Loqi2019/homepage is a project to update the IndieWeb community homepage in 2019, in particular with a three column layout designed for onboarding three common sets of visitors and new IndieWeb community members https://indieweb.org/three_column
[tantek]three_column << Another 3-ish column design of options to choose from, some aspects which overlap with IndieWeb choices: https://www.netlify.com/pricing/
jeremych_, ethanyoo, shoesNsocks, [Ana_Rodrigues], [Rose], geoffo, gxt__, swentel, [chrisaldrich], [Will_Monroe] and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
[Raphael_Luckom]my tools for parsing json are more convenient than my tools for parsing xml, so I'd prefer to maintain a JSON feed as an internal representation and snapshot it to atom / rss for external consumers
aaronpkso i spin up a new server, install the latest, start moving projects over, then inevitably there's a few projects that are either too complicated to move or require a ton of updating to support new php and they stay on the old servers and the old servers never actually go away
[Raphael_Luckom]tbh I saw a very big org that did pretty much everything via docker-compose. It wasn't what I would have picked but they made it work pretty smoothly. There _was_ one instance where a docker vulnerability caused an upgrade issue though. Can't win em all.
aaronpkugh laravel is in a similar weird spot right now too. version 6 is their LTS version, supported until Sep 2022, but version 8 changed a bunch of stuff but will be EOL Sep 2021
lahackeri wanted to be able to automatically spin up a server with a chunk of python to do something smallish so i had a bunch of digitalocean code baked into the canopy; then i ripped it out https://github.com/angelogladding/ghost
@megarush1024↩️ That's true to a point, but I have no simpathy for folks bitching about content moderation policies they don't like. They can gain same protections by spinning up websites and using open standards like webmention and MF2 to talk back and forth. (twitter.com/_/status/1336731828552667136)
lahackeri like to think that if a single core server with 1GB memory starts to slow down i should just be able to click one button to migrate to a beefier server
[tantek]GWG, there's been some attempts at new(er) / more consistent logos for various IndieWeb specs but they were too abstract / modern artsy to really be memorable
[tantek]DoorDash IPO just goes to show the value of good simplifying UX, and how much people hate making phone calls to strangers. Related, there's working going on in #microformats on a restaurant menu microformat towards actually providing the ability to directly read and interact with restaurant delivery menus
[schmarty], schmudde, ethanyoo, petermolnar, astralbijection, [tw2113_Slack_], [fluffy], [Emma_Humphries], silo, [Raphael_Luckom] and djmoch joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel