astralbijection, apdsa, jjuran, gRegorLove, nickodd, geoffo, KartikPrabhu, lanodan and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]sebbu, OIDC doesn't actually provide any kind of meaning full cross-client/server interop, so it's basically either a crap standard (standards are for interop), or worse, it's openwashing.
#Loqiopenwashing is the antipattern of producing something non-open, or with non-open methods/maintenance, then claiming it is open, or marketing it as open, with perhaps superficial resemblance or motions that appear to make it open, but not open in practice, whether open standards, open source, open licensing, etc
KartikPrabhu, [Emma_Humphries] and [tantek] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
#ZegnatWe specifically use OIDC because of the standard and the interop. Our centralised SSO offers OIDC, which then allows other departments to use standard OIDC extensions for things like WordPress to interop with it.
[capjamesg] and [Denver_Prophit] joined the channel
#[Denver_Prophit]If I have a technical whitepaper with say 3 authors, how would I markup the other two contributors?
#librelearnerHave an interesting perspective for the folks in here that requires a conceptual answer along the lines of what you guys provide on your site
#librelearnerI'm having a serious case of imposter syndrome. I don't have any formal schooling in tech and I'm not sure how far, close etc., I am to anyone else or what other developers, coders, programmers, etc., know that I don't know.
#librelearnerAt the same time, I love tech & computers. I want to publish information & teach others & contribute. But I'm not sure how easy / hard this is. I don't know how many others can 'do what I do', or whether I should even gauge my abilities by that benchmark.
#librelearnerI was homeless 3-4 years ago and managed to get myself to a decent baseline by literally going to the library at a local community college, pretending to be a student and spending the days learning enough to make a webpage.
#librelearnerThat's when I promoted my services writing papers for students. From there, I received enough to start another business, which ended up doing *very well*. Since that time, I've found myself very far down the rabbithole of tech. I feel like I know a hell of a lot, but I"m unsure whether I do or not.
#librelearnerOther times, that statement feels ridiculously arrogant & disrespectful
#librelearnerThat's all, would appreciate you all's feedback
[KevinMarks] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
#GWGlibrelearner: I know plenty of successful people without formal schooling in tech.
#jeremycherfasAgreed, formal education and qualifications are probably lower in tech than any other field. (OK, that's an outrageous oversimplification and guess.) But, "writing papers for students" is not something I would put on my CV if I wanted anyone to take me seriously. Maybe someone wrote your CV for you?
#[tantek]clients being able to use an API is not "interop". that's just an API. which WordPress extension works with arbitrary OIDC servers (or clients)?
#Loqi[miniOrange] Description
WordPress OpenID Connect (OIDC / openidconnect) Client plugin allows Single Sign On (SSO) with any OpenID Connect provider that conforms to the OpenID Connect 1.0 standard. [ACTIVE SUPPORT]
You can SSO to your WordPress site with any OA...
#ZegnatThey also make a SAML version of that plugin, that is also being used internally here to connect with our domain controller
#aaronpkthe real question is how much that plugin had to customize for each provider they list in the "supported providers" list
#[tantek]and if were to launch my own OIDC provider purely by following the spec, would it work out of the box with the existing WordPress plugin without any changes to it?
#ZegnatThat seems to be the case, yes. They are testing that now, I can get you a more exact answer on that later
#Zegnatis not involved with the WordPress side of the business
#aaronpkOIDC does have a full test suite and even a certification program. I haven't looked into what's involved with it exactly but I know they promote it a lot
KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], [chrisbergr], vilhalmer and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
#sknebeland there tbh the authorship algorithm doesn't matter that much, since someone consuming your page with the reply-context isn't going to use authorship algorithm to get to the authors of the context :D
#sknebeladapting authorship algorithm only is relevant when you publish mf2-marked-up documents with multiple authors, which hasn't come up as much
#sknebel(i.e. if I want to indicate multiple authors in the h-cite for a reply context, I can just provide multiple h-cards and that works at least from a publishing side, I don't know if/how readers handle that)
#sknebel(I think there was the issue for microsub that jf2 assumes one author, so even if the reader parses the context it cant't give that to the client? but again going from memory)
#[Denver_Prophit][KevinMarks] I saw the source. Seems simple enough to store the authors in json data markup. Just wasn't sure how the reader would consume x2~3 authors...
#[tantek]jacky, re: interesting view/lens of "web actions" (in a way), absolutely! Those are silo-specific webaction fallbacks which I'm pretty sure the existing /webactions page covers, and perhaps we could capture that presentation accordingly
fLaMEd, geoffo, justHaunted, Rixon, Pete[m], hirusi[m], jeremycherfas and [Joe_Masilotti] joined the channel
#[Joe_Masilotti]Hey everyone! I’ve been working on an independent tool for a while and am finally live on Product Hunt today. It generates link preview images for your blog with one line of HTML. I’d love some support!