#dev 2019-04-22

2019-04-22 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [eddie], eli_oat, gRegorLove, snarfed, [Rose], sebsel, swentel, BenLubar, iasai, ingoogni, [jgmac1106], bradenslen, [stefp], [frank], [tantek], vasilakisfil, eli_oat1 and jackjamieson joined the channel
↩️ For this functionality there aren’t a lot of options. I think the minimal set would be: * Webmention plugin * Semantic Linkbacks plugin (optional, but greatly improves the amount of data and context of replies and reactions) The backfeed of [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2019/04/20/55749592/?replytocom=258438#respond
doubleloop, snarfed, iasai, dougbeal|imac, KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil], ingoogni, eli_oat and [tantek] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] could you perhaps update /Getting_Started_with_WordPress with that "minimal set" approach? Would be great to simplify that doc to make IndieWeb WordPress more approachable by more people!
In particular, there's a lot of unnecessary explanatory pre-amble (anything about "Generations" or "IndieMark") that doesn't actually help someone just trying to "Get Started"
[eddie] joined the channel
!tell jacky I think tags and mentions can both be seen in the silo world as well. It's the same as hashtags and @-mentions
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
eddie I think jacky means the distinction between person-tagging and person-mentioning, which is quite distinct in silo posting UIs like FB, Twitter, and Swarm
hmmm, true. I should login facebook and do a test. Last I knew I thought you could mention someone by typing their name in the regular text area, or tag someone as "with X"
But that might have changed where if you mention them, they automatically get added to "with X"?
I'll have to check
nope, nothing automatic like that
what is person tag
A person tag (AKA people tag) is a person mention that is also a tag on a post that refers to a specific person by URL rather than just a word or phrase, and is done as an explicit tagging action by the user, beyond just mentioning a person via hyperlink / h-card / or @-name, autocompleted or not https://indieweb.org/person-tag
Eddie, when you do check FB person tagging and mentioning UIs, could you screencapture the UI for both? Looks like we haven't documented FB here: https://indieweb.org/person-tag#Silo_Examples
Definitely, can do :thumbsup:
Thanks much!
[schmarty], jjuran_, raucao_, BenLubar, gRegorLove_, Ruxton_, DenSchub_, djmoch_, AngeloGl1 and [tantek]1 joined the channel
I’ve had it up to here with the #Aperture microsub service. I’ve installed the WP plugin, and it doesn’t work. I’ve also tried adding the necessary html to my page directly, and it still isn’t doing what it’s supposed to. The developer also doesn’t ... https://www.starshipchangeling.net/677-2/
blueyed joined the channel
oops I did completely miss that issue https://github.com/aaronpk/Aperture/issues/71
[Changelingmx] #71 Using This on wordPress Results in 403 Response
sounds like a wordpress issue tho
[tantek], djmoch and chrisaldrich joined the channel
I think I had tried to set it up at the summit ages ago when there were still issues with Auth that I think have been fixed. Haven't looked at it since then.
i don't think that plugin existed at IWS last year? but yeah the auth issues have plagued wordpress micropub/indieauth forever. seems to be quite a large number of web hosts that block the HTTP Authorization header by default, which is probably what's happening here
The plugin was about a month later... I was doing the header manually.
[indieweb] wordpress-micropub: A Micropub Endpoint plugin for WordPress
Looks like I've run afoul of two accounts when my site when from http to https... aaronpk, can you tweak things so that I can keep the #16 account with my https version and kick the #99 version?
Zegnat also wrote some even more detailed troubleshooting tool for that header
chrisaldrich: oops yeah i can tweak things around for you
ah looks like www vs no-www
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
that's possible too...
ok i updated it. sign out and back in again
looks like your site does properly redirect https://www.boffosocko.com/ to https://boffosocko.com/ so it should work now regardless of which you enter in the login box
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did I accidentally update my parent theme again?
"oh my!"
snarfed1 joined the channel
GWG, aaronpk, looks like mine throws an error when attempting to sign into aperture: https://gist.github.com/chrisaldrich/ccb22b18a40a293495e34f94a3de83db
Which looks roughly like what changelingmx is reporting on Github...
so the hosted Aperture service makes a request to the token endpoint (part of the indieauth plugin) to check if it's valid. i'm guessing the web server is blocking the HTTP Authorization header from coming through. (Some micropub clients also send the access token in the post body and sidestep this issue)
There's a diagnostic tool built into the Indieauth settings page
Server issue
iasai joined the channel
So, we can't fix that in the plugin
Can the plugin provide a better error message to help the user (1) understand what is actually happening, (2) take possible actions to fix it?
kinda. the trick is Monocle gets a generic HTTP 403 error message back from WordPress. I've updated Monocle to output a host of debug info which has been helpful so far (at least helpful to GWG) since it clearly spells out the error the wordpress plugin is returning
what the user sees is from Monocle, so I'd need to be able to show something there that's more actionable to the user, so i'm open to suggestions there
SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1 doesn't seem to work... let's try the other option...
sounds like multiple pieces need to co-operate to communicate a helpful and actionable error message to the user
that makes me think that it might be something that could be helped by an explicit protocol for those pieces to use to communicate that info
how do I know if that piece is working tho heh
who troubleshoots the troubleshooter
the plugin could just link to https://wordpress.org/plugins/micropub/#faq
the problem is the user sees an error in monocle and needs to understand that it's a problem with their wordpress and not a problem with monocle or aperture
or micropub
i got blamed for aperture being the problem here
but i don't know how to help people in the right direction
I feel like this is a risk for many things WordPress due to the complexity of setup (plugin switches to flip) and the fragility (theme changes, plugin updates, WP core updates -> things break)
yeah for sure
this is why i like surfacing upstream error messages in user visible errors as mu
s/ as mu//
that's what i was trying to do
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] doesn't seem to work for me either...
[Changelingmx] Yes. I can log into micropub clients just fine. Trying to log in to Monocle results in the following: There was a problem trying to load the channels from your Microsub endpoint. Microsub endpoint: https://aperture.p3k.io/microsub/220 Your web...
I think in the majority of these cases, it's a hosting issue where they're stripping out headers and not letting them through...
but as you can see, it's a bit of a challenge to go from that error message to understanding that it's a wordpress hosting environment issue
so the wordpress plugin should probably add a user-visible message and link to that faq page in all of its 403 errors, since this is a known issue. cc GWG
i can defiinitely make monocle highlight the "error_description" value more prominently on that page, so if the wordpress plugin provided a better message there it could be more useful
at least "Bearer Token Not Supplied" is a lot better than it used to be
If they have IndieAuth installed it could also point to the diagnostic at https://example.com/wp-content/plugins/indieauth/authdiag.php for trouble shooting...
I'll see if I can ping my host to have them take a look at what is going on...
eli_oat joined the channel
Can we document hosts that both do and don't have this problem?