#dev 2020-04-16

2020-04-16 UTC
[chrisaldrich], bear_, eeril, [Kevin_Faaborg] and [prtksxna] joined the channel
static since before there was a word for it™
hs0ucy and beko joined the channel
These unit tests for WordPress Micropub aren't working because for some reason, it is pinging the real Indieauth.com instead of returning the responses I mocked up.
geoffo joined the channel
vilhalmer: static since before there were sites™ :P
geoffo, gRegorLove and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
GWG what happened with PHP7.4 and isset?
Derick Rethans (author of xdebug and others) gave a talk at a local group I attended and they only mentioned the array methods for checking keys are set on objects breaking.
[fluffy], ashaibani_, gxt_, swentel, loicm, [KevinMarks], cweiske, Trendschau, [jgmac1106] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
!tell snarfed - I guess instagram atom got taken out by recent(ish) instagram changes?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
gxt and hs0ucy joined the channel
Salt been fooling with dokuwiki to try and add notes to the blog..Can't remove title without digging deep.. Dont care enough to now.
So been using a datetime stamp as a placeholder
that's just what I was thinking as a fall-back automatic title
I love these projects using a wiki for indieweb!
dokuwiki makes a great static file CMS in a way, has a lot of xml kruft I haven't had time to dig out, but having fun
the media upload tools are great, and having every post or page one static is nice, I didn't enable php but I could see building a few resuable snippets...just don't know enough about security to risk it
I did mess up and put some markup in root files that got overwritten at update, learned how to make a custom file...but right now it is a content project
using it for long form writing and now our poetry radio show
swentel joined the channel
very nice, I'll check it out... when it isn't 4:30a >_>
need to stop doing this, not like I'm teaching tomorrow <_<
teacher myself good night or good morning depending on which side of the sun you are one
sun hasn't come up yet, I'm in Seattle, but before long that will become my indicator that I've been up too long
loicm, [KevinMarks] and [Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
Still obsessing about this Micropub problem that cropped up due some weird PHP7.4 and WP5.4 modifications. I hate when something else messes me up and I can't figure it out.
GWG, haven't found it yet?
I found the fact that in PHP 7.4 you can't do if( $var ) apparently.
that feels very backwards compat breaking
or is $var not defined yet?
because this would break pretty much every framework out there
hs0ucy joined the channel
It seems to fail silently when I do it, but most issues got fixed when I switched it out
I could be wrong about the source of my problem
But I didn't change anything and I'm still getting errors in the unit tests, so I rewrote a bunch of code.
I wish I could use the null coaslescing operator
There are quite a few breaking changes in 7.4, or at least stricter errors about old features
aaronpk: That is what I think happened
The strictness
A PR I had for IndieAuth that is still waiting for review also had issues
Since both failures are IndieAuth related, running them in parallel
If I didn't have to support two implementations of IndieAuth, one in Micropub, one in IndieAuth...
aaronpk: apropos indieauth, maybe we should do a remote session trying to fix https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/35 at some point?
[fluffy-critter] #35 Improve validation rules for the verification response 'me'
Good idea
cc Zegnat [fluffy] sebsel
I'm flexible with times
most of the times I am flexible with them too
geoffo joined the channel
I always love a good tech talk
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Hmm we just updated our wp site to php7.4 with no issue. We might not be on wp5.4 yet though
cweiske joined the channel
you can't do `if ($var)` any more? What do they want, an !=0
It was probably how undefined variables are handled
You can, but the behavior seems to have changed
So I switched to a combination of is_null, isset, empty, is false
[snarfed] joined the channel
[grantcodes] no recent instagram changes i know of. yeah most of instagram-atom's requests these days do get blocked, but some get through! i'm seeing 1-2 successful ones per day on my own ig-atom feed
[snarfed]: [grantcodes] left you a message 4 hours, 36 minutes ago: - I guess instagram atom got taken out by recent(ish) instagram changes?
[Steve_Ellwood] joined the channel
Ah, I tried to update mine with a new sessionid and I can't add it because it doesn't generate a valid feed (not even empty) it tries to load some instagram scripts on the instagram-atom domain or something
huh, sorry. thanks for the report. will look!
Yeah no worries, didn't know if it was known or not
[snarfed]: I am sorry I broke your beautiful unit tests
I get it with any junk session id in a private tab https://instagram-atom.appspot.com/cookie?sessionid=dfs&format=html - source looks like an instagram login page
GWG that's what tests are for!
they break all the time, that's good, they're catching things. just have to fix them
[snarfed]: What frustrates me is they broke without me doing anything
New versions upstream
I need to expand testing for that
loicm, [tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
yup! happens
still. it's good! often dependency upgrades break your *code*, not just your tests. tests breaking catches that immediately. that's a good thing!
[snarfed]: Just frustrated I haven't figured them all out. And it is code I don't use,, which is why I need the tests
tests has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (17 in all channels)
sknebel: I am always happy to talk IndieAuth. Less flexible with my time as I still go to the office every day. But can definitely work something out
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[GWG] are the errors you are seeing around user_id's?
[LewisCowles]: Somewhat, why?
I've set it up and wanted to check I was looking at the same errors
I was on a call / meet about 7.4 upgrades yesterday
[LewisCowles]: I have a branch in my version of the repo called dep20update where I did some fixes.
want to see if anything jumps out at me
Anything in particular?
I did some fix work already. Not quite done
I fixed the errors by not calling home_url()
tiny 2 line patch
my guess is that two users have that url
and it's creating confusion around which, so I made an idempotent url
`'/users/' . static::author_id
should stop clashes
want a PR?
[schmarty] joined the channel
it passes multisite and non-multisite with PHP 7.4.4
jeremych_ and [Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
[LewisCowles]: I'll give it a try manually in my branch
Cool, I've PR'd with a travis edit to get it to test on 7.4. First attempt failed because of the looking for the right phpunit version. IDK what that's about but I just force pushed a fix
moppy joined the channel
to my branch
yeah sea of green here and on travis
hs0ucy and oedmarap joined the channel
[LewisCowles]: I did a lot of travis edits on mine as well.
I upped to PHPUNIT 7
ah. TBH I've read the test name. While it might be fixed, Perhaps the test needs to go away or DB put into a known state. Green isn't always better
[LewisCowles]: All of the Indieweb plugins use similar travis files. I think it may be time to revisit.
[LewisCowles]: Did you see the one in my branch?
I did. Btw the reason why it was failing is that an admin user is added with that site URL
I may revise my PR
Yes, I fixed that one.
But somehow, the testing was querying the real indieauth.com instead of simulating it, so I need to change how I mock up remote calls.
It's odd though, again...didn't change anything in that area.
[jgmac1106] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Hi I just saw the ping re indie Auth spec issue 35. Is there something that needs to be discussed in that?
I have an indieauth endpoint at anyauth.beesbuzz.biz that lets folks test their valuation rules
I think there is a new signature for add_filter in tests, or at least there is a filter method
tests_add_filter looks like the same signature as add_filter
s/valuation/validation/ stupid autocarrot
[LewisCowles]: Got docs?
dckc joined the channel
it has some docs, but I've no idea where they would render to
I thought that was testing if a filter works
it calls add_filter, so IDK
no it definitely modifies the globals filter uses. It doesn't test anything
it may not fix the filters you are using. but it seems like because it does two things your failure may be related to only doing one
I'm abandoning my branch and starting from scratch with yours.
The new master is failing locally for me.
Something else is going on.
home_url test is now fixed to test home_url again. To do that I set admin user home_url to /wp-admin/
[LewisCowles]: Wonder if it is thatI'm using PHPUnit 7 as opposed to 6.
But the live test isn't working either.
I'm using PHPUnit6 nd its working pulled from master after merge
leg joined the channel
let me try PHPUnit7
I'm going to try a few more incremental PRs
I liked that staging I put in
gRegorLove joined the channel
7 is refusing to install for me. Dependency conflicts
cweiske joined the channel
right I trashed vendor, manually updated composer.json and it worked on 7.5 for me
I do get a warning now that testsuite name should be required
I'm fixing that in a PR
I think I'm going to bed
loicm and [schmarty] joined the channel; oedmarap left the channel
!tell [LewisCowles] Did some other testing changes if you have any comments when you awake.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [snarfed] I fixed the iframe issues on piconic :)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[dansup] oh! thanks! didn't realize you ran piconic too
yeah I opened it in January because a lot of people wanted to join pixelfed.social
working on bug fixes for the 4 recent api issues!
!tell [fluffy] I thought discussing it and proposed solutions might be a nice topic for a virtual session.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[fluffy] joined the channel
Is there an IWC Online happening soon or something? I’ve been a bit out of the loop.
no, just randomly have a session about a specific topic. (I've been missing out on virtual HWCs and remembered that was a thing I wanted to look at :D)
Ah okay. :) I’m not sure I have anything to add other than what I already wrote in the issue.
And my validation logic in Authl already follows my proposal.
jamietanna joined the channel
barryf++ for being super helpful with https://micropublish.net/ yesterday and today with helping me diagnose issues with my Micropub server re edit, and helping push a fix to get me unblocked!
barryf has 1 karma over the last year
[jgmac1106], Jamietanna1 and [Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
apologies for all the pixelfed issues, dansup. thanks for the quick fixes!
vika_nezrimaya and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
I found another Weather API to add.
I'm getting overkill here
gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu and Jaygles joined the channel
I need some weather advice.
I'm adding Aeris Weather to my list of providers. It allows you to only source from METAR, or from METAR + Personal Weather Stations.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Wondering if I should source from PWSes.
Mine is in there.
Jaygles left the channel