#dev 2020-07-20

2020-07-20 UTC
gRegorLove and [dmitshur] joined the channel
I am curious, of the people who implement an IndieAuth client, how many support both HTTPS and HTTP vs just HTTPS.
[dmitshur]: In my case, I just tell people they shouldn't be using HTTP
for me, I have limited time/resources, and ensuring security of the authentication I implement is one of top priorities for me. it's already hard to implement IndieAuth (over HTTPS), I didn't want to make it even harder for me by also supporting HTTP and trying to ensure doing so doesn't compromise security. and I just don't see any benefits to supporting HTTP in 2020 given the abundance of free tools like lets encrypt, mkcert, etc.
[tb] joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
[tb] better change that password ;)
that's quality entropy!
Something I'm getting used to lately with the tiny Yubikey 5C Nano that I leave in its USB-C port
[tantek] joined the channel
Accidentally tap the thing every once in awhile and it spits out a lovely OTP
I recognize the 6 c prefix from coworkers doing the same thing :D
I think there's actually a way to configure it to stop automatically sending a return at the end but I haven't bothered to look it up
Oh yeah it happens so often in our work Slack that there's several dedicated reaction emojis for it that people will poke fun at you with
prologic joined the channel
If anyone here is good with UI/UX and CSS I'd love some help with https://github.com/prologic/twtxt/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aarea%2Fu
beko joined the channel
Ooops sorry bad link
[tw2113], KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove and gxt joined the channel
↩️ I stumbled onto it by accident. Someone tweeted a thing about webmentions a few years ago, and I saw it. Started playing around and now I wouldn't have it any other way.
gxt, strugee, [pfefferle] and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ That's awesome! http://Brid.gy is lovely. I haven't *sent* anything with it though. I'd do a proper webmention thing but it took me a full minute to find Thunderbird's big blue "Send" button for an email. Sleep is the better part of valor right now.
↩️ That's awesome! http://Brid.gy is lovely. I haven't *sent* anything with it though. I'd do a proper webmention thing but it took me a full minute to find Thunderbird's big blue "Send" button for an email. Sleep is the better part of valor right now.
swentel, [tantek], moppy, KartikPrabhu, jeremych_, strugee, cjw6k, builder, sp1ff`, Ruxton, superkuh, wagle, [Murray], dckc, [schmarty], [jgmac1106] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; prologic left the channel
[dmitshur] I don't have https on kevinmarks.com because I have multiple subdomains on different hosts and wrangling the certs for that is going to be a pain. As I don't store anyone's data, getting security flagged is annoying
In that post ☝️ I goofed around with styling my link to [schmarty]'s post as a u-like-of, just to see what would happen
And only just now have I learned about post-type-discovery, if you can believe that
jmac: thanks for the post! i am not seeing "u-like-of" in the page source and neither xray nor the php mf2 parser are seeing a like-of property 🤔
(I was wondering if other peoples' wm handlers would see the post as a like *and* an article... the answer is no, because p-t-d says that the entire post is a like, the end)
[schmarty]: Oh, I removed it!
jmac: oh! i understand now, haha 😅
It was clearly not what I intended so I cleaned it up
It was also fun to watch Bridgy get mad at it. (rightly)
Hmm. OK, Web::Mention's source code suggests that I read and implemented p-t-d two years ago, then 100% forgot about it as a concept. Maybe it wasn't quite a W3 draft at the time... i have no memory at all of that detail
[manton], [schmarty]1, twomanytacos and nickodd joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: I have my dns on digitalocean; that, combined with certbot allows me automated *.petermolnar.net. You might want to look into that.
> different hosts - I missed that part. Still doable, but then you'll need to distribute it
[kimberlyhirsh], [tantek], jamietanna, gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
kevinmarks what site is that screenshot / view source from?
[tb], [michael_lewis], [manton], KartikPrabhu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
@prologic some microformats in your templates would be useful - try indiewebify.me to walk you through it, or ask here
has been spent about two days refactoring his Micropub endpoint
I really can't wait to write about it
but now I should be able to have a changelog for each edit (if I wanted to)
_and_ possibly even POSSE my h-card changes, lol
[ivanvetoshkin] #228 403 forbidden - Unauthorized
aaronpk: I am convinced. I had hoped snarfed would weigh in, but the IndieAuth.com by default option will be gone by weekend
IndieAuth will be updated tonight... I want to make sure the enhancements don't mess anything up
craftyphotons and KartikPrabhu joined the channel