2019-10-25 UTC
[tantek] and tcpman joined the channel
jjuran, [Lewis_Cowles], [dougbeal] and [snarfed] joined the channel; tcpman left the channel
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
# 04:30 [Lewis_Cowles] is <data class="p-length" value="PT1H0M55S">1h 0m 55s</data> the example ISO 8601 duration via length?
# 04:33 Loqi [snarfed] ok! thanks for the discussion all. i've deployed preliminary support for reading and writing `duration` mf2 (and `length` as an alias). input supports both integer seconds and ISO 8601 duration, but output is currently integer seconds, for the purely...
# 04:34 [Lewis_Cowles] I think the itunes durations are different from the p-lengths
# 04:35 [Lewis_Cowles] Well I just manually checked one
# 04:37 [Lewis_Cowles] at least the last two. Maybe itunes does something odd
# 04:41 [Lewis_Cowles] I'm using (hours*3600)+(minutes*60)+seconds Perhaps I'm mis-parsing the date interval / period
# 04:41 [Lewis_Cowles] eyes... Likely morning eyes are to blame
# 04:43 [Lewis_Cowles] PT 1H 7M 59S
# 04:43 [Lewis_Cowles] (1*3600)+(7*60)+59
# 04:43 [Lewis_Cowles] 4079 it's right, I'm wrong
# 04:43 [Lewis_Cowles] 3600+420+59
[tonz], [chrisbergr], cweiske, [frank], krychu and [Rose] joined the channel
# 08:32 Loqi snarfed has 46 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
# 09:21 [Lewis_Cowles] snarfed++
# 09:21 Loqi snarfed has 47 karma in this channel over the last year (88 in all channels)
[Sebastian_Grass, jeremych_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 09:54 Loqi snarfed has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (89 in all channels)
[KevinMarks], [tantek], gxt, cris2, [Lewis_Cowles], [snarfed] and [qubyte] joined the channel
# 14:42 [jgmac1106] oops I was adding u-syndication to href="https://brid.gy/about#twitter thx for the help snarfed
# 14:43 [jgmac1106] does the u-in-reply-to have to be inside or outside e-content or is Bridgy in different? I have seen it both ways
[Rose] joined the channel
# 14:51 [jgmac1106] snarfed I get this error message, why I thought I can only reply to tweets:
# 14:51 [jgmac1106] "Could not find a tweet to reply to. Check that your post has an in-reply-to link to a Twitter URL or to an original post that publishes a rel-syndication link to Twitter.
# 14:51 [jgmac1106] so I have to get link to Tweet and put that in to the original post?
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 14:54 [snarfed] huh no, bridgy should find a synd link on your in-reply-to post if it's there
# 14:54 [jgmac1106] is what is on the note I am replying toAlso on <a class="u-url url" href="https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2019-10-25-1" rel="canonical"><strong>My Notes</strong></a>
# 14:54 [jgmac1106] <a href="https://brid.gy/about#twitter">Published with Bridgy</a>
# 14:54 Loqi [Greg McVerry] So cool that I can now use Granary to generate a proper RSS feed for my podcasts thx to @schnarfed and Granary. Here is an example
# 14:55 Loqi [Greg McVerry] So cool that I can now use Granary to generate a proper RSS feed for my podcasts thx to @schnarfed and Granary. Here is an example
# 14:56 [snarfed] or you can just u-in-reply-to the tweet directly if you want, up to you
# 14:57 [snarfed] the synd link way feels pretty slick when you get it working though
# 14:58 [tantek] yup, when people don't link to their syndicated copies you have to do it manually
# 15:00 [jgmac1106] yeah tantek did I hear in New York yiu built in a timer that switches those links in Falcon...that is is pretty cool
# 15:01 [jgmac1106] yeah it is manual, which is why it only done about <40% of the time, really just testing the waters and playing with the UI, want to build in rel=prev and next navigation for threads
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
# 15:16 Loqi snarfed has 49 karma in this channel over the last year (90 in all channels)
# 15:17 [jgmac1106] it took two files and a half hour to POSSE a note about not having enough time to IndieWeb stuff, but it was worth it to play with how I want rel and next to work on my site
# 15:18 [jgmac1106] I would love a start Thread and end Thread button in a CMS or on my site someday
# 15:21 [Lewis_Cowles] if you added a metabox to WP, you could allocate a thread-id by it being the same
# 15:22 [Lewis_Cowles] WP has the ability to search for meta and tell if it is attached
# 15:22 [Lewis_Cowles] The concept is transferrable to Jekyll using frontmatter
# 15:22 [jgmac1106] I dream of features I could never build but really like the freedom of my HTML and my CSS
# 15:23 [Lewis_Cowles] in-fact nearly any system. The problem is how to surface it
# 15:23 [Lewis_Cowles] the people behind Ruby’s Faraday Lostisland have some updated docs since July where they implement threading in Jekyll
# 15:24 [jgmac1106] I publish a note and if I hit start thread, it adds a rel=prev link to next post and adds a rel=next to the current post, this pattern continues until I click end thread
# 15:27 [Lewis_Cowles] Keep at it, you’ll get there. Most of the problem is persistence and thinking out the systems without code
# 15:27 [jgmac1106] thinking about systems without code is all I can do....I just call it daydreaming and sketching
# 15:28 [jgmac1106] well I got to get to work...was the entire point of the original note......thx for convo and help all
# 15:28 [Lewis_Cowles] well the thoughts have to be logical and structured, but the best software only really requires that
# 15:28 [Lewis_Cowles] The hardest place for it is what Tantek was describing the other day.
# 15:28 [Lewis_Cowles] An outer context is needed to be able to thread things. Placing that into a router is like combining a cricket-bat with a football
# 15:28 [Lewis_Cowles] Static files without a generator, with just a router.
# 15:28 [Lewis_Cowles] To be clear at no point did Tantek ask to thread using that though
[tonz], tsrt^, gRegorLove, jeremycherfas and speedster joined the channel
t-mo joined the channel
# 17:45 jacky I'm thinking about resolution of posts in microsub
# 17:45 jacky which also ties to how I handle my webmention feed
# 17:51 jacky but I don't want to reconstruct a whole bunch of HTML for incoming content
# 17:53 jacky and one of the entries _only_ has the property u-url
# 17:54 jacky currently, my microsub server would show nothing because it's trusting that feeds would have a lot of content in them
leg joined the channel
# 18:12 jacky I guess what I'm asking is how "smart"/aware of empty posts should a microsub server be?
# 18:13 jacky and I'm thinking it should be as aware as possible
# 18:22 jacky is trying to avoid doing a lot of stuff :(
# 18:39 sknebel other extrem is of course just fetching all permalinks and using those, but yes, making that decision is kinda tricky
# 18:40 sknebel there's been some suggestion to key of there being a summary property
# 18:40 sknebel guess name is also something to expect unless its a like or such
# 18:41 [snarfed] bridgy uses a heuristic for this. if it sees a synd link in an h-feed entry, it remembers that, expects them in all of that feed's entries (if available), and skips fetching its permalinks for a while. (but not forever)
tsrt^, [Rose], gxt, DenSchub, [qubyte] and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 20:07 aaronpk hmm i think I can make a Shortcut to be able to quickly add photos to a photo album
krychu_, KartikPrabhu, [dougbeal] and [snarfed] joined the channel
# 21:07 [snarfed] throw_: put the JSON in a pastebin or gist? the string you posted in #indieweb is fine, but "line 8" implies it's not the actual JSON that's failing
# 22:05 KartikPrabhu the "image" attibute is empty but does not have an empty string value ?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel