#dev 2019-05-29

2019-05-29 UTC
[kimberlyhirsh] and [tantek] joined the channel
I need help explaining why Micropub is better than Web Share
in particular Web Share is framed as "simple" because of a sample code line like: navigator.share({title: 'foo', url: 'https://example.com'});
(this ignores all kinds of assumptions etc.)
so I need help 1) explaining what all the (bad) assumptions are behind that "one line of code", and 2) how could the simplest possible "Micropub publish" line(s) of code would work
Micropub allows for modification of said sharing of posts from the same place you send them so undoing is a lot easier / less effort
granted looking at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/share it looks like this could be used in tandem with Micropub?
jacky, yes it could be used in tandem. My point is that we want a *better* UX
than just "in tandem"
in particular I want to make it as easy (or somehow easier) to "share" to your own website via Micropub, than share to some toxic silo
I think there is a moral imperative to *not* just make it easier for users to share to toxic destinations
I am making this argument to any implementer who will listen
[chrisaldrich], benwerd, [Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
just fixed RSVPs to display once again on my event posts regardless of whether you webmention the http or https version of the event post! e.g. https://tantek.com/2019/107/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf
thanks to the target[]=...&target[]=... option of webmention.io
KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
how des webshare compare to micropub though? one is a share target (micropub) and the other is a client sharing (webshare)
[Rose], Guest48409, snarfed, jgmac1106[m], astrojuanlu[m], zoglesby, grantcodes[m], plindner[m], Rixon, myfreeweb, jamietanna[m] and ketudb[m] joined the channel
anyone currently get facebook email notifications for comments, likes, etc? i'm trying to test something but for the life of me i can't get FB to send me any.
jbove and [tantek] joined the channel
Ruxton, in both cases they are trying to solve the same/similar use-case of a user wants to post something somewhere
cweiske, swentel and [Rose] joined the channel
[tantek]: but one is a specific service to handle posting and one is a generic request for all the available services on a device?
either way they are more or less suited to handling the same use-case of a user publishing to the web, and they are more or less biased towards reinforcing big silos
the way I understand it is web share is a share OF a web site, doesn't have to go TO a website.. and that's why see them different. Micropub enforces the "how to share to a site" and webshare is the "call to share a wbe site to somewhere".. maybe I'm missing somethng here though?
yes the key piece missing there is the context of those capabilities
in the current context "share OF" is implied to go to a silo, and that's a bad steering of users given the current toxic silo messes
gRegorLove joined the channel
is that context of it being to a silo specifically implied somewhere in Webshare?
yes, the existing "share" UIs in some browsers that allow you to pick a silo to share to
the ecosystem has that (poor) assumption currently, reinforcing that (lowering the barrier for that) makes it worse
is there one that's static and not-extensible? both iOS and Android share are hookable, eg. when I navigator.share indigenous is there
Yeah, works on Android with indigenous
(well, some data got lost, but I assume that's my micropub endpoint being not great)
(can't investigate right now)
sknebel, hmm, what kind of data do you mean?
swentel: title isn't carrying from webshare to indigenous
Two things: the share intent sent a text + url, and when I selected bookmark it put text and url in the URL field
Ruxton, in android?
swentel: yup
And after moving it to the title field the title didn't make it to my site, but I'm fairly sure that one is on me
Ruxton, oh, so like the title of a web page ? which should go into the title field then for instance?
and url in url field obviously
swentel: yup spot on
Ruxton, interesting, didn't really know the share intent sent two things
always assumed it was only url or so
will check that out!
swentel: it can send entire objects
sknebel, mm yeah, it should be in the payload (unless I did something wrong, you never know of course)
As I said, probably my bug
Ruxton, ok, opened an issue, will look at that tomorrow, free day :)
KartikPrabhu and [Ana_R] joined the channel
Ruxton, if there are other things that bother you, feel free to open issues :)
swentel: i submit PR's when things bother me ;P
even better :)
jeremych_ and jjuran joined the channel
!tell snarfed I don't get emails for likes or comments from FB, because I sol seldom post there, but I do get notice of other people's postings. Any use?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jjuran, [grantcodes], [Rose], [kevinmarks786], [jgmac1106], [tonz] and eli_oat joined the channel
this is what I don't understand if I check my Matrix it says the room name is #freenode_#indieweb-dev:matrix.org but then when I search Riot.im for that room it says no room available
i had to figure it out at some point as I joined the rooms
How many feed links on a page is too many?
figured it out exclude the freenode when searching within the client
GWG depends, are all different format/purpose?
in that case there is no too many
or if there is, you'll be the test site to break readers :)
I just added jsonfeed to the headers on every page.
Don't need microformats as the page is a feed, although I have to document some thoughts on that for feed discovery
I don't have feed links on article sites
only on the collection type pages
so home and categories
Well, my only question is should I remove alternative feed links
Although not enough people support it
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
I put a handful of feeds in my h-card, and put my last three articles as an h-feed on my home page
I stop posting collections as a feed as more people seemed to be doing them as nested h-entries
I am looking at feeds right now
All feeds
How to represent a like in RSS, for example
don't bother?
why can't you simply use the title and the body text of your like as entry in rss?
as you do for every other page, too?
aaronpk, back to complaints it looks weird in feed readers
Thought I would come up with a simple summary
likes don't have titles
i mean why not just leave them out of RSS entirely since there is no indication that RSS readers are going to adapt and people seem to not even want "other peoples" content in RSS feeds they're following
What's wrong with fallback content like "bookmark of: title" as the title?
I believe I just dump the full HTML of my post (which I render and cache anyway) into my RSS feed :P
including all microformats
then the like shows up as my likes show up on my site.
[eddie] joined the channel
Yeah, if you are going to put likes in feeds, I think that is the best way. High fidelity information. "So and so liked a tweet" isn't that helpful. But if you can provide the post owner, an excerpt from the post, etc. That ups the quality of that post
The general rule of thumb, is most people scrolling through a reader don't want to click out to different web pages
So for me, I ask myself if I have enough content in the post for it to be of value without clicking out. If not, I don't include it in JSON/RSS feeds
I don't currently include likes, bookmarks, etc. Because I don't feel that I store enough relevant information about them in my system yet
However for RSS/JSON Feed, since they don't know about checkins and watch posts, etc, I like sebsel, include the HTML in the content that would be on my site
I only ever include a title in RSS feed if it's an article (or I guess a podcast episode)
yea, if they want richer info, use my mf2-feed
for me bookmarks are my most popular feed and people DO want to click through to the think bookmarked
and i love following the links to people's likes...though I am usually following their mf2 feed for that
I hate it when shares/bookmarks turn up in aaronpk's feed
I have the feeling he doesn't have any own content anymore
(the articles feed)
if you're following my articles feed, you should *only* get posts i write
my home page has an occasional repost, but as you can see here I barely ever repost stuff https://aaronparecki.com/reposts
[jgmac1106]: but your bookmarks also include commentary that you write, right? That is different from most like posts, which are just “I like {link}
then i need to find the feed that caused my impression
like for the whole feed? oops
and everytime I see an indie news entry, I see aarons icon
oh funny, the author of the whole feed there appears to be the author of the first entry
so probably the first time your reader fetched it, it was me, and then it's cached that
sometimes [Zegnat] but usually just a bunch of hashtags for categorizing..maybe a sentence or two
that's really strange
must be using the favicon from the feed author URL
so how do I tell granary a better author to use?
I told tt-rss to forget the feed icon
i'm guessing this is because there's no author property on the h-feed on that page?
there is an h-feed with its own name and URL though, so granary should maybe use that?
aaronpks bookmark feed through granary is really bad, with the only text content being the location he posted from :D
checks the mf2 on his bookmarks
huh it looks pretty rich to me
does granary not know about the bookmark-of property?
even still, there's a "name" property on the posts
oh it's getting the name, but missing anything useful in the content, i see
if you add reader=false to the granary URL then the location isn't used in the content
[Rose] and [jgarber] joined the channel
Good morning/afternoon/evening!
Any and all contributions are much appreciated!
If anyone has a few seconds to spare, I’m collecting real world examples of use of the HTTP Link header on this GitHub Issue: https://github.com/jgarber623/link-header-parser-ruby/issues/3
[jgarber623] #3 Data Collection Request: sample HTTP Link headers
KartikPrabhu and [calumryan] joined the channel
how hard is it to not use a shared host? seems like I will always run into some undiagoneasble error and default answer is, "I don't know must be a shared hosting thing"
On WP I couldn't send webmentions, with Known I can't use Bridgy Fed, running into stuff with Kirby now where it works in my local dev environment but not to when I push to a server
so you're not pro enough to use shared hosting :)
Kirby should be pretty straight forward PHP, what is it that isn’t working?
yeah how much harder can it be to spin up a server on AWS and add EC@ an s3 bucket..and just point o my domains.....but there is probably a bunch of maintenance and skill costs involved I am unaware about...
not sure and it works locally, when I save my notes in their panel the notes.txt file comes up blank
Definitely, and also AWS is not the first place I'd send someone new to running servers. There's lots of AWS specific admin tax stuff
...but its also not really designed for shared hosting environments
thanks shared hosting it is...just keeps being the default reason poeople give me for stuff not working
Kirby is (or definitely was) definitely designed to run on shared hosting
That was a reason for several database-less CMS to come to life in the first place.
Feels like you should file an issue with the kirby folks and see if someone can help you solve it if their panel fails
working on this now, really liking Kirby..and I am only on day 3-4 of hacking on it..should be expected takes time to solve regular bugs
yeah +1 for their customer service team as well they have been helping....and I am not a paying customer (yet) https://forum.getkirby.com/t/trouble-editing-the-notes-template/14409
Now that Kirby has the panel as a back-end interface, I wonder if IndieAuth becomes feasible as a plugin. Hmmmmmm.
sebsel just uses micropub clients and ignores the panel that is an intriguing idea
I am just going through and adding mf2 to their templates...finished notes....once they start saving
!tell [jgmac1106] I have a VPS on Dreamhost and the tax really isn't that huge. I've run into a couple of issues, like the CLI version of PHP being different to the one on web pages, but they have usually been relatively easy to resolve.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
yeah switching PHP versions and also having terminal access CPanel without worrying about SSH is a nie time saver on ReClaim
if interested here is the notes template: https://github.com/jgmac1106/gregkirbyv3/blob/master/site/templates/note.php starting on the article and blog templates next..then go back to notes and add a field for replies....
Kirby always had a panel as a back-end interface, but the one in Kirby 3 should be more extensible than ever (the one in 2 was already quite extensible!)
super cool, but may want to follow your idea and not even think bout a publishing UI
took a break and now trying to to add an alt text that isn't the title of a post in Known photo post types
my reason for ditching the panel is that is was incompatible with my folder structure of 2019/149/1 (year/dayofyear/postofday). Micropub made that less cumbersome to work with
snarfed joined the channel
will go back and work on the panel for the blog interface next...if I can make blogs, photos, and notes can probably make templates for other post types...all this started bc I wanted a simple guestbook on my website that saved in txt files...atleast I know enough now I can do that
swentel and snarfed1 joined the channel
sounds like you want one template per post type? Kirby might serve you well there.
I wanted one template to serve all the post types, depending on which fields are present.
that's not really working for the panel :P
but if you like the idea of picking your post type and have a separate template for each, yes, that will work with the panel nicely
snarfed and jackjamieson joined the channel
I would prefer your approach and rely on post type discovery but that seems a bit out of my reach where I now have enough skills to just make templates for every post type
does your panel recognize difference for top level h-* or do you just publish h-entries?
I mean template not panel
its also just the mindset of how things have worked for me, Known always had post types, WP always post kinds, but tantek was suggesting not templating either
I have two templates: entry.php and event.php, but I believe event.php is just `require "./event.php";` iirc
eh `require entry` ofc
But I wanted to move away from that, even, and store the distinction in a `type` field, to be more in line with Micropub vocab
do you keep it in a repo I can look at?
I like having all the information *inside* of the file, not encoded in the filenmae
makes sense
sorry, no, that part is closed source. I had the nice idea of using Kirby's HTML helpers for entry.php, so it's full of `$inner = new Brick('div', ['class' => 'h-entry']);` stuff..
I might not do that again :P
snarfed joined the channel
but it comes down to a lot of if's and else's, and spitting out HTML depending on fields that are present.
sounds good and best of luck, having fun as I learn
I will stick with templating for now, sicnce it a lesson PHP basics for me, but your idea of no variables in the html and having a field for everything is quite intriguing
I don't understand the difference between ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc on OSX. I have PATH set in bashrc but when I open a new Terminal, I get the same old $PATH unless I do source ~/.bashrc. I do not seem to have a ~/.profile. do I need to create ~/.profile and put my PATH in there to have it be set every time I open Terminal? (All the online answers just confuse me further.)
[tantek] joined the channel
Re: RSS and like/bookmark posts, I’d advise against it. From my experience with putting likes in Atom, it’s pretty universal that people are annoyed by them when seeing them in old style RSS readers or even in micro.blog which is modern yet doesn’t do anything special with likes
There’s a whole thread on it in micro.blog re my likes there that convinced me
Not necessarily for a main feed, but bookmark feeds are common enough
And I wouldn't have called out Aaron's if I didn't use it
For a separate feed sure
I still keep all my likes in my main discoverable Atom feed in my site, presuming that anyone who chooses to follow me / my site directly can choose to configure their reader or choose a reader that handles it fine
It’s the folks that follow elsewhere that have different expectations, eg following me on Twitter or micro.blog etc, so for those it makes sense for the burden to be on me to pick the appropriate subset for the destination
benwerd and snarfed joined the channel
sebsel or anyone really what syntax is this, (link: https://jgregorymcverry.com text: link) I have never seen it before
[sebsel] joined the channel
it is called KirbyText
uggh first minus I would give.....the world does not need more
benwerd joined the channel
okay read it..that isn't too bad
benwerd_, [tonz], snarfed, benwerd and [grantcodes] joined the channel
uggg alll ttime spent trying to diagnose what I did wrong in making tempaltes in Kirby and I did not know you had to hit save before publish
snarfed and benwerd joined the channel
[tantek]: Re the feed issue, I read the thread
[tantek] joined the channel
I find your likes less than helpful in my RSS reader
I don't know if I want to click through
I like tanteks and Jeremy Kieth's likes (post similar) in my feed, because they have credibility currency I assume I want to click through
I meant I would like a title or such.
So more context to decide. I can't read everything
but my fav is something like you do GWG with the plugin where the url get's parsed and I get extra info like a title and summary (usually from OGP is my guess)
That's why I did it
More preference
If I like something and it happens to be an mf2 feed I would like the p-name, u-featured (if phoo included) and p-summary just parsed and included without me doing anything...would fall back on OGP for sites outside of community
tantek gave it a lot of thought
why its Indieweb do what you want on your site
I do that in Parse This, which is powering Post Kinds and Yarns
I just was giving feedback
me too and agreeing with you as well
I set Micropub to when a bookmark or like is published to add all of that automatically
just wondering if this could happen automatically on the reader side using the JSON, RSS, OGP or mf2. Not having to include a parser in the design of your personal site is kinda nice
It could. But that is the opposite of Microsub
yeah your micropub bookmarks work better than anyone's IMO...but I have same design preference so it is an opinion
okay way past my boundaries of knowledge, just know whether on author or client I like title, featured image, and summary included under any liked or bookmarked link
Of course, no reader or endpoint for Microsub does context yet
I am not sure if it is an issue for Aperture
benwerd, snarfed and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
embedly++ for reply contexts, etc
embedly has 1 karma over the last year
snarfed: jeremycherfas left you a message 9 hours, 56 minutes ago: I don't get emails for likes or comments from FB, because I sol seldom post there, but I do get notice of other people's postings. Any use?
jeremycherfas: nope, thx though
GWG, drupal microsub server is able to add context
configurable per channel
even per feed iirc (been a while since I checked heh)
[Ana_R] joined the channel
doubleloop++ for explaining things to me right now at HWC
doubleloop has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
swentel, what about displaying it
GWG, indigenous looks for 'references'/'refs' property on microsub item
display is not entirely perfect
it's sometimes confusing for me to see someone repost a tweet
but I can only figure that out by looking at the url that it's actually another user talking about something for instance
have some local experiments for that, testing that now a bit
[eddie] joined the channel
I have those in my parsing
benwerd, gxt, [frank], [grantcodes] and [schmarty] joined the channel
If I have an h-feed with a p-author h-card, a consumer of my feed should take that h-card as opposed to an h-card associated with an entry in the feed?
[Ana_R] joined the channel
Yes that sounds right
snarfed joined the channel
No the entry author should override for that entry
Because you can have a feed of posts from different authors
Same as Atom
Oh I was thinking about the opposite use case
the author of the feed should be the h-feed author property in that case
but the author of an individual entry should be overridden by the entry's author
I was thinking of cweiske's example where my favicon was showing up for every post from indienews because something messed up somewhere
leg and jackjamieson joined the channel
indeed, I think the opposite inference is potentially flawed (feed author is the same as an entry author)
There's uses for both but you can't mix them up
there's a discussion on microsub about this... entry author vs feed source
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
is there any new discussion beyond what feed readers already do for Atom?
seems like an opportunity to re-use rather than go back to first principles
[aaronpk] #13 Indicating Item Source
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Is that using atom:source?
Your issue looks like it is converging on that.
[arush], benwerd and [eddie] joined the channel
jacky is your use of h-cite on the in-reply-to on your RSVP post https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/135e0fcf-3973-4e47-9fc3-932a25b0fccf a new thing? or have you always done that?
I'm curious if webmention.io can handle looking for a in-reply-to URL on an h-cite like that
it's been there
I messed up putting the p-rsvp _within_ the in-reply-to
that _shouldn't_ have it tho
yeah it's on the outside now
jbove joined the channel