2019-07-07 UTC
# 00:12 Loqi jacky: [tantek] left you a message 9 hours, 49 minutes ago: a bit delayed, re: how to display reply content from others on your site, we've been collecting various how-tos, exampes, techniques here: https://indieweb.org/comments
# 00:13 jacky ooh interesting bit re: singular vs plural
valuemachine, gRegorLove, [wtmonroe], Ruthiarcos, [tantek] and [fluffy] joined the channel
# 05:42 [fluffy] [aaronpk] I’m getting pretty close to rolling out a version of Publ with IndieAuth support. Any chance I could get beesbuzz.biz added as a client ID so I can start using it on my own site? 🙂
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# 12:39 [jgmac1106] dns over https didn't break anything for IndieAuth for me, not that it should but just wanted to check
# 12:44 GWG Mozilla is the enemy of the people and all that
gRegorLove, ben_thatmustbeme, [wtmonroe], [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 15:05 jgmac1106 a new feature in firefox (dev 67.0.4) has me go to an open tab if I try to typt the same root domain in a new tab. Anyone know how to turn it off?
[tantek], ben_thatmustbeme, petermolnar, [davidmead], [grantcodes], valuemac_ and leg joined the channel
# 18:48 GWG I am still trying to conceptualize what modifications I need to get to AutoAuth
# 18:50 GWG sebsel, what are your stumbling blocks?
# 18:50 sebsel we had some discussions in Åmål about the differences between the normal IndieAuth token flow and this new token flow
# 18:51 sebsel to me, it feels like this is a totally different endpoint.
# 18:51 sebsel but I've been yakshaving myself into writing a token endpoint for the 'normal' flow first, to get to know the details better.
# 18:52 GWG I have the problem that tokens are tied to users on my platform
# 18:53 GWG So, someone getting a token from my endpoint must be a user right now.
# 18:53 GWG Having trouble reconciling that with unknowns
# 18:53 sebsel yea, I have that too, which is why I now write a new one.
# 18:54 GWG The simplest solution is to create users for external parties
# 18:54 sebsel This could also be an argument for 'this is a different endpoint'.
# 18:56 GWG I decided that I probably need to harden the security before allowing those users
# 18:56 sebsel I should be careful with my thinking here indeed. My mind wants to think of it as a different endpoint and seeks excuses to do so.
# 18:57 GWG My problem is that the token endpoint should be handling security, not the Micropub endpoint
# 18:58 GWG But I have a fundamental architecture issue
# 18:58 sebsel If you go to the basis of it, the token endpoint is just a place that takes a random string (the token) and maps it to a URL (the user the token represents) and some scopes. And it does the reverse: once it verified some steps, it gives out those tokens.
# 18:58 sebsel There is not really a notion of 'user' there, other than that URL.
# 18:59 GWG Correct, but that only works of you are on a platform that doesn't use users for permissions
# 19:00 sknebel well, you potentially could have a kind of "holding state" for URLs that currently do not map to users
# 19:00 GWG Also, look at the spec where it mentions user profiles
# 19:01 sknebel if we assume that *if* an user-URL is granted special access to something a user for it will be created
# 19:01 GWG For me, it is easier for that holding state to be a type of user
# 19:01 sknebel "Also, look at the spec where it mentions user profiles" - what do you mean?
# 19:02 sknebel true, but that doesn't have to 1:1 match your definition of a user
deathrow1 joined the channel
# 19:03 sknebel the "holding state" would in my mind be something like "this request has a confirmed identity attached, but they're not a user, so they're treated the same as an unauthenticated request"
# 19:04 GWG In the definition I am thinking of, a user would be a row in the user table. That allows it to be associated with arbitrary data like a user id, url, etc
# 19:04 sknebel right, and I'm not sure you want to add a user just because someone made an authenticated request
# 19:04 GWG If I don't do that, I have to change how I store tokens, as they are associated with the user id
# 19:05 GWG Well, I had the idea of adding users to represent people in my contact list for a long time
# 19:05 sknebel (unless you only give out tokens to users that actually exist as users in your system, but that also has pitfalls)
# 19:05 GWG So I could import their h-card, subscribe/update it, allow for private responses, etc
# 19:06 GWG Well, who should get authenticated posts if not people I trust?
# 19:07 GWG aaronpk at IWS was commenting on letting anyone authenticate so you know who is reading your feed
# 19:08 GWG Which is an interesting idea... I am oversimplifying that conversation
# 19:08 sknebel it also enables people to follow you, including private posts, even if your system doesn't know them yet
# 19:08 GWG So, back to the system automatically creating unprivileged users
# 19:09 sknebel otherwise their (e.g.) reader would have to regularly attempt to auth, even if it has been failing for a long time, to make sure to catch the moment they're added
# 19:09 GWG Is there a risk in adding a user who has no permissions that I could escalate over time?
# 19:09 sknebel could be an annoyance - many users added you don't actually care about
# 19:10 sebsel I have no knowledge of the wp_users table, but to me it feels like you want a different table for this info.
# 19:10 sknebel bugs that allow escalation from any existing user now can become relevant
# 19:11 sebsel From the token, you can get an identifier for the user, and all you have to do is anwer the question: can this user see this post?
[tantek] joined the channel
# 19:11 sebsel showing feeds is a different problem then. But it almost feels like a taxonomy (if we're talking WP terms)
# 19:13 sebsel A user_id, a row in the wp_users table, a profile URL... they are all not users, but just identifiers for a user (as in a human)
# 19:13 sknebel but if WP has the infrastructure to handle this for WP users, it makes sense to use it
# 19:16 GWG Which is why I will probably invest time in locking it down
# 19:16 sebsel and with 'the infrastructure' you mean WP's login form?
# 19:17 sknebel I'm assuming concepts for post permissions etc tied to users also already exist
# 19:18 sebsel yea there is this 'subscriber' role, I believe. But again I'm no expert.
# 19:19 GWG roles are just a collection of permissions
# 19:20 sebsel a different angle on this: as a user, it is a nice feature to have a page with all my tokens, so I can revoke them.
# 19:21 sebsel but here, the admin / writer of the blog, would be the one who wants to seee those tokens as well (?)
# 19:21 sebsel hm, but there can be value in seeing my tokens on your site, as a reader, as well.
[wtmonroe] joined the channel
# 19:29 sknebel sebsel: for the reader, that's something the auth endpoint can provide
# 19:31 sknebel although I guess it might not know all attached detail, so a way of viewing them on the other side could still be useful
# 19:32 sknebel it's an interesting question what kind of interface a site operator would need/want
# 19:33 GWG I think talking IndieAuth UI would be a great conversation
# 19:34 GWG I mirrored a lot of what I was seeing others doing, with a little original UI
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# 19:41 GWG I have a token revokation admin page already
# 19:41 GWG What I need is one for admins that can show all users
# 19:42 sknebel question is: when would you revoke a users token as the admin?
# 19:44 GWG But admins should know what tokens are issued on the system
# 19:45 sknebel if you remove a users permissions, the token shouldn't matter (although a system might choose to automatically revoke tokens based on it?)
jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 19:46 sknebel I guess for things like Micropub it makes sense, e.g. "service X is suddenly spamming broken posts, let's kill their token and not wait for the user to do it"
# 19:47 sknebel I'm less sure it's important for read-only users, but still could be a thing
# 19:49 sebsel yea, so: only create the user in the table once they have permissions attached
# 19:49 GWG sknebel, right now, the system will issue tokens for scopes that reflect permissions the user doesn't have
# 19:49 GWG It will fail when you try to use it
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# 19:50 GWG So, I have a lot of little things to handle around that
# 19:50 sebsel the token is telling you: this is X who is viewing this. And you say: well X, I don’t know you and I don’t have any, so here is just the normal homepage
# 19:50 GWG I want to uncheck the scope on the authorize page if you don't have it
# 19:51 GWG Or rather, disable it automatically.
# 19:51 GWG Either way, scope improvements are needed.
# 19:52 GWG But, assuming I get past that stumbling block, I also need to build that private and public setup you mentioned.
# 19:52 GWG So, lot of security hardening to make this work for me.
# 19:52 GWG Which, what did you call it? Shaving?
# 20:00 sebsel well if it's actual work it's not yak shaving. Yak shaving is doing the things you think are required, but are actually just keeping you from the real stuff.
# 20:01 sknebel sebsel: which, as far as I know, is actually not the original definition of yak shaving
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 20:03 sebsel hm then I'm using it wrong. Either way, I'm procrastinating by building a token endpoint instead of doing real AutoAuth.
# 20:04 Loqi [sknebel] #18 Pass data via Token Request vs Authorization Code Verification response?
dougbeal|imac, lyon[m] and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 21:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
valuemachine, [KevinMarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel