#dev 2020-08-26

2020-08-26 UTC
still change that
when hosting on a raspberry pi? same as normal, using a cert from letsencrypt
fortunately yubikey tokens like that aren’t sensitive or paswords
[snarfed] Yeah, just embarrassing like a cat walking on the keyboard lol
for the same domain?
a browser that's offline wouldn't be able to look up the revocation logs but would still be able to validate the cert
sure! if you connect to the raspberry pi's hotspot, I'd be the DHCP server and DNS server and can make my domain resolve to the pi
it'd be a neat trick
before amazon registered the .bot TLD, I set it up so that if you're on my home wifi and go to bar.bot you get my cocktail robot drink menu :D :D ... DNS is fun!
presumably without https though right (barbot)
i don't have a cert for that but i sure could!
This just made me realize that I don't even use the Yubikey OTP for everything because everything I have it hooked up to uses FIDO2
tho not from letesncrypt
but I also run my own root authority that I install on all my devices
craftyphotons++ U2F++ i used the manager GUI app to turn off yubikey OTP entirely for that reason
craftyphotons has 2 karma over the last year
Yeah just did that myself
Guess it was force of habit because I do use OTP on my work key all the time
This also reminds me I need to resume my project in enabling Webauthn on my site backend
gRegorLove, [fluffy], jonnybarnes, Toomim, geoffo, KartikPrabhu, Pankajkumar, strugee, cweiske, swentel, moppy, [tantek], [KevinMarks] and [Jean_Philippe_] joined the channel
I would like to implement a micropub server (for my own needs and fun), and I have a question: how can we make a difference between a Note and an Article ? I am using Hugo as a generator for my site and Notes and Articles are different files
the protocol descries these post types as h-entry
the protocol describes these post types as h-entry
article typically has a title
('name' property)
note just has 'content'
[Jean_Philippe_], post type discovery is explained at https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
dckc joined the channel
ok thank you, I’ll dive into that direction
fauno, KartikPrabhu, gxt, jonnybarnes, [pfefferle] and [tb] joined the channel
Phew, spent some time getting all my OpenGraph and Twitter Card meta in order yesterday. Pretty happy with the results as it led me to add automatic derivative creation to my photo model so I could spit out optimized images for og:image, twitter:image, etc.
Twitter and Facebook actually have pretty nice checkers for these things https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug (for OpenGraph) and https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator (Twitter Cards)
↩️ Yes! An accidental throwback-Tuesday while I've been getting #webmentions working on the @MCQN_Ltd website and (I think) caused the RSS feed to republish everything :-D
dckc and geoffo joined the channel
so I'm a little confused about mp-syndicate-to. when I'm sending a publishing request to the micropub server from a micropub client, it can be a string (single target), or an array (multiple targets), is it?
or does it always have to be an array?
for url form encoded requests, currently I send just mp-syndicate-to for a single target and multiple mp-syndicate-to[] key values for multiple targets, but should it always just be mp-syndicate-to[]
would this change in JSON requests?
My understanding is that the JSON format is always arrays
To which it's up to the server to make a call on whether it interprets it as an array, just takes the first value, concats, etc.
Okay that's a good note for me to remember when I implement JSON. Any idea on url encoded though?
Reading this makes me think my current behaviour is correct -- no [] for a single target, but add [] for multiple targets
So from my understanding from the spec, clients can pass either single-value properties or "arrays" (via `property-name[]`) when making multipart or form encoded requests
And then again, the server can interpret multiple values how it sees fit
Wonderful, thank you so much! :)
[tb] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
My Micropub server is still a mess on the inside to support form encoded / multi-part / JSON all at once lol
Hahaha yeah I havent gotten around to supporting all three, I can only imagine!
Need to do a big refactor there, it's still in the state from when I just ground through it
Very fun project though
Absolutely :)
hirusi[m]: for background reading on the Microformats2 JSON format that Micropub uses, yes, all values are always arrays https://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-json#properties
I think what I'm going to do going forward is have my Mf2 JSON -> internal Post model conversion be canonical for my backend and just put an additional transform in to convert form-encoded to Mf2 JSON first for those requests
gRegorLove joined the channel
Zegnat has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (69 in all channels)
Thank you! :)
This is a mp- prefix so I thought asking the Indieweb community might be more apt
[pfefferle], [KevinMarks] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Depends what language you're using but a lot of frameworks have ways to handle form data, so converting form encoded requests to match mf2 json isn't too difficult. Generally take the `h` value and make sure everything else is an array and dump it into `properties`
Speaking of Micropub... for the `mp-slug` extension, is this something you would also pass in a request to create a post (is the property name in that case just `slug` or is it `mp-slug`?), in addition to the query endpoint extension to check the slug's availability?
all the `mp-*` are sent as properties with the `mp-` prefix included
Do the `visibility` and `post-status` extensions just not have `mp-` in front of them because they're more stable then?
Nah it's a kind of confusing rule around what is prefixed and what isn't. `mp-` is meant to indicate it is some sort of command, rather than an explicit part of the post
swentel joined the channel
jonnybarnes and [fluffy] joined the channel
think about it like "are you going to store this value with the post?" if yes, then no mp- prefix, if no, then mp- prefix
"visibility" is a property of the post, it needs to be stored along with the post so your server can know what the visibility is
"mp-syndicate-to" is a command, and you don't end up storing that value, you store some other value that is the result of that command
"mp-slug" is in a bit of a grey area because you may store that value verbatim, but it's really more of a suggestion from the client to the server and the server might ignore it or change the value depending on its own rules
aaronpk has 69 karma in this channel over the last year (245 in all channels)
jonnybarnes, gRegorLove and swentel joined the channel
aaronpk++ that makes sense, thanks for the clarification!
aaronpk has 70 karma in this channel over the last year (246 in all channels)
swentel, cjw6k, [Murray], [KevinMarks], jamietanna and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I am revisiting my storage system, last updated in a motel in Cahersilveen in October 2017
[tantek], [chrisaldrich], jonnybarnes, KartikPrabhu, swentel, jamietanna, [fluffy], [tb], [Jose_Leiva], leg, [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel