deathrow1|absnt, [tantek], [schmarty], geoffo, [Denver_Prophit], ludovicchabant, themaxdavitt, jbove, [aaronpk], nickodd and prologic joined the channel
prologicHiya 👋 (again), just fyi implements _very_ basic support for IndieAuth endpoint support for and pods in general (that use Thanks for the help! Its probably full of bugs and security holes, but the happy path works! 🤗
Zegnatprologic: have you been implementing based on the W3C frozen version of IndieAuth or the living spec that is being tweaked to get ever close to OAuth 2.1?
Zegnat has a few more changes trying to streamline it for standard OAuth client libraries and in general getting rid of more moving parts. And will hopefully continue to do so.
prologicMy implementation is pretty basic though so I may not have to change much, based on cide review can you spot what I'd have to adapt/change to be compliant with the newer spec? (reading is tedious for me being blind et all)
Zegnatprologic: I am ony not sure in as much as I am not sure what we need to do to be allowed to make any changes to the W3C published version :P I keep asking, and getting the answer, and then promptly forgetting it again.
ZegnatI have been thinking a lot about IndieAuth tests too, aaronpk. Now that I am writing an AS again. Been looking into how I best write up automatic integration tests. E.g. for testing if the right OAuth 2.0 errors are returned
jamietannaTools wise there are several choices, ie contract testing using something like Pact. Alternatively we could share the context not the implementation using Gherkin so although there will need to be language specific code, it follows the same steps
jackyI still wonder if it's even possible to build something (like a set of Web Components) that could be used as a "drop-in" for comment feeds (powered by Webmentions? a h-feed that's polled every two minutes?)