#[fluffy]Or if you’re using a non-PHP stack like Django/Flask/whatever.
#[fluffy]I think the important question to ask is: what sort of interface do you want when you’re building/publishing your site?
#[fluffy]and what sorts of capabilities do you want for your site?
#[fluffy]Do you need the ability to, say, schedule posts? Or have comment sections? Do you want to accept live webmentions and have them published directly on your site, or is it okay to have them happen via JavaScript embed?
#[fluffy]How much administrative overhead are you willing to tolerate?
#robdrakeinterface? very comfortable with command-line text editors
#[fluffy]also what sorts of content are you going to be posting? just text, or also images, or even other things like audio/video/etc.?
#robdrakeadministration, I can ddg what I need to learn, or ask a user of the VPS to help out
#[fluffy]Personally I use my own stack called Publ which is Python/Flask-based and is designed to be flexible and supports things like private content, but it’s also probably overkill for most websites.
loicm, [pfefferle], [Rose] and [fluffy] joined the channel
#[fluffy]I just released a version of Authl that has direct support for IndieAuth (rather than requiring indielogin.com). Woo! [snarfed] if you see this message, mind checking http://beesbuzz.biz/_login/blog to see if you can log in with your site? It should support webfinger as well (including via bridgy fed), or at least it works for me.
#shokuninDiscord[We’re looking at using indielogin.com
#shokuninDiscord[So I’m curious what’s different about this service
#[fluffy]indielogin is a wrapper to indieauth et al but it requires registering your site as a client with it, which Aaron is hesitant to allow for various reasons
#[fluffy]indieauth is the protocol, indielogin is a protocol broker
#[fluffy]beesbuzz.biz now supports indieauth directly so there’s no reason to use a broker
prtksxna[m] joined the channel
#shokuninDiscord[Is it a service to login to thingns, like auth0, or like a platform for something?
#[fluffy]authl is my authentication library that I use to provide login to my personal site for private posts
#[fluffy]authl currently supports email, mastodon, indieauth, and indielogin, and I’m going to also eventually add more oauth providers like twitter, github, facebook, etc., although that will still require people to register their own apps with said providers
#[fluffy]my own site is configured to support email, mastodon, and indieauth; I have an open request to aaron to enable indielogin but, as I mentioned, he’s hesitant to open up client registrations for various reasons, some of which I agree with.
prtksxna[m], rittmeDiscord[m], Lolicon[m], j4y_funabashi[m], M011000100111010, pierrebocDiscord, marcusrbrownDisc, RealSnazzyDiscor, cyluDiscord[m], jmac, IWSlackGateway, Kongaloosh, jeremycherfas, [fluffy] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#[snarfed]this is also not a huge deal for bridgy, i could just allow low tier polling of user pages
#aaronpkso telegraph (the one petermolnar reported) only has 1 of those errors in the logs trying to send to bridgy publish
#aaronpki don't have logs on what webmention.io has failed to receive, because I don't log those kinds of failures because it's the same failure as spam pingbacks/webmentions
#[snarfed]sorry, nm, i misspoke. i planned to try on my (bridgy's) end. i don't permanently store endpoint for each wm, but i may be able to find the sites on wm.io and go from ther
#robdrakeI got tired of trying to wrestle the node.js CMS ghost to work wiht indieweb, goin with Drupal rsn
#[grantcodes]Yeah ghost seems really nice, but not very easy to extend - probably by design
#[tantek]robdrake it would be useful if you could summarize what was tiring with wrestling with getting Ghost to work, maybe a sentence or two. Ideally add it to a section on /Ghost
loicm, [jgmac1106], [Will_Monroe] and [Rose] joined the channel; zoglesby left the channel
#LoqiMedium has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-4 in all channels)
#aaronpkok this actually looks not that complicated
#[tantek]!tell manton I'm stuck on how to get any of my photos to show up in micro.blog/t and nothing "micro.blog" is web searchable in practice (for obvious reasons) — are there limitations to micro.blog photo syndication? E.g. only one photo (no /multiphoto support), or max "caption" length, or something else? Am about to give-up or stick 🖼 in Atom feed photo entries to indicate to Atom consumers that there are photos there they are missing.
#[KevinMarks]Seems to me that a public feed with private audio would make more sense
#[KevinMarks]The way I'd do it would be a WebSub extension, where you got sent a post with a one shot audio link in, or a ui to log in to get it. As the websub subscriber gets a personal ping already
gxt, KartikPrabhu1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]Snarfed thx for link and with NPRs investment in pocketcast they will be in place to push standards
#[jgmac1106]Excited maybe something like Soli (forget you iOS folk) may fibally add the gesture based podcasting and possibly video input voice for notes I need (though latter should already be possible)
#Loqiembed is code (usually just HTML like an iframe, sometimes with JS) for showing content from another website on your website or inside a post that is included by viewer’s browser and typically has some interactive aspect (more than just a static image / audio / video file) https://indieweb.org/embed
#KartikPrabhu[tantek]: or you should tweet about it so it appears on their page :D
#[tantek][fluffy] I have that on my home page (canonical to https) but not yet on my permalinks (only have a path relative canonical to their slugs), so I should do that too!
#vika_nezrimayaIs passing JSON in query args (i.e. "?jsonparam={...}") considered a bad thing? 'cause I think the current filter syntax for "?q=source" is clunky and I want an alternative...
#vika_nezrimayabasically why I wanted JSON - because I could then do a match on properties without using any variation of property-name={}&property-value={} and property-{}={} which both have problems because arrays, for example - I think I have an allergy for PHP array syntax (this abomination came from PHP, right?) and Python frameworks don't really support it - in the first version of what grew into pyindieblog I had a cludge for parsing arrays
#vika_nezrimayafrom query parameters because Flask expects arrays to be without any []s
#vika_nezrimayaand while I could write a parser for associative arrays (which are required for a variant of the syntax) I just thought - why not make it JSON? Something like filter={"category": ["indieweb"]} to search for a certain tag
#vika_nezrimayaand I think this could grow into Elasticsearch-like syntax over time >.<