#dev 2019-09-07

2019-09-07 UTC
strugee joined the channel
was the react site being SSR'd i wonder
Does it matter? All that react smarts and all those dev hours lost to dumb massive HTML
KartikPrabhu, tsrt^, jjuran and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Can you solve the days for exercise problem by using sleep as a boundary definition?
I have a similar problem as I often walk the dogs late enough at night that the walk crosses midnight. Evidently the google fit Team are all early risers.
Waking up after a night out... Age 20: Hungover Age 30: Hungover but happy that I did 2000 steps after midnight added to today’s total.
I wonder what would happen if the React page was launched in an Electron app
[fluffy] joined the channel
cats and dogs sleeping together, mass hysteria
gRegorLove, TionisDiscord[m], imsky and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Kudos for Ghostbuster reference...but agree time bounded by sleep...if that doesn't come until after a three day journey... Well time is relative
gRegorLove, dopplergange, JKingWeb, [Rose], djmoch, KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], jeremych_, jeremycherfas, ShruthiDiscord[m and krychu joined the channel
Working on my Gallery display https://jgregorymcverry.com/firephotos.html need to fix img on smaller screens. Tomorrow's goal
Are you creating a set of images for different sized screens?
No may just go lazy and add img=100% in a media query
But doesn't that put an exccessive burden on people with phones having to download the full sized image?
I need to read up on best practice in terms of img size and energy use
imsky joined the channel
I've been tinkering with an automation that downsizes the images and labels them correctly. But only as a break from doing the actual structure.
I don't think I would keep up with editing if I had to make three imgs for every pic I post
That sounds cool!
JeremyCherfas know of any good readings you know of in terms of best (better) practice with images?
There's a huge amount of stuff on responsive images. Depends what kind of level you want. CSS Tricks has a couple of good articles.
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
I know I don't want to do the different file sizes. Not sustainable for me...thx will look.
But as I said, I'm just playing around currently as a break from doing structure.
There's also Cloudinary, but that may be overkill.
I looked at and tried a few of the open source gallery tools.. But one more thing to mantain
I'm not talking about galleries. I'm just interested in how best to serve the different sized images.
Yeah those tools just did all that work for you... If you do the work of maintaining the software
OokOok|2 and [tantek] joined the channel
I have a extra Feedly Pro account (I use inoreader) happy to give it to anyone if they want to look for ways to hack at Building Blocks
just msg or dm
t-mo, dopplergange, imsky and [schmarty] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Good looks [schmarty]
jacky: [schmarty] left you a message 9 minutes ago: partial screengrab: https://media.martymcgui.re/cb/a5/37/5f/d8e1108aa316df0d409d5385b79260bf402e65dfc1236998ef0d54cb.png
krychu joined the channel
This JL Audio Dual 8W3v3 Microsub+ is definitely going to add some bump to this Lexus! https://t.co/qcpX7g9tvw
This @JLAudio Dual 8W3v3 Microsub+ is definitely going to add some bump to this Lexus! https://t.co/vGitLkLIlW
Not that kind of Microsub 😆
krychu joined the channel
↩️ @viewsourceio This a response via Twitter that _might_ become a Webmention.
leg, gRegorLove and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Is there a document somewhere discussing the design rationale for having both authorization codes and access tokens? It's unclear to me the purpose the latter serves that the former cannot. Is it just an artefact of OAuth's design?
authorization codes are at a somewhat higher risk of being exposed, so they are shortlived/single-use to reduce that risk
That makes sense.
Webmentions just stopped working on my blog. I have no clue. Why did I even bother?
gRegorLove joined the channel
imsky, krychu, gRegorLove_, jeremycherfas, gxt, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], Pronoe and djmoch joined the channel