[tantek]Since the W3C TPAC sessions will be going on next week, those of you who want t participate or like to lurk in such things may want to get on W3C's IRC and join the tpac and tpac-chat channels there
genehack_, dietricha_, ludovicchabant_ and themaxdavitt_ joined the channel
LionirI was thinking about linking my accounts to a subdomain which would redirect to the account (which would allow for them to be permalinks and explain for example if I no longer have an account since the redirect can change) but that would break rel=me, is there anything that could be done for that?
LionirIsn't invisible metadata unwanted? I mean, I guess since my homepage has them hidden, I could just keep it like it is with direct links and have my about page where things are visible use the redirects since I wouldn't use that auth.
ZegnatI am not a big fan, because it it easy to forget and not update. But if you feel it is bad to link to your other profiles without a redirect, you need to find the middle of the road somewhere.
LionirI don't think it's bad per se, I just think it can be useful since it would mean all my accounts would have a permalink and if anyone found it in the future, it could redirect to the right place or to a blog post explaining my departure from said account. I feel like that could be quite handy. Especially for accounts which might move dramatically like my Fediverse account. But yeah, it does make it easy to forget since I have to remember two
aaronpkit doesn't fetch links when discovering possible providers since that would require fetching an arbitrary number of links before any authentication is done
aaronpksince the silos stopped returning HTML that made sense, and also because the rel=me backlink isn't necessary if you're going to be doing an oauth flow anyway
LionirActually, I think I'll go ahead and only use the permalinks. I'll start putting an email soon so that'll work with LndieLogin.com. That should still work if it's forwarding to something else, right?
LionirOooo, here's something that could be interresting. Just something that popped in my mind (and probably a bad idea) but it could send webmentions, right?
ZegnatYeah, very unsure whether the receiver would have to do any action to proof they were supposed to receive it. So not a very secure place to send a secret code. Even email you can assume they enter a password at some point to access their mail