#dev 2020-04-27

2020-04-27 UTC
geoffo, [prtksxna] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
what is ios
iOS is the operating system that runs on the Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch https://indieweb.org/iOS
that wasn't really helpful, lol
geoffo, nickodd, Rixon, gxt, swentel, [LewisCowles] and loicm joined the channel
I'm now wondering if I can use any of the things from the weekend for a visual CMS editor. I really dislike TinyMCE and WordPress editor complexity, but would like a little more than text-boxes.
I've also awoken with 7 more ideas for kanban. At some stage it might be easier to write my own board software that doesn't rely on JS or third party buy-in
[mapkyca] joined the channel
[LewisCowles]: maybe time for a KanBan in sourcehut.org style?
don't make me cry that someone else has solved my little problem lol
jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
Do you like Markdown [LewisCowles]
I don't hate it
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
but it's ultimately not very expressive without extensions, which limit it's consuming case
I do like it, and almost everything I write originates in Markdown. And yes, I tend to favour Multimarkdown.
I'd like support for dl/dt, details + summary, citation to go with blockquotes (GitHub actively removes citations and it very much triggers cave-man smash brain)
I'm used to writing a subset of GitHub flavoured markdown
table-format in GitHub just takes too much thinking to not check if I've done it right while also authoring, although I love tabular data in markdown
I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this, but you can always include HTML in a markdown document. That would certainly give you details and summary.
funnily enough, one of the things I don't like about Markdown is tables, because ignoring whitespace makes them difficult to read except in a renderer.
I do include them. Posted one to indieweb GitHub issue over weekend, but only picked up from olleolleolle, co-worker and rails contrib. He and another co-worker showed me lovely things and through their websites I found the IndieWeb
one issue with embedding HTML in markdown is that it can affect markdown to other formats conversion
it's like JS and CSS in SVG, not all renderers support fully
Olle Jonsson? Small world. Tonz suggested he and I meet yup when he was last here in Rome and we had a great chat.
He is a lovely person
No argument from me on that score.
if you get a chance to meet Morgan, steward of SinonJS they are equally as much of a delight
I believe they are involved with HWC Berlin
If he comes to Rome, I how I will.
[LewisCowles]: Sourcehut does not have KanBan, but it has issues tracker, git repos, all that nice stuff and basically all as plain HTML – wind of fresh air in the otherwise JS-SinglePageWebApp world.
I am looking into reST instead of Markdown specifically because the language does allow for extending it.
jamietanna joined the channel
I'll 👀 thank you both for exploring new things with me
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
as a call back to the plurality around databases and the trouble you can get in around fragility just go read the Known chat....getting worried I am gonna have to decommission my site and star over
The struggle is real, and it reminds me again why I did not want to support MongoDB in production despite upstream assertions that "it's just a snap install away" (literally the worst thing you could tell me)
ReVIEW uses MongoDB.....I have paid thousands in lost hours for this mistake (especially around user provisioning)
2nd quarter of next year scheduled for a complete rebuild...well that was before every k12 school closed....shutting down 100% of revenue streams
It's not MongoDB being bad in this case. It's more that the statement, just use the Snap makes me think that person doesn't appreciate what could go wrong. I was raised in an era of Haynes-style & encyclopedic manuals where you can take each component down to it's components until you have standalone machined parts
I used to love OHT sheets from the old projectors as their layered approach to detail is very powerful. I believe a similar technique should be used to lower the load generating cartographic maps
overhead transparency sheets? love the callback....I was probably last generation of teachers to use one before digital projectors
and I do feel like many of the kids will miss out if used appropriately, they were way more engaging in pedagogy than some video. It's just easier to purchase a video from one vendor at a fixed price than train a million teachers.
not kids... learners
another thing I hope the next generation pushes. The idea school and even university are not the end
more chat but make the community the campus...I lay gpx maps on top of each other all the time...just go learn ARCGIS.....the complexity to redo what the transparencies did.....
..of course the etl data ingestion kinda hard to do with OHT
hs0ucy and [prtksxna] joined the channel
loicm, [grantcodes], oodani, [tw2113], geoffo, [chrisaldrich], [LewisCowles], nickodd and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[LewisCowles] didn't realize it , just thought some files failed to upload, then I realized...wait having exactly 1,000 files sees too perfect a number
I always sort my music in folders.. Genre->Artist->Album->Tracks
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Oh per-folder.
yeah but I had everything in /music/
gwg I do too but some of my files 20+ years old...lets just say humans not that good at metadata entry
[jgmac1106]: Picard?
I feel your pain [jgmac1106]. There is a Github issue where they blame the database
a theme doth form
fuzzyBear joined the channel
feeling a creative need to make a movie trailer for a horror film about databases haunting me...feel free to drop script ides in chat
Hey folks, Im new here, been told to join a few IRC's based on web development as I study, wonder if this is a good place to hang out in?
It makes a bit of sense when I think about it. It seems my own file uploader requires a smaller number of files per-folder
welcome fuzzyBear...its a great place to lurk and learn, lead and learn, or live and learn..we just stress the best way to do this is from your own website
yeah [LewisCowles] I will just split into 3-4 folders...proll a-z otherwise I will have taxonomic fits trying to decide what does into which buckets and wha those buckets should be
thanks man, I have already added this to the bookmarks, i agree with your philo on learning, kinda wnated a career change and felt like the udemy course were costly and a flase economy. I found MDN and been slowly crawling through it ever since
fuzzyBear another thing for web development students to know while there are some playing with latest and greatest in front end engineering....we go more a route..shouldn't take an engineer to publish a website....just a bit of HTML, CSS optional, javascript, cautioned
I don't think I'd noticed or committed to memory, but AWS has a document I can share where they advise that more prefixes, which is their partition key, are how to get the most performance out of S3
just really get a place online and tell your story as you learn out loud (or privately), find a community where your learning goals align to their values and the network and you get smarter at same time
just to let youknow fuzzyBear we have #indieweb-meta for event planning, or stuff; #indieweb for general purpose info, and there is an unlogged chat for water cooler like talk
What is discuss?
Join the #indieweb discussion via the web, Slack, IRC, or Matrix clients now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/discuss
[jgmac1106] mate thank you for the feedback, I am just in the midst of setting up matrix so I can get more involved,
Loqi , thanks
Loqi is the chat bot
I found that confusing too
irc works just as well and you can scroll back through chat.indieweb.org but these are more #indieweb-meta stuff feel free to come back to #indieweb-dev with questions about how to build your website or tools with IndieWeb building blocks
Who is LewisCowles?
Lewis Cowles is just looking to learn more about IndieWeb for now https://indieweb.org/User:Www.lewiscowles.co.uk
Loqi does lots of friendly stuff for us
Who is Loqi?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/User:Loqi.me
Who is jgmac1106?
J. Gregory McVerry (Greg) is an educator trying to use the web to help engineer better teachers https://indieweb.org/User:Jgregorymcverry.com
dougbeal|mb1, [mapkyca] and [benatwork] joined the channel
When I first implemented my Perl Webmention library in 2018 I set the default comment truncation length to 200 characters. Was/is that a soft standard in the community, or did I just make that up on the spot?
(I have lately come to feel that it's too short by, oh, 40 characters.)
gxt joined the channel
micro.blog and twitter both use 280
which is just a historical artifact of doubling twitters 140 which came from sms limits...maybe even further back into history others will have to share
oops i meant by 80 characters of course. Good to know about micro.blog
I'll just quietly tweak that default on my end then
I think the character limit depends more on typography and design...how much real estate you want a a comment to take up....a read more button after a certain number is nice
folks like chrisaldich like writing blog posts as webmention replies if you need use cases
chrisaldtich oops
grrrr you know who I mean
I must have just pulled 200 out of the fish tank at the time. Maybe I was in denial about Twitter's still fairly recent character limit expansion and I didn't want to go full 280
Anyone here happen to know if it is possible to use the Safari web inspector on iOS without using a cable to hook the phone to the computer?
I do not have a USB-C to Lightning cable, and the new Macbooks all only sport U-C
nickodd, geoffo, omz13, joshghent, globbot, treora, blueyed, [snarfed], [KevinMarks], [Aaron_Klemm], [chrisaldrich], deltab, [jansauer], leg, hs0ucy, [jeremycherfas], loicm, AshleySky, [cleverdevil], raucao, edrejonakl and gRegorLove joined the channel; nickodd and edrejonakl left the channel