#dev 2020-07-22

2020-07-22 UTC
oh I heard about this
[tantek], jjuran, reidjs, [manton], gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, jeremy, jalcine[m], swentel, ketudb, moppy, jeremycherfas and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Maybe this is a way to think about the future of the h-card creator?
dckc, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks], shakeel, jmac, dansup and jalcine[m] joined the channel
What is timestreams
It looks like we don't have a page for "timestreams" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "timestreams is ____", a sentence describing the term)
timestreams is https://timestreams.org/ a proposal for "Time-aware feeds at any url. A simple protocol and file format for our digital lives."
I hope someone more skilled than me can take a look at that ^^^
And maybe see where it fits into IndieWeb principles (if it does).
Looks like to could PESOS Instagram streams and Pinboard bookmarks too.
No, scartch that; it imports a copy of Instagram data.
looks like it's reinventing atom but with headers rather than xml
having that much control of headers is hard
The developer, I noticed later, is the son of a good friend. I've asked for an introduction to see whether I can entice him in this direction.
h-feed does this better imo
nekr0z, plindner[m], Summer[m], Rixon, JK_na, fredcy_, jamietanna[m], Salt[m], edrex, samwilson and marinin[m] joined the channel
If I can get his attention, I'll point him at all you experts.
It seemed to me that he was reinventing the wheel, but I couldn't be sure.
And the file structure he suggests seems overly cumbersome. Couldn't he just be using dt-published and so on?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ I think I've got the wrong idea about what bridgy does - it might be that it sends webmentions for things you post on twitter.
dckc and [manton] joined the channel
There’s some overlap between the Time Streams Day Archive and what I was trying to do with the Blog Archive Format. (Blog Archive uses HTML + MF2 + JSON Feed, which is nice because you can view it with just a web browser.)
Hi all, just wondering about something.
When sending mf2 properties to a Micropub server for creating a post type (note etc.), does the client need to send them as `dt-published`, or is `published` fine? The spec seems to use `published` simply but it's throwing me off!
* Hi all, just wondering about something.
When sending mf2 properties to a Micropub server for creating a post type (note etc.), does the Micropub client need to send them as `dt-published`, or is `published` fine? The spec seems to use `published` simply but it's throwing me off!
Just `published` is the way to go
(Sorry for the double message IRC folks - just remembered it happens when I edit for a typo etc.)
So am I just supposed to disregard the prefixes everywhere? h-, u- and dt-* etc.?
That is, when making requests to a Micropub server.
Not really disregard, mf2 prefixes are never part of the mf2 JSON. They really are more parsing instructions when working with HTML, rather than part of the property name.
So they shouldn’t really be there to begin with ;)
Oh I see. This is a URL encoded request, support for which is mandatory. JSON support is optional for clients. I'm only trying with URL encoded at the moment and the server is unable to figure the date out.
Might be something else... I'll crack on. Thank you. :)
Oh, yeah, sorry. But even the url encoded version is based on parsed microformats, so same applies there
The URL encoded request is the list that would otherwise be the `properties` object from the JSON request. It is a fairly straightforward conversion.
I think multiple servers actually do the reverse conversion when they receive a URL encoded POST, because they prefer to store the mf2 JSON on the server side.
That makes sense. It'll probably make more sense when I add support for sending JSON requests. ;)
kraem joined the channel
lo! don't know if this is the right channel (found it through google). i'm currently developing a web app with nextjs for personal use, i'm new to web development. i am making some http requests to the backend i'm writing and i was wondering if it's ever done in a way that the server-side of a web app (i.e. next) makes the request for the client. i found that it can be done build time with
next but i was wondering if it's possible to do on a submit for example. if this is possible i wouldn't need to have the backend listen on anything else than the CIDR address of the next app. peace! :)
Hi kraem! This channel is mostly about development surrounding personal sites and IndieWeb technology (https://indieweb.org/). Not sure anyone here is working with next.js. There might be more node or even next related channels elsewhere that would get you much better answers.
Zegnat: i found that after googling (which i should've done before posting :P ) - thanks, i found ##javascript :)
Cool, hope they are able to help then! And of course if you see some chances for some indieweb tech in the web app you are building, we are happy to help with any questions there :)
it's actually a web app for serving my notes taken with 'vim-zettel' so i guess it would qualify as an indieweb app ;)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
in general, a serverside app can make a request and transform it for a client side app - we have a few indieweb tools that do that
kraem: definitely! Lots of talk about note collections, personal wikis, and so on :)
[schmarty] joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: i just realised the serverside wouldn't know when the client clicks submit for example. do you have any examples to point to? thanks
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I use next.js for my site and it's great
[grantcodes]: yeah i like nextjs so far. do you let server-side do any http api calls instead of the client? :)
kraem: very few, I use `getStaticProps` a lot instead mainly
hs0ucy joined the channel
[grantcodes]: cool. that seems to only work when nextjs is building the page that is being sent to the client though, right? i'd like the functionality of the nextjs server to send an api request when the client clicks a button.
Ah yeah. Well really depends how you want to do it. You can do a form that submits to a nextjs api page or client side js
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
[grantcodes]: thanks, didn't know about api routes!
jeremych_ and [calumryan] joined the channel
oh no darksky shuts down next week
I just published Adding Webmentions to My Static Hugo Site: https://anaulin.org/blog/adding-webmentions/ #indieweb #hugo
[fluffy] joined the channel
I finally got around to getting Authl fully-documented and on https://authl.readthedocs.io, for anyone who was interested in using this auth layer for their own projects 🙂
ah crud, the Flask stuff broke again
rebuilding, again…
docs++ [fluffy]++
docs has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
[fluffy] has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (71 in all channels)
[tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I need to do more with lightsky.uk
jjuran, [mapkyca], [calumryan], [michael_lewis], [jeremycherfas], gRegorLove and [snarfed] joined the channel
readthedocs is great! bridgy’s and granary’s are on it too
[schmarty] joined the channel
Fluffy has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (72 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu, lahacker and [tantek] joined the channel
Hi, @mxbck. In the Eleventy WebMention tutorial, you love to have up-to-date/realtime mention shows up. But, I don't see it in your current blog. Is it removed?
flex14 joined the channel
.@zachleat what do you think real-time WebMention? I don't see it on your blog. If so, then how often do you fetch them? Thanks.