[jgmac1106], GWG_, [manton], KartikPrabhu, jeremycherfas, petermolnar, blueyed, beko, gRegorLove, nickodd, jenelizabeth, superjen96, jeneliza_, voxpelli, krychu and [tantek] joined the channel; ShehabTweelDisco and nickodd left the channel
#[tantek][KevinMarks] please do update the twitter rel-me advice for that! You can use my site tantek.com as an example where I link to my Twitter profile that way with rel=me
#[jgmac1106]Any other users... Wanna collect for later listen post... Doesn't get the ambient always listening from Android. Hope I cam get that from Takeout
[LewisCowles], swentel, gfgdfgdfg4, strugee, simons, [KevinMarks] and krychu joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]LewisCowles++ for taking on the Known Installatron updates
#LoqiLewisCowles has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
[davidmead] and [Rose] joined the channel
#[Rose]Today's new topic: Messengers! Yay! What dev-related things have people learnt about or started playing with recently?
#aaronpkoh i just read a good article about a bunch of new PHP stuff, learned a few things since it's been a couple years since i've really tried to learn about the new features https://stitcher.io/blog/php-in-2020
#[LewisCowles][jgmac1106] depends if someone in the know comes back to me, but I’m happy to bundle and package commodity apps. At least in OpenSource I don’t need to put up with distractions and input I’m expected to act on by people I wouldn’t let care for a pet-rock
#jgmac1106[mapkyca] ^^ Lewis we even have unused Open Collective money. I would support paying someone for their time to update the Installtron scripts, but up to all members and Ben and Marcus as decision makers
simons joined the channel
#jeremycherfasInteresting article even for a hobbyist. I need to think about that list function for parsing things. aaronpk++
#Loqiaaronpk has 52 karma in this channel over the last year (209 in all channels)
#jgmac1106I think I may switch to dokuwiki, the admintax on wikimedia is is too damn high
#[tantek][jgmac1106] what extensions do you have installed? if you have "semantic mediawiki" or "semantic mediawiki template", try disabling / uninstalling
#jgmac1106okay will do, probably just the tinymce plugin….gonna delete all the add ons, good idea
#[tantek]I'd say uninstall "LoadBalancer" and file a bug against their repo saying they need to rename #DB_SLAVE because it's no longer the 20th century 😛
#[manton]As some folks here know, Micro.blog has always treated replies separately from blog posts. I thought that most people wouldn't want replies mixed in with regular posts on their blog. I'm testing a feature to fix this limitation, so replies can be hosted at your domain name as an option. For example: https://www.manton.org/replies/2020/01/20/7880618.html
#Loqi@hutaffe Wish they were available on Netflix in the United States too. Here they'll be on HBO Max, which I think we'll get access to anyway since we subscribe to HBO NOW. We own a bunch of Ghibli films but it'll be great to have access to everything.
TGiske joined the channel
#[manton]Now for the problem: I can't decide on the URLs. I thought `/replies/2020/etc` would be good, but starting to wonder about dropping the prefix, so that the URLs more closely match regular blog posts. Basically looking for strong opinions one way or the other. 🙂
#[manton](Under the hood, replies get a special post type in Hugo, so they can easily be styled differently and excluded from feeds.)
krychu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]it depends on the kind of reply - sometimes a reply really needs the context, sometimes a reply is a longer discussion inspired by the post (though in that case you might quote instead)
#[KevinMarks]the twitter thing of only seeing replies if you followed both parties was a good heuristic (with, later the show all replies tab)
#[manton]To be clear, this is the short kind of replies where you click "Reply" in Micro.blog and type something in. Longer blog posts where you quote part of what you're linking to wouldn't be included here.
#Loqi[odd] @kevinmarks Do you mean the planet it describes, or the fifth book in the “trilogy”?
#[manton]Right, those "conversation" URLs will still work but each reply will get a better permalink if the user wants it on their domain name.
#[manton]As for why the original post didn't have the reply context, I assume it came from an RSS feed that didn't include any reply info in the post content.
#[manton](Some people fix this by sending a Webmention to Micro.blog instead.)
#[KevinMarks]ah, probably, RSS is a bit crap like that, and known's reply context game is weak
#[manton]Confirmed. I checked the RSS feed item and it just has the text with `e-content`, nothing about a reply.
#[manton]Anyway, that's a separate discussion. 🙂 Although I'd like to improve how Micro.blog recognizes MF2 in feeds.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#aaronpk[manton]: fwiw i used to prefix all my URLs by "type" like that, and it started getting annoying for various reasons
#aaronpki think the limitation was more about things like photos vs short notes, i may be able to be convinced that it's okay to treat replies totally separate like this, but it was easier for me to drop the prefixes entirely and treat every post with the same URL pattern on my site
#[manton][aaronpk] Thanks. Yeah, I personally wouldn't want a prefix for photos either, since there's little difference usually. For replies, I was thinking it might be useful if someone ever wants to migrate somewhere else and kind of untangle which posts are replies, or export and remove the whole "replies" folder. Dunno, that may not be a good enough reason.