2019-07-15 UTC
KartikPrabhu, BenLubar, [fluffy], [tantek], [xavierroy], kanej[m]2, Lilz|BetaMe[m], lyon[m], cameronbrown[m], phynite[m], myfreeweb, plindner[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, pierreboc[m], vasa[m], Tianyi[m], M[AXEL]Darr[m], Nebulous[m], iiogama[m], mattl, Kongaloosh, jgmac1106[m], swedneckpermaweb, eddy[m], grantcodes[m], Swedneck_, carsonfarmer[m], fozzie[m], jenncloud[m], drshamoon[m], omz13[m], jee[m], Keegen[m], romaric[m], mikeal[m], drbh[m], Lolicon[m], andrewxhill[m], npfoss[m], discord[m], freethinkingaway and skippy joined the channel
[tonz] joined the channel
# 07:54 [tonz] In WordPress all webmentions end up in the same moderation queue as local comments, so maybe tying it into your comment flow is an option.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 07:57 [grantcodes] !tell jacky updating replies should already be technically possible with micropub updates on the `comment` property. But I think it would be much more complicated - both UI and tech wise - than editing most other micropub properties.
# 07:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
discord[m], swedneckpermaweb, Kongaloosh, freethinkingaway, drbh[m], jenncloud[m], eddy[m], fozzie[m], Keegen[m], romaric[m], Lolicon[m], grantcodes[m], jgmac1106[m], drshamoon[m], npfoss[m], andrewxhill[m], Swedneck_, mattl, jee[m], omz13[m], mikeal[m], carsonfarmer[m], Nebulous[m], lyon[m], iiogama[m], phynite[m], Tianyi[m], M[AXEL]Darr[m], plindner[m], vasa[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, Lilz|BetaMe[m], kanej[m]2, pierreboc[m], cameronbrown[m], myfreeweb, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
James|Colony[m], gxt and uDmThnVng[m] joined the channel
gxt, eli_oat and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 14:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
# 14:59 sknebel hi [Rose]! just wondered that I hadn't seen you in a while :D
# 15:26 [Rose] Hehe, broken ankle, parents visiting, hospital trips, not a lot of time has been available for writing code sadly.
# 15:26 [Rose] (Plus the wrist muscles didn't like typing for quite some time. Now it's just my thumbs which dislike typing, and who needs spaces?)
# 15:29 sknebel [Rose]: assumed something like this. Hope you're feeling better now overall
# 15:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[mJordan] joined the channel
# 15:50 [mJordan] [schmarty] sweet! I'm slowly figuring it out. Thanks for the tips 🙂
leg joined the channel
[tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
# 16:30 jacky !tell [grantcodes] wait do you mean using MY micropub server to modify the visibility of a reply I've replied? If so, that's interesting - my server wouldn't be able to handle that
# 16:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:30 Loqi jacky: [grantcodes] left you a message 8 hours, 33 minutes ago: updating replies should already be technically possible with micropub updates on the `comment` property. But I think it would be much more complicated - both UI and tech wise - than editing most other micropub properties.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 16:53 [grantcodes] Well I think you should be able to update your content and moderate comments using the existing API.
# 16:54 [grantcodes] But it would probably be difficult. Especially if you're not storing everything in pure mf2
gRegorLove and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 17:10 [snarfed] gRegorLove yes! all ideally. i added that a bit ago, intentionally. is it causing a problem?
[benatwork] joined the channel
# 17:13 gRegorLove Yeah. I think I spoke too soon though. I'll dig into it more.
# 17:14 Loqi [snarfed] i have a narrow niche use case for the proxy html+mf2 pages that bridge services like bridgy and bridgy fed render for silo posts
# 17:15 [snarfed] specifically, aaronpk said "i'm not sure about the meta redirect question," "but a JS redirect seems like a safe alternative," which i foolishly ignored
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 18:29 [tantek] let's not make WM receivers follow meta redirects please
[aarongustafson] joined the channel
# 18:41 Loqi [bokand] ScrollToTextFragment: Proposal to allow specifying a text snippet in a URL fragment
# 18:41 aaronpk ooh hey they did link to it in the "related work" section!
# 18:42 Loqi [snarfed] #253 support HTML meta http-equiv=refresh redirects
# 18:47 [snarfed] hmm. the language there is "MUST fetch the target URL (and follow redirects [FETCH])"
# 18:48 [snarfed] and the language for receiving is "MUST perform an HTTP GET request on source, following any HTTP redirects"
# 18:48 [snarfed] so "HTTP" is the distinction btw discovery and receivers, and is meant to be deliberate?
# 18:48 [snarfed] might be worth elaborating, but you and aaronpk know that balance in specs better than me
[fluffy] and leg joined the channel
# 20:10 [tantek] snarfed, short answer, if you follow the [FETCH] ref, it provides more precision around how to handle HTTP redirects
# 20:10 [tantek] I believe the language for receiving should have also said "follow redirects [FETCH])
# 20:11 [tantek] which both end up being "handle HTTP redirects as defined more precisely by Fetch"
# 20:19 Loqi [snarfed] #253 support HTML meta http-equiv=refresh redirects
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 21:07 Loqi gRegorLove has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)
# 23:04 GWG I have many things to think about.
# 23:04 GWG I feel the desire to talk about some Indieweb concept right now
[benatwork] joined the channel
# 23:10 GWG Reading tantek's commentary on determining the primary h-feed
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 23:14 GWG Is there any grounds to change it from you can optionally use h-feed to we recommend you use h-feed?
# 23:22 GWG I am just wondering what the criteria is for recommending people make my consumption easier
# 23:26 GWG Should it be a recommendation? I think optional suggests it isn't widely adopted as a thing
# 23:28 GWG When did Firefox remove native RSS support? Probably should be on that page too
# 23:41 [tantek] "consumer" usually means a person *consuming* some capitalist good or service / experience
# 23:41 GWG To make your intent more explicit?
# 23:41 [tantek] in that regard, the statement is inaccurate and doesn't convey what you intend
# 23:42 [tantek] try to use "consuming applications" instead as that should be sufficiently precise to convey the meaning you want
# 23:42 [tantek] which can refer to software or people, and in typical meaning (non-jargon), is interpreted as a human
# 23:43 [tantek] so if you want the more obscure (tech jargon) meaning, you should use a more precise term / phrase
# 23:43 GWG Is the feed page a good page to discuss my issues or brainstorms on h-feed or elsewhere?
# 23:43 GWG I always wonder if I should write on my site first
# 23:44 [tantek] even if we fix that phrase to: "easier for consuming applications" it still has a problem
# 23:44 GWG I am still contemplating what we discussed at IWS about better feeds
# 23:44 [tantek] which is that it fails to actually provide a self-interest appeal to the person you want to take the action
# 23:45 [tantek] why should a publisher care one second about making things "easier" for someone/something else?
# 23:45 GWG I assume a publisher wants me to read their work
# 23:46 [tantek] there is benefit to the publisher, it's just that "easier for the consuming application" fails to convey that benefit
# 23:46 GWG So the motivated self interest is better display in readers
# 23:47 [tantek] "better display" is better than "easier for [the other guy]"
# 23:48 [tantek] even better would be something more specific than "better display" because the next question is better display how?
# 23:48 GWG Also, look at tantek.com...if i was less intent on consuming your site, I might have given up, for example
# 23:50 [tantek] GWG, my site is not the best example for documentation because it is 1) a special case, 2) likely an edge case since I'm potentially experimenting with stuff, 3) very likely to change as I iterate given the feedback loop(s) in the community
# 23:50 GWG On the other hand...if I really want to read different sites, I should be prepared for different publishing
# 23:51 [tantek] GWG, one example specific advantage could be, give your feed a specific name by marking it up explicitly as an h-feed with its own p-name
# 23:52 GWG And explicit author as opposed to individual ones
# 23:52 [tantek] I don't think we have h-feed p-author worked out anywhere so no I wouldn't pitch that
[fluffy] joined the channel
# 23:53 [tantek] a-ha another one, give your feed a representative icon with the photo
# 23:53 GWG The danger of implied over explicit is that I will misunderstand your intent
# 23:53 [tantek] those are all good specific reasons to use explicit markup
# 23:53 GWG I am not advocating for mandatory.
# 23:54 GWG And a feed doesn't need to be a set of posts
# 23:54 [tantek] you can say, you should markup your feed explicitly with h-feed so that you can explicitly express at least a name and icon for the feed, and the author for the feed as a whole
# 23:55 GWG I think we established recently that people have feeds of h-cards and h-events
# 23:55 GWG So I probably should note that while it is traditionally posts, it doesn't have to be
# 23:56 GWG We have enough publishers of that I should document
# 23:57 GWG Also should add an example of a marked up h-feed
# 23:57 GWG With all those properties on the h-feed page
# 23:59 [tantek] while it may make sense to try to note exceptions in a definition or summary, it tends to be both confusing and counterproductive to understanding
# 23:59 [tantek] it's better for a definition to capture typical meaning / use, and then further description to broaden that as necessary