jgmac1106they are my photos on my server and the first one loads…checking to see if my shared host has img file size limits but that makes no sense, just a stretch
[Lewis_Cowles][aaronpk] they also have no `img` elements when I use document.querySelector I'm not sure it's fair to compare a JS only thing with a CSS+HTML thing
aaronpkif you want an example of how to do it with img tags using JS only as the progressive enhancement to get that layout, check out my month archive pages https://aaronparecki.com/2019/03
jamietanna[m]Should a Webmention client add a trailing `/` to a URL if it's the domain name, similar to how IndieAuth does it? Just tried to send a webmention via webmention.rocks to a friend's site, and it didn't add the `/`
[fluffy]Oh, hm, I think pushl might violate that spec. It looks at all links and urljoins them with the origin page, to resolve relative and protocol-unspecified links.
[fluffy]How is protocol-unspecified supposed to be handled, anyway? like if I have `<a href="//example.com/somepage">` what should be sent and to where?
[fluffy]You’re browsing my site via http instead of https, maybe there’s a reason for it? I’d like to forward people via the same protocol if possible.
[fluffy]Also there are a bunch of protocol wonks who care way more deeply about it than I do, and I have PTSD from handling some bug reports against FeedOnFeeds from one 😛
[fluffy]like there’s still a segment of the Internet population who cares about e.g. only including https resources from https pages, so if you have a page on http they’d rather do `<img src="//my-cdn.example.com/img/foo.jpg">`
[fluffy]And forcing the whole Internet to https has access problems for some, because something something transparent caching proxies on low bandwidth shared connections
aaronpkmost peoples' code goes and queries webmention.io for mentions of a specific URL or for their domain, so those webmentions will never be found by that code
aaronpksure, it's a particular weirdness of webmention.io that it works that way. i'll eventually add an option to reject those kinds of things if people don't want to support multiple domains
aaronpk[tantek]: take a look at the web page [fluffy] linked -- https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/chatter/4201-Just-testing-something-on-webmention-io -- it's a perfectly valid `<a>` link with a protocol-relative URL in it. as long as the webmention target parameter matches that exactly, I don't see any reason I should reject that webmention. it just means my website has to be able to recognize that
[fluffy]hmm, the only previous thing that should have gone to that would have been Pushl on the initial webmention to the resolved rather than actual link.
[fluffy]What is the intent for handling that case, anyway? Are people supposed to just, like, look at their webmention logs and get a notification that a link has changed?
[fluffy]okay question about webmention which I’m sure I know the answer to but I’d like to verify: if there’s an anchor/fragment in the HREF, that should *not* be part of the target, right? like `<a href="http://example.com/foo.html#blah">` the target should be http://example.com/foo.html right?
aaronpkhttps://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/#request-verification "Note that a target URL may contain a fragment identifier..." and "The source document must have an exact match of the target URL provided in order for it to be considered a valid Webmention"
LoqiA fragmention is an extension to URL syntax that links and cites a phrase within a document by using a URL fragment consisting of the phrase itself, including whitespace https://indieweb.org/fragmentions
LoqiMarginalia are responses to parts of a post, rather than posts as a whole; they are typically published (on another site) with a fragmention link to the specific part (like a paragraph), notified via Webmention, and displayed on the post adjacent to the referenced part (like sidebar comments next to paragraphs) https://indieweb.org/marginalia
[fluffy]Letting # work with text content as a fallback is nice but it’s good to not have to worry so much about a text phrase being turned into an actual fragment anchor later on.
[fluffy]but yeah when I complain about mastodon being all-in on activitypub I don’t mean that they should have done indieweb stuff *instead*, just that I wish they weren’t targeting activitypub exclusively
[fluffy]activitypub makes sense for the sorts of things mastodon is trying to do, and it was a shorter path for them to get to a semblance of post privacy
[fluffy]just like, chatter on mastodon itself, like when I chat with devs about how I wish mastodon still had atom they say things like “activitypub is the future”
LoqiLinked Data Notifications (AKA LDN) is a W3C Recommendation developed in the Social Web Working Group to send RDF-based messages between clients and servers or between two servers, as well as how clients can retrieve these messages for reuse https://indieweb.org/LDN
[tantek]if it were a plugin / extension or even a fairly well contained set of patches, it might be the kind of thing that other masto servers would adopt (because it directly helps their users)
[fluffy]I haven’t ever administered a mastodon plugin but the impression I get is that for adding custom functionality like that people just keep on forking forever