@geonz↩️ Yea, I'm recalling how I learned when y'all talk about webmentions, the link you give just gets to ... the same text in a different place... (twitter.com/_/status/1334293803180625920)
[tantek], NinjaTrappeur, geoffo and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
[Raphael_Luckom]If anyone's looking for a good long read, this is a PDF of "No Silver Bullet -- Essence and Accident In Software Engineering" by Fred Brooks. Deservedly a classic. http://worrydream.com/refs/Brooks-NoSilverBullet.pdf
[snarfed]alternatively it’d probably be easier to have the extension send the wm directly, using a granary URL (with the user’s IG session cookie) as the source
aaronpkright, I guess I never really thought about it but I assumed they were also clamping down on that kind of thing too. Like seeing an cookie was suddenly being used from a different (and google app engine) IP
aaronpkI'm pretty sure I want to take the easy way out on my side which is to keep running a server side component to help with IndieAuth stuff and such, which opens up some interesting possibilities here
nolithI published a new website, on another domain, containing some literate programming stuff and my own dotfiles, I'd like to add microformats and webmetions to it. Just in case. Will be ok to add the same head link to webmention.io that I'm using on my personal website (another domain)? Will it work or do I need to implement webauth also on the new site and register again?
samwilson, lahacker, [Murray], ethanyoo, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], swentel, [Rose], schmudde, oodani, rhiaro, gxt and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
[Raphael_Luckom]I got curious about the useragents I see referencing Windows NT. I assumed it was some script trying to negotiate lower protocol version for vulnerabilities, but apparently windows computers still use NT in there ua strings.
Loqijamietanna: [tantek] left you a message 5 days, 1 hour ago: I added alt txt for your screenshots PNGs (thanks for providing screenshots!) on /consent_screen, please double check them and feel free to edit further / improve.
jamietannaI've definitely got some improvements around consent I'll be working on after it's live, based on some of the things you and Zegnat have done, aaronpk
petermolnaraaronpk: we're probably doing the same; I get an email, so I could technically keep it if I wanted to. In my case "storing" means that with reactions to entries I get the webmention from webmention.io, parse it through pandoc into a yaml + markdown file, then add them into the comments section of the entry in build. So storing in my workflow is that parsing-stripping-saving as file flow.