GWGTo me, rel-alternate is an alternate representation of the page, which can be a feed, and rel-feed is a syndicated version of site content, but is not necessarily the same content on that URL. For example, using rel-feed to link to feeds on your home page, which may not actually have your archive view.
Loqirel-feed is the standard for linking to multiple (potentially alternative) h-feeds from a site's homepage using the code rel="feed" on those links
[tantek]Might be a better strategy to include rel-feed as part of the “separate mf2 h-feed” effort that you, or was it pfefferle, or both or with others were working on
[KevinMarks]I'm using sibling selectors to make pure css toggles, but I can't then add a fieldset around the toggles, as they stop being siblings. Is this an inherent css limit or is there a way round it?
gRegorLove, gxt_, dhanesh95 and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes]You can move the input wherever you need in the html and use a linked label to toggle it. No idea if that causes accessibility issues though
jgmac1106chrisaldrich reading the McMillan-Cottom piece it is also interesting reflection on how coordinated attacks hit blogs by encouraging sharing from social media, makes me think that for some posts it would be nice for Bridgy or webmentions to have an on/off switch, a toggle to remove the endpoint.
[snarfed]yeah i haven't followed the inclusivity debate (i assume) around "easy"/"simple," but we do need a way to communicate scope of different pieces of work. some are bigger than others, sometimes much bigger, and that's meaningful
jgmac1106I guess that is inclusivity …he not trying to label the ability of the user …just teacher speak for me after trying to get so many people online for the first time, too relatve…descibing a project as big or small works just as well