#dev 2020-07-30

2020-07-30 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I'm really digging the simple format of "Summary" / "Intended Outcome" / "How will it work?" on GitHub's public roadmap repository https://github.com/github/roadmap/issues/82
[arush], [tantek], maxwelljoslyn and beko joined the channel
↩️ Oh noes! I just realized IndieAuth does not allow URls with port numbers. Now I need to figure out how to get a .local domain running instead of localhost:xxxx :(
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
For limited testing, I have used ngrok.
I also suspect many things don't actually enforce that restriction 🤭
Haha, well my client does! Unfortunately making changes and pushing them to my blog live won't work very well - the build times are almost 2 minutes/build. Which is why I'm here....
Going to try ngrok. 🤐
geoffo joined the channel
I have been using Caddy for that lately. A minimal config file can proxy any localhost to be on any domain you want, with https included.
[tw2113] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
ngrok has 1 karma over the last year
swentel joined the channel
ngrok didn't work for me. the micropub endpoint on my site is on a docker network and is accessed as such: `http://indiekit:3000/` -- tunneling means docker is no longer able to route this between containers
`request to http://blog/ failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED`
I ended up just using docker's port mapping - `80:8080` -- however I still can't connect for some reasons.
Which is a Docker issue, but at least it's all being done locally, so it's really fast whenever I do get it to work...
vilhalmer joined the channel
hirusi[m]: I have a Caddyfile like this in my dayjob project folder, and then run `caddy run` on the CLI to proxy all requests to a domain (local.dayjob.example) to a localhost. https://gist.github.com/Zegnat/aefee16aa40dcf200fbecddfbd3cc91a
That is how I trick all the tools that require “real” domains to work. It is also how we test advertising, because ad servers really want us to use our own domain.
Well, I think it's not gonna work out for me either way - even with Caddy. IndieAuth has to make a request to the domain to figure out providers for verification. It can't connect to http://blog/ (which I have got working internally). I will need a domain/subdomain and have it point to my local computer's address, but then I also have to fight port blocking from my ISP. Too complicated.
But yeah, if you are trying to have one docker container use a “domain” to reach another docker container ... that is going to need some internal routing
uploaded an image: Screenshot from 2020-07-30 12-40-44.png (130KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/yERgozKzCmBXHsLoGLGQaApk >
so how I do it (I use a mix of Docker and nginx) is that I have `test.black.af` as a domain that ngrok will proxy things for me
So I might have to self host IndieAuth and a token endpoint as well... Getting this all working locally is rather tought. 🤐
Oh, is that live indieauth.com?
Not self host sorry, but host locally. *
I proxy port 5000 to koype so it works at http://koype.test.black.af
Yes, that's the live indieauth.com
and I can add more projects under `test.black.af`
Yeah, definitely harder to do this when you require external tools for your testing flow
Could you skip the whole indieauth mess by using https://wiki.zegnat.net/media/token-provider.php ?
Or do you have a reason to specifically have indieauth.com as part of the flow?
so I tried to use ngrok to take my blog online, use that as a login on celestial, but then that means my app can no longer figure out what `http://indiekit:3000` means.
I don't need to. anythign that does the same authorization flow as ia.c and is able to verify an identity and issue a token is good enough
token-provider was kinda written for this usecase. You tell it the micropub URL (can be anything) and tell it what token you want (can also be anything) and it gives you a link that you use as your login-url in a micropub client.
Someone wanted to test Omnibear without setting up all the IndieAuth pieces: https://gist.github.com/Zegnat/9d3945f9b342d9b6af5ee33476003966#why
oh I miss omnibear
misses omnibear too
but do you really Loqi?
Loqi: omnibear or cookies?
Wow 😂
jacky: turns out Loqi really misses omnibear, haha
nope I refuse to believe it
aaron is messing with us lol
okay I'm looking at the token-endpoint thing and Im not sure I understand it. I barely could make sense of the Sink yesterday hehe
A Micropub client really only wants to find 2 pieces of information: a micropub endpoint URL it can post to, and a bearer token that it needs to use when posting.
So the token-provider gives it those two things, without requiring IndieAuth
okay I wonder if this will work cause my app is strictly tied with everthing that indieauth spec has written, not just those 2 pieces
so can I just use php's built in server to run this locally? is it just one file?
Just one file. I think you can use PHP’s built in one, or you test with the one I host.
Let me test it quickly in that case and report back
Wait, my Micropub endpoint is also on docker so I will need to host this on Docker as well 😭
Then you go to the micropub client and use that link as your login link.
So say your micropub endpoint is at http://blog/micropub and you want the bearer token AAA to be sent by the micropub client for all the requests. You put those two things in the token-provider and it gives you a link like this:
Okay that might work, let me do a quick addition to my docker compose and test this out
token-provider is only one file, but it actually implements an indieauth authorization endpoint and a token endpoint, so it is able to do the whole flow when a micropub client tries it
Let me know if there are any bugs, it is pretty old by now, but I think it should still work
has so many IndieAuth implementation between Sink, token-provider, and selfauth ...
Okayyy, will do
Should I use php 5.x or 7.x will be fine?
[Rose] joined the channel
7.x is definitely better. Run away from 5.x with all possible speed and panic
I think I run token-provider on PHP 7? These are the tough questions, haha
eyes PHP 8
php8 >>>>
Looking like PHP 8 will give us named function arguments. I want to switch for that feature alone. No more twisting around with null arguments when order of build in functions are weird.
positional-arguments has -1 karma over the last year
Zegnat has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (67 in all channels)
Did it work, hirusi[m]?
Hmm, not yet. I'm getting a 403 using php:7-apache image. Maybe it need some config to work.
token-provider itself never answers with a 403. So that sounds like a PHP/server config issue then
moppy, lahacker, Kappa and vilhalmer joined the channel
welp. falling in love with Friendica. It even does microformats. Wondering if this can be easily indiewebified on top. Found https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/3092 so far.
does it have a mastodon like api? then I can sneak it into indigenous in two hours ;)
I've no idea how easy that'd be but it speaks like 4 different protocols. Like Diaspora or ActivityPub and probably also OStatus or what it's called. Seems to federate with almost anything out there already
I've people from Diaspora moving to this so they don't need two accounts on Mastodon and Diaspora
hmm api seems straight forward
I'll try this afternoon
swentel has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
managed to get pleroma and mastodon in under 4 hours or so
pixelfed was longer, but that included the complete refactoring
well, I can talk only for myself but most of my interactions are of the Fediverse by now.
hm. time to scratch my own itch and work on my posse provider for Okuna now that it's webversion is live (beta required)
Welp, I may start falling in love with #Friendica. Looks like it has good #microformats support. There are 2 issues and I’d probably be sold already: #WebMention: https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/3092 #IndieAuth: https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/1260 (https://beko.famkos.net/t/f8g)
…some day this will end in an infinite loop xD
ok, is there a way for me to self host from the source code of indieauth.com?
it's open source, so I think so
https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com - this would be it right?
thanks :)
jeremycherfas, which instance of bibliogram do you use which offers rss feeds?
oh wait, I can see it on the instances list
[arush] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, [Murray] and aaavvva joined the channel
dckc joined the channel
[mapkyca] and Kappa joined the channel
Hello! I need some help about RSVP with webmentions
I got a brand new page for RSVP, but webmentions sending out are not RSVP, it's 'mention-of' instead
I am not sure it's the the endpoint or syntax problem.
I am not sure it's the the endpoint or syntax problem.
I am using webmetion.io endpoint
There is one RSVP for the IndieAuth Pop up session,
one RSVP refers to the page itself,
and then one h-event on that page
Do the RSVPs have their own URL?
Most things expect that a post will have its own URL, even if that's just a fragment identifier within the page
the problem is that there's no u-url property on these entries so this page looks like a feed rather than a post
so pretty much every webmention receiver is going to say it's a generic mention because they won't recognize this is a single post
you have two options: give each of these RSVPs their own page (preferred) and send the webmention from each post instead of this feed page. OR, give each RSVP a fragment identifier and add a u-url within each h-entry that includes that identifier and send the webmentions from URLs like https://www.kappawingman.com/pages/rsvp#1 https://www.kappawingman.com/pages/rsvp#2 etc.
some receivers can handle fragment identifier source URLs, but the more normal option is to give each RSVP its own actual URL
Ok, for more compatible setting, let me try to give unique URL for each RSVP. Let me try again. Thanks.
flex14, [jgmac1106], geoffo, [manton] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Good, it is working for using two unique URL for the h-entry and rsvp. Thanks Aaron
dckc and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[pfefferle] and [tb] joined the channel
ngrok has 2 karma over the last year
[mapkyca], sp1ff, nickodd, vilhalmer, KartikPrabhu and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I'm not sure what's going on, but this page https://willtmonroe.com/microblog/indieweb-events/ should at least be able to send a manual webmention using Telegraph or mention-tech, but yet nothing? Telegraph gives an error, but I would think that simply with the URL on the page it should do something?
[schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
what is Friendica
Friendica is an open source, federated social platform that aims to federate with many other networks (silo and indie alike) https://indieweb.org/Friendica
beko, swentel FYI ^
can you review that and see if there is anything new to add re: that issue you noted etc. and more?
agreed it would be great to IndieWebify Friendica some more!
[KevinMarks] FYI, you may want to comment on this re: Fragmentions and styling control: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5233
In particular it was just discussed in the CSSWG, chat log in this comment (you need to expand to see the full log) https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5233#issuecomment-666488974
[tb] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I'll have a look - target: is also tricky with this as scrolltotextfragment can have multiple target: elements- currently it shows the first
Hooray! Next milestone completed — Singulus publishes photos on notes to my Hugo site now 😄 https://tonyburns.net/notes/56ed0b/
KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], leg, shoesNsocks and [tw2113] joined the channel
[tantek]: Checked this already and it's uptodate from what I can tell
Got some attention from a dev by posting about it today tho :)
zenen joined the channel; crazed and nickodd left the channel
can anyone see what I did wrong in my markup here? I can't get telegraph to find any of the links: https://edu522sum20.jgregorymcverry.com/badges/whoami.html
figured it out...forgot no nested h-entries for telegraph
[fluffy], leg, superkuh, [chrisaldrich] and [Murray] joined the channel
are there any services where you can test what a webmention will look like to the other person? As in, I can paste my own URL, and then see a) what links on the page can be found, b) of those links, which have available webmention endpoints, and c) what the endpoint _might_ infer from the microdata on the original page (I say "might" because I'm aware that will be down to the implementation to some extent, but even a rough skeleton like
microformats.io gives would be enough)?
[schmarty] joined the channel
Murray good question and kind-of-not-really!
😄 fair enough
A couple of things to try tho!
https://xray.p3k.io shows "jf2" which is a condensed version of microformats2 JSON and used by several folks' sites to decide what a webmention "is" and what to display for it
And if you have the post in a feed, Monocle's preview can kind of show, maybe, what some sites might display for that mention, ish. https://monocle.p3k.io/preview
hmm xray is interesting. doesn't appear to spot the links on my post (or _my_ author url), might need to look into that a little
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
And Telegraph does 1and 2
oh cool, but would Telegraph actually send the webmention? I'm trying to avoid doing that in case I spam people 😄
Telegraph requires an extra step to send I think
nice, well I'll give that a go. Interestingly, Monocle appears to be "missing" the same information as Xray, specifically the actual citation link. Who knows if that's ultimately relevant but it's a starting point
It does, [schmarty]
Monocle uses X-ray under the hood so they'll show the same stuff
yep okay Telegraph is _also_ unable to find that link, something most be weird in my markup
though I had figured Monocle and Xray were likely linked 🙂
hmm well I'm getting somewhere; I appear to be able to send webmentions to _myself_ with Telegraph, so that's a starting point (and an endpoint I don't mind spamming 😄) jeremycherfas++
jeremycherfas has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
schmarty++ too (ironically I was using a bookmark of something you wrote as the test page, purely by accident 😄)
schmarty has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (68 in all channels)
/ accident/coincidence /
[tantek] joined the channel
Thanks beko! Always good when there's renewed interest.
if you wanted to help incrementally make progress, the Friendica Webmention issue https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/3092 could be split into two specific issues to work on / resolve
One for explicitly adding support for *sending* webmentions, which should be fairly straightforward (since as [ben_thatmustbe] noted, they already had the microformats2 support which means their sent webmentions should result in a good display by webmention receivers)
And another sub-issue for receiving, handling, and displaying webmentions, which gets more interesting since there are more decisions to be made about what kinds to handle etc.
Another potential way to incrementally make progress is to file a new feature request for Micropub support which could depend on the existing IndieAuth issue: https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/1260
geoffo joined the channel
Well think I'm going to call it an evening. Not sure why the links aren't being picked up by Telegraph (or anything else); looks like any link in my floated side panel is just ignored. Microformats.io seems able to pick them just fine, even identifies them correctly as bookmarks etc. But then it seems like that site is a lot more lenient in general; it picked up my author url immediately, but it just took 30 minutes of debugging to get it in a
format that XRay could see. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe sleep will help 🤷‍♂️
[manton] joined the channel
microformats.io is just running the microformats parsing, not trying to interpret the page for consuming as a comment or bookmark or anything. so thjat should only be used as an indication of whether your data is even parseable at all. XRay or other sites that try to make sense of the microformats are a separate step in the process
[tw2113] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel