#dev 2019-07-13

2019-07-13 UTC
what is App Engine
Google App Engine is a an application hosting service that supports several programming languages https://indieweb.org/App_Engine
Basically that. Does cool stuff like autoscaling to zero, and it's effectively free for low traffic sites
There are bunch of IndieWeb related services that people have running on App Engine: https://indieweb.org/App_Engine#IndieWeb_Examples but you might be the first person here actually running your personal site on App Engine!
what's your site URL?
so what stuff is needed server side to support indieauth?
@cameron1 I have an IndieAuth-et-al library for Python that’s in early alpha right now, if you want to give it a whirl. https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Authl
[PlaidWeb] Authl: A library for managing federated identity
It currently relies on IndieLogin.com to do IndieAuth but at some point I’ll make it do its own IndieAuth flow.
supports flask too - that's great
yeah, Flask is my main platform of choice 🙂
I'm using Flask btw too
it's handy because I host dozens of services on my website
the Flask endpoint stuff that it provides is geared towards using a session cookie for managing auth, and presently makes it a persistent cookie for Reasons although I’ll probably make that configurable.
also the downside to using IndieLogin.com is that you need to register your app with it (or run your own instance) and there’s no fast way of doing that; basically you need to ask [aaronpk] and hope he gets around to it 🙂
so how does the protocol work?
what does IndieLogin provide?
IndieAuth itself is a modification of OAuth2, which allows a mechanism for unattended application registration.
IndieLogin is a wrapper around IndieAuth and RelMeAuth.
ahh yeah I've added rel me tags to my site
The reason I’m writing Authl is that those two use cases didn’t cover all the bases for me and I wanted to be able to support magic email links and other OAuth-based providers (e.g. Mastodon, Twitter) directly rather than via RelMeAuth.
magic email links are great, I hope they see more adoption at some point
I have mixed feelings about them but they’re nice to have all the same.
so from what I gather, IndieLogin is a 3rd party which confirms your link between your domain & regular oauth accounts?
It’s easy to get confused with the terminology, and I’m fairly new to this world myself so let me see if I can do a better job of explaining…
Ah it just seemed to me that IndieLogin was a way of avoiding running your own OAuth server
IndieAuth is a federated identity protocol built on OAuth, which allows for people to use an OAuth login flow to verify their ownership of a domain to identify themselves to someone else.
RelMeAuth is a federated identity protocol using rel=“me” links on your website to say “ask this other provider to tell you who I am”
IndieLogin is a *consumer* of IndieAuth and RelMeAuth
there is ninka by bear for Python indieauth https://github.com/bear/ninka not sure how up-to-date it is
[bear] ninka: 認可 - ninka - permission, license, to approve, permit
so like, if you want to identify yourself to other sites, you can use IndieAuth and/or RelMeAuth on your site. Since you’ve set up rel=“me” links you already have a de facto RelMeAuth provider set up.
There are plenty of self-hostable or third-party IndieAuth providers as well.
If you want other people to identify themselves *to* you, you need to consume IndieAuth and/or RelMeAuth, and IndieLogin.com makes that easier.
for things like commenting I'm assuming?
Commenting is typically done via WebMention
At least in an IndieWeb context.
private posts is a use-case
My interest in consuming auth (and why I’m writing Authl) is for private posts.
IndieAuth is also used for other things like providing authentication for MicroPub and MicroSub, which are rabbit holes you don’t have to go down just yet 🙂
one of my plans before I discovered IndieWeb was to integrate Standard Notes with my site, have a specific tag for public posts and automate everything around that
That sounds like it might be a use case for MicroPub.
right now everything is currently stored in markdown files which are read into memory & parsed when the server boots
heh, that’s not too different from how Publ (my Flask-based CMS) works
ah that's cool
The way I’m doing private posts in Publ is I’m setting up identity/permissions groups that basically just say “If someone authenticates as this identifier, let ’em see it.” With a bit more fine-grained control than that but that’s the tl;dr anyway.
And I’m just storing it in a text config file that gets read whenever someone authenticates.
[fluffy]: you should add Publ to https://indieweb.org/projects and possibly document it on its own page :P
so does your CMS allow editing content?
as in, built right into the system
Yes, by checking in new markdown files to git 😛
Someday I’ll write an integrated post editor but that’s a low priority for me
yup - same here, ah so I understand your use case a bit more now
@KartikPrabhu It very much has its own page on the wiki 😛
[fluffy]: then link to it from /projects :) where all shall be collected
yeah working on that now
might not need to build your own editor if you support micropub
micropub doesn’t really fit my use cases
hmm interesting
I’m more about long-form blogging and things that don’t fit neatly into the fire-and-forget “send a basic media attachment” model
take a look at my website, http://beesbuzz.biz/
yes loqi
aah yes, same reason I don't use micropub. I write the HTML by hand
#IndieWeb’s mission envisions a web that uses standards like Webmention to marry the powerful technologies and diverse cultures of the modern internet with the original promise of what we once called the world-wide web. https://buff.ly/2YM8UEE @JmacDotOrg
do you use any kind of server-side templating for that?
I do. I use Django and its templating system, but a lot of the long-form stuff is just HTML
cameron1: just saw your posts in the main channel. Instead of IndieAuth, I would actually start by 1) posting/publising to your website 2) Webmentions for responses 3) POSSE (which I do manually using bridgy)
bridgy will also send a webmention for replies/likes etc... to posts you have syndicated to (say) Twitter
KartikPrabhu, I think IndieAuth support is a fine place to start with where cameron1 is (and in terms of scratching your own itches 🙂 ) - plus then he can sign-in to the wiki!
[tantek]: cameron1 of course all of these can be implemented in any order :P
I was thinking more in terms of "getting an 'social media' type stuff on your site"
also I have found Webmentions much easier to do that all the IndieAuth dance (which I still only barely understand)
yeah webmentions give you a huge bang for the buck for indieweb
also that ^
and cameron already has RelMeAuth implemented, so can therefore login to the wiki 🙂
for webmention I just suggest using webmention.io as your endpoint. It’s really easy to use, and I also have a client-side javascript library (webmention.js) that’ll work with it.
Although supporting it server-side isn’t a terrible option either.
yes. you can start by off-loading it to webmention.io and then build your own and switch to it
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[KartikPrabhu] POSSE was a concept I was already starting to implement with some CLI tools, though bridgy looks much more of an elegant solution
I'm curious - how big is this community?
cameron1: that'
*that's hard to measure
largely because it's not like people 'check' in
what is indiemap?
indie map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset, made by Ryan Barrett and launched at IndieWeb Summit 2017 https://indieweb.org/indiemap
that gives an estimation ^
So still quite small, but fun
cameronbrown[m] joined the channel
I'm pretty surprised that I'm still pretty close to the centre of the indiemap. Maybe the connections should decay with time
algorithm all the things!
good job Loqi
oh man ckeditor is awesome
never using anything else
specifically ckeditor 5
How does one end up on IndieMap, anyway? As far as I can tell I’m not on it.
neither am I
looks like it was last updated in 2017, which is well before I started getting involved.
I think it was run once and not again
[cleverdevil] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
yes we need to kindly request [snarfed] to operationalize it to run annually in mid June so we can report on it every Summit 🙂
eli_oat, gxt and amz3 joined the channel
is spending his night before going out trying to get a nice enough interface for his editor
KartikPrabhu, gxt and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Cameron1 if you want appengine based webmention you can use mention.tech (or clone some of the code into your site)
[kevinmarks] mentiontech: webmention experiment
Once again not being able to wrap my head around webmentions. Especially the sending webmentions part. I don’t understand the success criteria for the http://webmention.rocks tests. I get the first couple discovery tests to pass (1–9), but the rest don’t work.
↩️ And with all that, we haven’t opened the can of worms that is “How does your mom send me webmentions?”.
Обнаружил, что получение любого webmention'а к посту, где есть не-ASCII символы, ломает внутренний поиск по сайту: https://github.com/idno/known/issues/2490 Грызу локти: до чего же плохо не знать PHP! (https://evgenykuznetsov.org/s/1yYcEu)
↩️ @kleinfreund She replies on twitter and http://brid.gy sends you webmentions.
↩️ @kleinfreund She replies on twitter and http://brid.gy sends you webmentions.
[KevinMarks] and [fluffy] joined the channel
(no public demo of private posts yet, that’ll come later)
djmoch and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong with my basic grid here: https://buildyourfirstaboutmepage.glitch.me/ Can't get the h1 to start in column 4 row 2
what CSS are you using? There don't seem to be any layout styles on the h1
tried to define the grid placement on <div class="headerTitle">
also CSS grid only affects direct children of the element which has the grid
and then styled h1 using .headerTitle h1
so in your case, the h1 won't work since the grid is defined on the "wrappper"
you can use display: contents on the ".hederTitle" to essentially get rid of it from the layout. But then you can't use some styles or a fragment link on that element
discord[m]2 joined the channel
!discord bridge 475789330380488707/588731025547591690
Kartha joined the channel
Kartha10, UtopicUnicorn[m] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
there's a lifestyle account? lol
amptwo joined the channel
if anyone wants to help me break something, check out https://publish.koype.net/
it has some basic support for editing and handle media uploads as well
should put a feature listing on the homepage as well as submit some implementation reports
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I get an internal server error logging in jacky
oh it couldn't read your h-card
hmm I get this same problem when I try to capture webmentions from your site as well
goes to debug
Should even really be necessary for a micropub client
it isn't but in order to make the experience a bit more personal, I show your image and name in a few places
Yep fair enough
hm this is a library issue (which is good because it'll fix it everywhere else)
but just going to take a wee bit more time to debug
wow micropub.rocks is very sensitive to trailing slashes, eh?
OH nvm
so the micropub endpoint is precise (i.e: a trailing slash changes the URL)
my micropub client was adding a slash
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
It works nicely for me on my iPad, @jacky. Its really nice!
Haven’t actually published, and it doesn’t seem to let me set visibility, but an awesome start.
sigh... apparently artstation went behind cloudflare. When you request something like https://www.artstation.com/users/%s/likes.json?page=%s without accepting cookies, you get a captcha page, or at least with python requests, you do.
the more I see about cloudflare the more I think they are bad for the internet in the long run
oh yeah everything in the sidebar sans the "Save" button is useless lol for now
petermolnar: tbh I'm conflicted with cloudflare
they're helpful when it comes to protection
but when it's used blindly (like this) then it's trash
[cleverdevil]: thank you! if there's any presentation issues, lemme know - aiming to nail the UX
I'm starting to hate the post-gdpr/post DDOS-for-hire world; oath and it's idiots who put rss feeds behind gdpr consent which can be bypassed using 'googlebot' as user agent, cloudflare who thinks you're a bot if you don't accept cookies
maybe we really do should go back to gopher
agh 'bearer' _has_ to be "Bearer"
fixed it: in short, instead of pure requests.get, use requests.session and fire of a dummy call first to init session cookies
also copy request headers from a "real" browser
they want you to hold a session to track you?
eg firefox
oh the user-agent stuff
you need both to look like a real browser - agent, accept headers, etc - plus hold a session cookie
otherwise you get a captcha page
but this is so ridiculously simple to bypass
why even bother?
I mean if I was able to figure it out in ~15 minutes
amptwo joined the channel
it's them giving you a ID of sorts to be more fingerprintable
(because they're probably assuming you won't change that header once you set it or clear out that session often - I don't)
all speculation of course on my end
amptwo and gxt joined the channel
hmm a lot of the tests are expected form encoded requests
well no
just that syndication ones are specific to form encoded
anyone has a saved deviantart image url? Could you please try if it still works? I have a bad feeling; I see wix url returned for images, and knowing wix they didn't bother to retrofit the old scheme
petermolnar: you mean hotlinked images from deviantart? just checked a few on some random googled forum and seems those still work
interesting urls "/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()"
ack, thank you
I still can't get over the DA redesign though
to make it look so much like artstation that one can actually mix up the two
New post: Plaidophile: My webmention endpoint wish list https://beesbuzz.biz/6982
h2[m] and [fluffy] joined the channel
oh yeah I have post privacy working too. http://beesbuzz.biz/8011
[jgmac1106], [schmarty] and jjuran joined the channel
[fluffy] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
I had briefly turned on github notifications for Publ and quickly learned that with your progress speed thats... inbox-filling :D
KartikPrabhu joined the channel