#dev 2019-08-17
2019-08-17 UTC
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
# shrysr how would I add the indiewebring thingy that I see on the footer of many indieweb sites?
# KartikPrabhu what is indieweb-ring?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "indieweb-ring" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieweb-ring is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# KartikPrabhu what is indieweb ring
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "indieweb ring" yet. Would you like to create it?_ (Or just say "indieweb ring is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# KartikPrabhu what is indiewebring
# Loqi Indiewebring is part of the great rebirth of of webrings powered by #IndieWeb technology that made 2018 the year of the webring and not the year of the microsub reader https://indieweb.org/indiewebring
# KartikPrabhu indieweb ring is /indiewebring
# KartikPrabhu indieweb-ring is indiewebring
# shrysr https://eddiehinkle.com/ if you scroll all the way down you see the indieweb Webring
# shrysr i dont see it on your webstie KartikPrabhu, but another example is kaushal modi's https://scripter.co/
# KartikPrabhu yeah I try not to have stuff that I don't use
# shrysr where he adds the 'tags' or whatever these are called - of webmentions, microformats2 etc etc
# shrysr I thought if your website is indiewebified - you are on the webring ?
# KartikPrabhu nope
# KartikPrabhu there is no one criteria for "indieweb" anyway
# KartikPrabhu apart from you post on your own site
# KartikPrabhu everything else is optional
# shrysr as far as I can see - clicking on the webring basically takes you to another indiewebified site. left or right.
# KartikPrabhu if you are part of that webring then yes
[KevinMarks]1 and BenLubar joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Yeah I mantain a web ring for clmooc, a network of writing teachers, schmarty built and mantains the IndieWeb ring, aaronpk does one with microcast.ub
# [jgmac1106] microcast.club
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
# [Michael_Beckwit [KevinMarks] love the use of leaflets and openstreetmap in that link you mentioned yesterday
BenLubar, vika_nezrimaya, treora and [fluffy] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
# [fluffy] oh wait I found their walkthrough. https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/overview/3-legged-oauth
# [fluffy] okay I think if I bang my head enough against https://python-twitter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/twitter.html I’ll figure it out
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
# [Lewis_Cowles] Right I'm awake again. Soon to resume patch work on indielogin docker + heroku
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] There's https://github.com/bear/python-twitter by bear
# [Lewis_Cowles] [fluffy] python-twitter is the thing. The difference in web-app vs CLI is just that you have a request context, so likely configure the client once, then connect multiple times. The same would be true of a sufficiently empowered CLI app
# [Lewis_Cowles] api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=os.environ['TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'],
# [Lewis_Cowles] consumer_secret=os.environ['TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'],
# [Lewis_Cowles] access_token_key=os.environ['TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'],
# [Lewis_Cowles] access_token_secret=os.environ['TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'])
# [Lewis_Cowles] that would get you an api client using that library. You'd just need to set the appropriate environment. It could easily be extracted to a method
# [Lewis_Cowles] once you have a returned (or passed) api client you would have to read the API docs anyway to find what the methods are called
# [Lewis_Cowles] twitter_api.DestroyStatus(tweet_id) is one that works (the only endpoint I've used that library for)
# [KevinMarks] Who is bear?
# [KevinMarks] Silopub might be worth a look, that uses flask too, but the twitter code is pretty factored: https://github.com/kylewm/silo.pub/blob/master/silopub/twitter.py
# [KevinMarks] Or run a silopub instance and use micropub to post?
# [KevinMarks] [Michael_Beckwith] leaflet is so easy to slap map visualisations together with.
# [Lewis_Cowles] working on a healthcheck endpoint for indielogin before I go out. It looks like I forgot to tell FPM not to clobber the environment
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# [Lewis_Cowles] right indielogin branch has been updated with basic healthcheck (lazy Exception catching on MySQL)
# [Lewis_Cowles] just returns a JSON response body with status of being able to get version from mysql, ping from redis
# [Lewis_Cowles] apologies to anyone that tried to deploy that heroku docker image. I forgot to tell FPM to be able to read the environment...
# [Lewis_Cowles] redis is now also settable via ENV var REDIS_URL property which reads well and is compatible with heroku
# [Lewis_Cowles] question RE: indielogin
# [Lewis_Cowles] is it just a fancy proxy to other OMNIAUTH services or does it have an internal facility?
# [Lewis_Cowles] Also SQL schema is not auto-applied (not found documentation on that)
# [Lewis_Cowles] If deploying to heroku or local docker, you'll need to execute the contents of schema.sql against the database. I added mysql-client to the Dockerfile (Although heroku providers have their own docs)
# jeremycherfas has given up on attempting a CSS-only hamburger menu with Tailwind, Going to have to be js. Or, if I can figure that out later, jquery.
dopplergange and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] i broke down and did the same, my only javsscript right now is my hamburger menu
# [jgmac1106] I got closeish using just flexbox and media queries but just didn't like the look
# jeremycherfas I like my look, but have not yet added the js; time to go out and get some groceries.
# [jgmac1106] ohh its now called the impossible meat burger menu
# [KevinMarks] Hamburger menus are kinda crappy anyway. You could use details/summary to make one.
# [KevinMarks] Or the checked trick
[mapkyca] joined the channel
# jeremycherfas The checked hack didn't cut it for me, in Tailwind.
# jeremycherfas Never tried details/summary.
# jeremycherfas Will look at that if I stall again.
# [jgmac1106] ooh didn't think about that, a flexbox and then put that inside details on a media query and then go vertical
[tantek], IWSlackGateway and [grantcodes] joined the channel
# [grantcodes] Made a bit more progress on ownyourtrakt now. So it should support what everyone wanted. Mainly options to set categories and an option to manually set the sync start date.
# [grantcodes] It also uses a fair bit of experimental stuff. If your endpoint supports micropub property queries & updates it will look to see if you already have a watch post for an item and then update that instead of making a new post.
# [grantcodes] The only thing I am still thrown off by in the posted / created date thing. I am pretty sure what I am doing is correct, but not well documented / supported. The watch posts do not have a set published date, but have a created date in the past.
[snarfed] joined the channel
# [snarfed] aaronpk: the only recent granary/bridgy markup change was removing u-category from @-mentions, indirectly via https://github.com/snarfed/granary/commit/cec7759ddf1049182543e4a7b09d78b59cdd079f
# [grantcodes] snarfed++
# [grantcodes] They display way better in together for me now. Always seemed weird to me to have people in the categories.
# [grantcodes] I also didn't see the duplicate names that aaronpk saw
# [snarfed] oh ugh, no, aaronpk is right, it probably is that u-category change. looking at http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbrid-gy.appspot.com%2Fcomment%2Ftwitter%2Faaronpk%2F1161834933377126401%2F1161878532915470336 , the names are u-mentions
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
# [Lewis_Cowles] don't give up. Label with for, checkbox sibling to the thing you wish to show / hide. Done
[Serena] joined the channel
[mapkyca] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] Kyle is around on twitter https://twitter.com/kylewmahan/status/1162514428627079168?s=20
# @kylewmahan This is dumb, but it would make a lot of my code and documents prettier if "Redshift" and "Snowflake" had the same number of letters (twitter.com/_/status/1162514428627079168)
[jgmac1106], IWSlackGateway and [mapkyca] joined the channel
# jeremycherfas If mobile first is a good thing, then I have achieved a good thing. Now to try and make it pretty at other sizes.
Anchakor, jjuran, vika_nezrimaya, KartikPrabhu and [fluffy] joined the channel
# [fluffy] anyway I opened https://github.com/bear/python-twitter/issues/629 and I’ll also look into silo.pub, thanks [KevinMarks]
# jeremycherfas Here’s hoping, jacky
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] Kylewm++ for writing silopub
# [KevinMarks] And snarfed++ for the whole abstraction of login on Bridgy and granary
KartikPrabhu, [Lewis_Cowles] and [tantek] joined the channel