#dev 2020-03-06

2020-03-06 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
TIL Eran moved his domain to Medium. 😞
yea :( a while ago
[snarfed] joined the channel
domain is still serving fine, right? ie it's not redirecting to medium.com.
[snarfed]: jamietanna[m] left you a message 16 hours, 49 minutes ago: I've added it to my todo list - but may not be in the next couple of weeks as things are super busy. I'll see how I get on though - but may be able to do it at IWC London!
[benatwork] joined the channel
A note here: Medium has stopped offering this. So new domains can't transfer there, and at some point I'm certain they'll turf the existing ones off.
right, they did. and it may not be our favorite host for other reasons. but still
yea, it's still on his domain, but because it's medium it starts advertising posts at the bottom from other medium users, and the footer says "medium" which is something I would never want on my own blog
right. still though, let a thousand flowers bloom and all
yeah, and if the alternative was that his blog disappeared and he stopped blogging, this is better
↩️ Refbacks are almost all noise/very little signal. Ping/Trackbacks look dreadful and I don't receive many. Webmentions have been AWESOME & just required 2 simple plugins for WordPress. My very small personal site gets about 6,000 rxns/yr. [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/05/55768715/
joshghent, [Michael_Beckwit, jenelizabeth and nickodd joined the channel
↩️ I’ve gone full IndieWeb, but for Webmention you’ll want the Webmention & Semantic Linkbacks plugins. If you want to go full-bore, which I suspect you may based on what I see on your website, who you’re following, and how you’re using it, you [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/05/55768715/?replytocom=281649#respond
I'm trying to implement webmentions so need to post a thing here to a recent post: http://feather.ca/getting-started-speaking/
Kaja_, eeril and cweiske joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
aaronpk, is websub.rocks running the latest code version?
I believe so, at least whats on master
I haven't had time to look at your PRs yet sorry
websub.rocks does not store my hub URL, and I always have to paste it again in the url fields. on my dev system this works
which is why I thought it could be old code on live
hmm... I can double check
but not til tomorrow which is I guess later today evening for you
do you still need websub impl reports, or is that over?
[datashaman] joined the channel
aside: a neat pattern i've used in projects is to publish a file /version.txt which has the latest git commit hash in it
we call it REVISION
They're always useful, but the requirement to demonstrate implementations for the W3C process is over
btw, does chat.indieweb.org support websub?
my search engine has websub support, so if chat would publish, the search indexer could subscribe
I think it does
I think I added it for your search engine
I haven't touched that in a long time tho so let me know if it looks like it's not working
petermolnar, [g33kcentric], KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, [tantek], jenelizabeth, [KevinMarks], [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106], treora, oodani, plut4rch, nsh, [Michael_Beckwit, nickodd, leg, [schmarty] and [datashaman] joined the channel
jamietanna[m]: so the unfortunate thing about webmention.io is that i started it before I made xray, so it actually takes apart the webmention data and puts it back together for the JSON API. If I were to redo it now, I would just pass the XRay data through
part of that process is where it gets mixed up about what the actual thing being responded to is
Ah OK. So do you think it'd probably make sense to replace it with XRay integration instead of fix it as is? (which obviously is a larger piece of work)
i'm not sure tbh
it already does use XRay now to actually get the data
but it's still then picking apart the data to store it in the database
a possible solution is to change it to store the complete XRay response instead. would be a heck of a migration to convert all the existing data though
also the project is using datamapper which has been long abandoned in ruby so that's kind of disheartening every time i go dig in to the code
so really i need to rebuild the whole thing :/
aaronpk: How many active users does it have?
active, like has received a webmention lately?
i'm adding about 30-50 new users per month over the last year or so
aaronpk: Let's say activity in the last 90 days
Just roughly
338 websites have received a webmention on webmention.io in the last 90 days
33,700 webmentions
[snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk has 56 karma in this channel over the last year (200 in all channels)
webmention.io has 1 karma over the last year
Shows the viability of webmentions
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
that reminds me, i feel like i still owe [snarfed] some updates
obligatory: https://snarfed.org/1-million-webmentions , and current best guess of 2.4M total based on bridgy's ~95% of volume
(may be a bit lower now due to micro.blog?)
aaronpk: which? wm.io domains? eh don't worry about it, i deprioritized on my end for now
[manton] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
so maybe chrisaldrich your answer to the company would be on average sites that use IndieWeb building blocks get 100 interactions with user generated content over a 90 day priviledge, these users probably being in your younger more affluent target demographic
business has -1 karma over the last year
[snarfed] in terms of "not cheap" can you ball park and recommend a vendor? Will just write it into every grant.
As I stated earlier I am interested in for two reasons, my personal academic research, and two Mozilla future products team doing research.
I have always dreamed of the read/write browser that works with my wesbite, if that comes to be through micropub, cool....just bout time someone made it happen
[jgmac1106] continuing the thread from #indieweb? the question you want to answer is...how many web sites are "plumbing" indieweb, ie support mf2 and/or webmention and/or micropub?
honestly i don't know. purely $ cost in compute etc, based on my first indiemap attempt w/Common Crawl, maybe $2k-2M?
too many unknowns, need more investigation to narrow down any further
oops didnt mean to switch channels my bad
5k-5m honest esitmates all around
gRegorLove joined the channel
If Twitter doesn't love you, the IndieWeb would. I wish Twitter clients like @tweetings @twitterrific @tweetbot @TalonAndroid would support Micropub for publishing and Microsub for reading/following. [more...] #BreakingMyTwitter https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/06/apps-of-a-feather-2/
[tantek]1 joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
↩️ I totally agree with you! Webmentions is one possibility, but it doesn't handle Tweetstorms, per se, just grabs tweets-as-comments. I wrote up my mini idea of a Micropub Tweetstorm builder that would post to your own blog https://talk.fission.codes/t/micropub-tweetstorm-builder/433
↩️ I had to briefly troubleshoot my self-hosted webmentions :), but check out all the tweets that got pulled in on this laptop article: https://blog.bmannconsulting.com/laptop-choices/ I'm super glad I have that discussion in my own space! This path will lead you down the route of #indieweb
pablinos and [tantek] joined the channel
For fellow devs interested in Ethical Web Principles: https://github.com/w3ctag/ethical-web-principles/issues/25
[tantek] #25 Proposed Ethical Web Principle: Avoid enabling and amplifying dark patterns
I feel like we're quite good about deliberately avoiding dark patterns in the indieweb stuff we build, looking to generalize and get it adopted as a higher level principle for specifications as well
strugee, globbot, viaken, [chrisaldrich], Nuve, [snarfed], [fluffy] and [schmarty] joined the channel
tantek: seems like a good clause to add! the idea of empowering individuals definitely precludes tricking or pressuring them into things that they will regret.
looking at this list of issues (but not yet the document) - is there any language about collective-good type things, like preventing harassment and stalking?
[KevinMarks], [Michael_Beckwit and pablinos joined the channel