#dev 2020-07-18

2020-07-18 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
↩️ Related, came across this last night and somehow didn’t know it existed. Webmentions, it’s an open backlink/trackback protocol https://webmention.net
gRegorLove, [Murray] and jackyonamacbook joined the channel
justache joined the channel
oy, another moment where I'm feeling that wiki is good for history but _not_ for capturing dev information tbh
like I was wondering what's the accepted set of params for `q=source` and the only one "approved" is `url`. Which is clear(ish) on the Wiki (I'm editing now) but the other options should be some how highlighted
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
jacky has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
That's the opposite of what it normally is
and why we started moving discussions to github
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, nickodd, [tantek], [jeremycherfas], [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], tinfoil-hat, moppy and [Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
↩️ Personally, I'd like to see more people getting a homepage (and domain) of their own and interact with each other via Webmention, i.e. a revitalisation of federation of content. The WWW has the advantage of being open. Embracing semantics allow for building a knowledge graph.
ThatSummer[m] joined the channel
Ah, I've made it in. 🙂 Matrix is a bit weird about finding IRC chat rooms.
welcome :)
Thanks :)
So I'm making a GET request to an authorization endpoint with query params. In this case, the auth endpoint is: indieauth.com/auth. An example of the full request below:
This fails with an HTTP 400 Bad Request but it doesn't say much beyond that. I looked at the spec and this seems to be correct - https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#authentication-request
did you read the error?
this is a link you'd redirect the user to in their browser, so the error message is printed on the page there
Oh I see! I was working on the server side for this (and I thought that was the correct approach) but let me revisit things in that case.
Opening that link the browser says redirect_uri isn't specified... which is correct as I had specified it as "redirect_id" :(
My bad!
Anyway thank you! :)
no problem! easy fix!
Yes :D
nickodd, [snarfed], [tb] and [fluffy] joined the channel
If I have an array of key value pairs, and the keys are delimiter separated... example key being a:b:c...and I want to turn it into a multidimensional array, what is the most efficient way to do so in PHP? I feel like I could optimize this somehow
aaronpk: Someone's mixing it up again
[Cal_ThreadRead] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Do you have any plans right now for an omniauth-indielogin gem?
[aaronpk] omniauth-indieauth: IndieAuth strategy for OmniAuth
that's actually an indieauth.com gem
(you can choose which to use, but it's not actually doing the indieauth spec)
Ah gotcha. Spelunking through the source for omniauth-indieauth, it looks like it's actually _mostly_ compatible for the request/callback phases, other than the hard-coded `/sign-in` path segment here in the initial request—which looks from the IndieLogin docs like it would just need to be `/auth` instead
i don't do much ruby stuff anymore so i'm happy to turn it over
it needs some updates to discover the user's authorization endpoint
[tw2113] joined the channel
Aha — well maybe I'll take a stab at it here once I get a bit further along on this project then!
that'd be great
most of the request/redirect code there should still work fine, just needs some way to do the auth endpoint discovery
What are you referring to as the user's authorization endpoint in this case? (Sorry still catching myself up on the full spec here)
the user enters their URL, their URL has a `<link rel=authorization_endpoint>` tag which points to their authorization endpoint
Ohh I see now. I think the full connection/difference between IndieAuth/IndieLogin is clicking now
Thanks to @threadreaderapp’s brilliant new auto-blogging feature for threads, here’s my first automated post! (Thanks also for all their help in getting the authentication working, and #IndieAuth too.) https://www.ianbrown.tech/2020/07/18/38/
@gwg If you don’t need escaping of the delimiter, look at https://www.php.net/explode
oh wait you said multidimentional, hmm
Could you provide a fuller example of what you intend for input and output?
[snarfed] would you consider adding support for webmention status feedback in bridgy? where you'd be able to show the final status of the webmention that the receiver reports? happy to negotiate what the details of that would actually look like
[snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk it's already there! via custom mf2 properties on user pages. https://brid.gy/about#api
you have to do a bit of bookkeeping to find the specific wm you're interested, but it's doable
no i mean showing data past the point of the http response of the webmention endpoint
for webmention receivers that process asynchronously
ohh i see, the opposite direction. hrm. maybe
[incanus] #158 hosted service not showing all mentions?
would add a lot of additional polling
easy start would be to link to the status page, if available, and maybe render async different from sync
i'm not saying *how* to do this yet
lol ok then...
but curious if you'd be interested in exploring it
the problem is right now all bridgy can show is that sending the webmention worked, which doesn't actually tell the user whether it was successful
also do we have enough consistency in the wild with wm receivers returning 200 vs 201 vs 202 correctly semantically?
yeah i understand
i don't know, we'd need to explore that
the other thing we could do is a callback url where the webmention receiver could post back to bridgy to report the status
that would have been a great indiemap extension, send every site a wm and see how it behaves
ugh yeah, i just know we'd get like 1-5% adoption of anything new/custom like that
well, if it helps the large number of people using both webmention.io and bridgy, it might still be worth it
so yeah this is all totally doable, i don't know if we need too much "proof of concept" to really validate the feasability
i'm certain justin would have been able to troubleshoot this himself if this information were better surfaced
the q's in my mind are more around, what's the behavior range of wm receivers in the wild, how often will we get false positives/negatives/breakages from this, etc
i'm not eager to make bridgy do yet more polling, so i'd definitely be happy to do a push-based approach instead
do we have a de facto standard for even detecting a status page? 202 + Location response header?
in which case the http response code isn't really relevant to this
bridgy could send another url along with source & target, and webmention.io could post back to that when it's done
eh yeah but polling a Location header is at least somewhat converging on a de facto standard
i'm especially reluctant to make up anything new or bridgy-specific
it'd be a webmention extension
nickodd left the channel
i think there's already some notes on this on the wiki
yeah i'm somewhat open to this then
usually i try not to lead w/bridgy, but if the counterpart is wm.io, you're right, it's big enough to qualify on its own
or seems like a websub candidate? guess the tradeoff is, websub is standard, but it's heavier than we need here...but it's standard...but... 😁
websub isn't even quite enough anyway, still have to make up a payload
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
eh it's enough to tell you to fetch and parse the status page, right? wm style
feels like adding a bunch of extra steps
eh yeah it's the fat vs thin ping argument, right? and wm clearly landed on the latter
simplest MVP (again) seems like a visible status icon in bridgy user pages next to pending async wms, with a link to the status page
heads off to see how common wm.io is in indiemap
technically status pages are also a not-yet-standardized experiment
i'm not even sure how many webmention receivers support them
but it's the closest common thing we have already in the wild
so it seems a bit better than making up something entirely new?
yes if: there are implementations other than mine, and there aren't false positive cases
time for a webmentionmap
ah i forgot the possibility of status pages are mentioned in the spec https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/#receiving-webmentions
tho the contents are not specified
crazed joined the channel
wonders if telegraph has any logs of what webmention endpoints have returned to it
still, something!
oh hey telegraph is coming up on 1 million sent
ah yes i forgot bridgy is the false positive here
(bridgy publish)
I feel like the trickiest part with status pages is whether you go machine or human first. A webmention sender built into a CMS may want some machine readable answer. But if a human used a web form to submit a comment URL on a blog post they would prefer to get HTML.
Zegnat: yes and i think webmention.io status pages support conneg for that
bridgy publish returns the resulting silo URL in the Location header, which looks like a webmention status page
conneg++ (although I may be in the minority liking it :P )
conneg has -4 karma over the last year
which i suppose isn't terrible, because the webmention sender would end up linking to the POSSE copy in the "status" button
Ah, right, services that trigger something based on webmentions would be different than regular webmentions
(and i misspoke earlier, telegraph has *attempted* to send almost 1 million, not actually sent)
huh, only 204 out of 2700 sites in indiemap are (were) on webmention.io
a lot, but less than i expected.
that is less than i expected too
oh, out of 882 total that have a wm endpoint
415 on Known, 314 on WP
oh and conneg-- out of pure spite
and huh i'm surprised you used conneg for wm.io's API instead of mf2
but 🤷‍♂️
so 23% webmention.io, 47% known, 35% wordpress
with possible overlap
(if i use mf2 i have to make up a mf vocab)
make up but not standardize
pronounced "yolo"
also excuse me patting myself on the back here to say, thank god, it doesn't happen, but answering questions like "what fraction of the community is on wm.io" as data to help us make design decisions is *exactly* why i built indiemap
only drawback is i do it too infrequently. ah well
i do feel like it's worth recrawling soon though
go for it! :troll:
i can't even figure out how to run bigqueries
lol aww it's just sql
i certainly have the bandwith at home to do a crawl
but more importantly you can recrawl without touching bq
yes! more about the time investment babysitting though
ok how can we do a survey of wm endpoint behavior, 200 vs 201 vs 202, etc
oh we could just send probe wms to every endpoint in indiemap!
that's actually pretty manageable
is the status code relevant here tho? isn't the presence of the Location header enough?
like if someone returns a Location header but also sends 202 instead of 201, that's not valid HTTP but it'd still be fine to treat the Location header as a webmention status URL
i guess? got me
assuming it's actually a status page? and i guess it hopefully mostly will be?
🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️
with the relatively large exception of bridgy publish
i bet wm.io + wordpress + maybe micro.blog will swamp all the others so this may not actually matter so much
i guess the false positive there would be a webmention endpoint that returns an HTTP redirect for some reason
but that'd be 3xx as well
ah yeah but i was just thinking one probe per domain
i'm just looking thru telegraph logs, i have a column that stores the value in the location header
oh hey
telegraph already implements that callback mechanism described on the wiki
as does my website
k here's all webmention endpoints in indiemap:
for anyone who wants to do those probes
hm that link loads up a project in my own google console
1122 total
do i need to get access to the indiemap data set somehow?
project shouldn't matter. indiemap dataset is public
there's no project id in that URL so it defaults to the last project i opened
or, if you run it, does it run?
oh sorry let me edit the query to embed the project
no, it says the database doesn't exist on my project
k, just a sec
k, reload?
er sorry wait
ok now reload. project + dataset should be embedded now
ah if i click the link from indiemap.org then it loads that project
now that link says unable to load the query
i tried pasting it in and i get "Access Denied: Project indie-map: User does not have bigquery.jobs.create permission in project indie-map."
ugh sorry! thanks for surfacing! fixing
oh yeah maybe you do need to be in your own project
for billing since indie-map doesn't let you bill your queries to it
(they'll be free, but still)
oh i see
or, i added some permissions, maybe it will work now as is
worst case i'll just post the csv
gosh i have to go enable bigquery on my account first
it may work in the indie-map project now
still no
ok of the status URLs i have logged in telegraph, they are only from either webmention.io, indienews, bridgy publish, lighthouse, and then there are three websites that return the target url in the location header for some reason
That sounds like a spec misinterpertation
aaronpk do telegraph logs have http response code? i'm curious if the non-status page responses are 200, or at least non-202
sadly that is not logged
oh wait
for some reason it's logged in a different table!
geoffo joined the channel
one of them is 202
[tb], [tantek], [chrisaldrich] and [tw2113] joined the channel