04-15/1555303416853300 Which is perhaps not only a more portable ...
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: ingoogni left you a message 4 days, 5 hours ago: browser that reads and writes, like Amaya (dead)? https://www.w3.org/Amaya/
[[eddie]] Another solution could be to just have your website be a Microsub client
yeah each message seems to be a h-entry in a h-feed so it works
[eddie] joined the channel
jacky: Thanks! :thumbsup:
chrisaldrich, gRegorLove_ and [schmarty] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://blog.disqus.com/reactions-a-new-way-for-readers-to-engage" to the "See Also" section of /reacji https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=59299&oldid=50640
seblog, jackjamieson, [tantek], [Yulia], snarfed, gRegorLove__, [Rose] and benwerd joined the channel
↩️ @matbury @davecormier And if one sets up #webmentions on her blog we gain the power of a more connected #IndieWeb
ben_thatmustbeme and snarfed joined the channel
what is reactji
reacji is an emoji reaction, the use of a single emoji character in response to a post, introduced as a feature by Slack[1] https://indieweb.org/reactji
I never know if I spell that right lol
what is reaction emoji
It looks like we don't have a page for "reaction emoji" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "reaction emoji is ____", a sentence describing the term)
reaction emoji is /reactji
jackjamieson joined the channel
about to launch a change to monocle+aperture
braces himself
snarfed and benwerd joined the channel
hm I don't quite have this figured out for reposts
ok it's live tho!
[sknebel] #21 retrieve feeds individually
benwerd and [eddie] joined the channel
ohhhhh!! interesting! Looks like I need to update my aperture now 🙂
minor change to aperture, bigger change to monocle :)
it was actually a really simple change in aperture to make that work
very cool
just took more UI fiddling than I had wanted ;-)
haha understandable. I want the functionality in Indigenous for iOS but am trying not to think about what it's gonna take UI wise haha
and the UI isn't totally solved for monocle either
Nice! Just added the same to my Yarns to do list :)
eli_oat and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks] and snarfed1 joined the channel