2020-05-11 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:20 Loqi Apple is a for-profit publicly traded ($AAPL) corporation that produces various products (iPhone, iPod, Macintosh) & software (iOS, macOS), and provides services (iCloud, iMessage, iTunes, Apple Music), all of which focus on good UX, also an IndieWeb principle, and thus are used by many in the IndieWeb community https://indieweb.org/Apple
# 01:20 aaronpk (more about app store policies than RSS specifically)
# 01:40 aaronpk so i'm working on the import-from-url feature in meetable
# 01:40 aaronpk which means i now have a consuming use case for the additional URLs we've been adding to events
# 01:42 aaronpk i think i will hold off on those for now, but will make a note that we should brainstorm some property names for that
# 01:44 Loqi [aaronpk] #97 Microformats for additional properties
# 01:48 GWG I think status is the least controversial.
# 01:50 GWG And status has other potential uses.
[chrisaldrich], beko and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
# 02:21 jacky wow apple is being a bit ridiculous there tbh
# 02:21 jacky [tantek]: yeah re: prior art but it doesn't provide _why_ certain choices were made!
# 02:21 jacky plans to have that outlined in a blog post when lighthouse hits alpha
# 03:27 jacky I think this is an aggressive choice I made but I want to require authorization for a site to send webmentions using lighthouse
# 03:27 jacky it _feels_ like a bit of overkill for now but in work settings, I've seen this be a helpful thing
# 03:30 jacky it'd be easier to handle potential misuse (if their token gets leaked, re-rolling and using another one is easier to do than IP banning)
# 03:32 aaronpk i may be biased, but I think authentication is good :)
# 03:44 jacky it's easier to test it in my test suite than to do it manually
# 03:50 jacky I also will need to have a dashboard or page so they can pull a token for this
# 04:03 [tantek] auth provides a natural flow to provide a dashboard page
nickodd and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 04:49 jacky yup, I think I'll do that with also a one-click setup for bridgy setup for people
# 04:50 jacky will be a case to encourage people to push for rel=me to their twitter accounts
# 05:19 jacky hm now I'm wondering - is it aggressive to check if a source references its intended target when sending a webmention or should I let the remote webmention endpoint handle that?
# 05:29 jacky like if I can reduce the chances of a bad webmention from going out, I would
# 05:30 jacky but then that'd prohibit just random webmentions from being sent
# 05:38 [tantek] that's a good thing from a security / DoS perspective.
# 05:41 jacky it'd be an added layer of protection since sending is already going to be protected with a token
[fluffy] joined the channel
# 06:05 jacky might do some benchmarks on my local machine with some random simulated lag and errors
# 06:06 jacky def one thing I want to add is a ticker on the homepage showing how many webmentions are going through the system
markopasha, xsteadfastx, swentel, jamietanna, deathrow1, amiiboh, kiero_, aaronpk, bear, nsh, dckc, [Rose], [LewisCowles], [Sadik_Shahadu], [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [prtksxna], [grantcodes], [aimee], [jgarber], [jansauer], [tantek], geoffo, [tw2113], nickodd, jolvera, dougbeal|mb1, [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], SpencerDub, hs0ucy, gRegorLove, [fluffy], garrettw, [snarfed] and petermolnar joined the channel; nickodd and petermolnar left the channel
# 20:36 jacky okay now I think the most 'advanced' thing I want to do is have some kind of processing of async webmention statuses
# 20:38 Loqi shipping has 1 karma over the last year
KartikPrabhu, flex14, [jgarber], [KevinMarks] and markopasha joined the channel
# 23:29 aaronpk GWG: you may be interested to learn that someone made an Android version of Overland!!
# 23:31 Loqi [OpenHumans] Overland_android: GPS logger for Android devices