#dev 2019-10-25

2019-10-25 UTC
[tantek] and tcpman joined the channel
jjuran, [Lewis_Cowles], [dougbeal] and [snarfed] joined the channel; tcpman left the channel
ok [jgmac1106], granary now handles the duration mf2 property! (and length as an alias). both integer seconds and (ugh) ISO 8601 duration. example: https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=rss&url=http%3A%2F%2Flatenighttoast.com%2F
i tried https://jgregorymcverry.com/2toPonder but it doesn't have duration mf2. feel free to add it and try!
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
is <data class="p-length" value="PT1H0M55S">1h 0m 55s</data> the example ISO 8601 duration via length?
[snarfed] ok! thanks for the discussion all. i've deployed preliminary support for reading and writing `duration` mf2 (and `length` as an alias). input supports both integer seconds and ISO 8601 duration, but output is currently integer seconds, for the purely...
I think the itunes durations are different from the p-lengths
Well I just manually checked one
at least the last two. Maybe itunes does something odd
which are different? last one looks ok
second to last too
PT1H0M55S == 3655s, PT1H7M59S == 4079s
I'm using (hours*3600)+(minutes*60)+seconds Perhaps I'm mis-parsing the date interval / period
eyes... Likely morning eyes are to blame
PT 1H 7M 59S
4079 it's right, I'm wrong
I really like the idea of #IndieWeb and I guess I’m part of it because I have my own site, but there’s stuff like webmentions that I’ll never understand. Here’s a good post about it: https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/07/22/why-website/
[tonz], [chrisbergr], cweiske, [frank], krychu and [Rose] joined the channel
snarfed has 46 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
tried brid.gy to mastodon; works
snarfed has 47 karma in this channel over the last year (88 in all channels)
[Sebastian_Grass, jeremych_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
snarfed++ going to try this morning
snarfed has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (89 in all channels)
↩️ Ahh I thouhgt the daily connector site was WordPress. Yes @edublogs does not have any #IndieWeb compliant themes. I keep trying to nudge them towards webmentions....Thx for trying to do an #IndieWeb poetry syndication project (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/tp1tB)
↩️ #redecentralize @t: I have been posting on my own site for nearly 10 years, but I connect t to twitter, github and other silos using indieweb standards and http://brid.gy
[KevinMarks], [tantek], gxt, cris2, [Lewis_Cowles], [snarfed] and [qubyte] joined the channel
oops I was adding u-syndication to href="https://brid.gy/about#twitter thx for the help snarfed
does the u-in-reply-to have to be inside or outside e-content or is Bridgy in different? I have seen it both ways
mf2 parsing doesn't care afaik
in other silly news, bridgy broke 1500 unit tests, whee
[Rose] joined the channel
That's what they're for!
oh no, as in, it crossed that number. it now has 1503
heh sorry
snarfed I get this error message, why I thought I can only reply to tweets:
"Could not find a tweet to reply to. Check that your post has an in-reply-to link to a Twitter URL or to an original post that publishes a rel-syndication link to Twitter.
so I have to get link to Tweet and put that in to the original post?
[schmarty] joined the channel
huh no, bridgy should find a synd link on your in-reply-to post if it's there
is what is on the note I am replying toAlso on <a class="u-url url" href="https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2019-10-25-1" rel="canonical"><strong>My Notes</strong></a>
<a href="https://brid.gy/about#twitter">Published with Bridgy</a>
[Greg McVerry] So cool that I can now use Granary to generate a proper RSS feed for my podcasts thx to @schnarfed and Granary. Here is an example
you need a synd link on https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2019-10-25-1 to its POSSEd tweet
[Greg McVerry] So cool that I can now use Granary to generate a proper RSS feed for my podcasts thx to @schnarfed and Granary. Here is an example
if you want to wade through logs, you can see in the bridgy publish log that it looked for a synd link there (to twitter) but didn't find one: https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1572014977&key=aglzfmJyaWQtZ3lyVQsSDVB1Ymxpc2hlZFBhZ2UiLmh0dHBzOi8vamdyZWdvcnltY3ZlcnJ5LmNvbS9ub3Rlcy8yMDE5LTEwLTI1LTIMCxIHUHVibGlzaBiAgMDBmsjXCQw
will do!! ahh okay, that I have done will do it this way
or you can just u-in-reply-to the tweet directly if you want, up to you
the synd link way feels pretty slick when you get it working though
yup, when people don't link to their syndicated copies you have to do it manually
yeah tantek did I hear in New York yiu built in a timer that switches those links in Falcon...that is is pretty cool
yeah it is manual, which is why it only done about <40% of the time, really just testing the waters and playing with the UI, want to build in rel=prev and next navigation for threads
↩️ Yeah currently most #smallpoems stuff is on Mastodon but we created a #clmooc webring and syndicate all of our posts to an RSS planet. This was the first time folks were trying to syndicate using webmentions. Most are WordPress users. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/aUQi5)
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
snarfed has 49 karma in this channel over the last year (90 in all channels)
[Greg McVerry] @jgmac1106
it took two files and a half hour to POSSE a note about not having enough time to IndieWeb stuff, but it was worth it to play with how I want rel and next to work on my site
I would love a start Thread and end Thread button in a CMS or on my site someday
if you added a metabox to WP, you could allocate a thread-id by it being the same
WP has the ability to search for meta and tell if it is attached
yeah..then I would have to use WordPress...
The concept is transferrable to Jekyll using frontmatter
I dream of features I could never build but really like the freedom of my HTML and my CSS
in-fact nearly any system. The problem is how to surface it
the people behind Ruby’s Faraday Lostisland have some updated docs since July where they implement threading in Jekyll
I publish a note and if I hit start thread, it adds a rel=prev link to next post and adds a rel=next to the current post, this pattern continues until I click end thread
but this is how far I am in terms of my skills: https://jgregorymcverry.com/phpnotes.txt...will be some time before I get there
Keep at it, you’ll get there. Most of the problem is persistence and thinking out the systems without code
thinking about systems without code is all I can do....I just call it daydreaming and sketching
well I got to get to work...was the entire point of the original note......thx for convo and help all
well the thoughts have to be logical and structured, but the best software only really requires that
The hardest place for it is what Tantek was describing the other day.
An outer context is needed to be able to thread things. Placing that into a router is like combining a cricket-bat with a football
Static files without a generator, with just a router.
To be clear at no point did Tantek ask to thread using that though
and that is how new sports get born, bye all
[tonz], tsrt^, gRegorLove, jeremycherfas and speedster joined the channel
t-mo joined the channel
I'm thinking about resolution of posts in microsub
which also ties to how I handle my webmention feed
which isn't helpful
but I don't want to reconstruct a whole bunch of HTML for incoming content
like if I get a h-feed
and one of the entries _only_ has the property u-url
currently, my microsub server would show nothing because it's trusting that feeds would have a lot of content in them
leg joined the channel
I guess what I'm asking is how "smart"/aware of empty posts should a microsub server be?
and I'm thinking it should be as aware as possible
is trying to avoid doing a lot of stuff :(
other extrem is of course just fetching all permalinks and using those, but yes, making that decision is kinda tricky
there's been some suggestion to key of there being a summary property
guess name is also something to expect unless its a like or such
bridgy uses a heuristic for this. if it sees a synd link in an h-feed entry, it remembers that, expects them in all of that feed's entries (if available), and skips fetching its permalinks for a while. (but not forever)
tsrt^, [Rose], gxt, DenSchub, [qubyte] and [schmarty] joined the channel
hmm i think I can make a Shortcut to be able to quickly add photos to a photo album
krychu_, KartikPrabhu, [dougbeal] and [snarfed] joined the channel
throw_: put the JSON in a pastebin or gist? the string you posted in #indieweb is fine, but "line 8" implies it's not the actual JSON that's failing
the "image" attibute is empty but does not have an empty string value ?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel