[eddie]Hmm, so I’m looking at an academic post I made for school, and of course you have text where you quote another work (like a blog post). Of course, if I send a webmention to that url I quote, it’ll be a mention. I wonder if it it beneficial to mark it up as an h-cite and then, if the webmention processor sees it’s in an h-cite it knows that more than just a mention that it was quoted in another post. Is that beneficial or just not needed re
[eddie]Yeah, I definitely like that the mention is still fallback behavior. Just thinking through if that h-cite is helpful for those that process and use it. It did seem like some extra info that was nice, and something I might look for in my own webmention processing code when I work on it
[eddie]I’m excited to see EventSource can be used outside the browser! That seems like a great way to get some real-time integration between Microsub clients and servers
Loqi[Jacky Alciné] The fact that Microsub is pretty flexible makes me excited to build out my own Microsub server. Also, I wonder if making a list of u-follow-of posts could help in building out one’s own subscription system for their following of feeds! The flow cou...
[eddie]So as your Micropub Endpoint receives follow/unfollow requests the Micropub Endpoint could act as a Microsub client and change the Microsub URLs
[eddie]Of course, feel free to experiment with what you want to do personally, but I don’t know how many Microsub servers would duplicate what you describe in that post
Loqireacji is an emoji reaction, the use of a single emoji character in response to a post, introduced as a feature by Slack[1] https://indieweb.org/reactji
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "reaction emoji" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "reaction emoji is ____", a sentence describing the term)