#dev 2020-12-19

2020-12-19 UTC
superkuh: It's only one page of my site.
I can always put in an alternate URL for that
you can have a fall back style in CSS
so you can support old browsers too
CSS is not all or nothing
I don't remember the CSS I used for mine
just looked it up. super minimal. li>img for each photo, everything inline, the list items wrap naturally as necessary and line-up in a grid because all the photos are square
since they're thumbnails
I used object-fit:cover to position the photo regardless of aspect ratio in the square img dimensions
no flexbox or grid or any "fancy" CSS needed
object-fit stats are decent: https://caniuse.com/object-fit
schmudde joined the channel
superkuh I care about how pictures look to me (which is still off a bit) and not those who use old browsers...I do need to figure out how to add a delay on the touch to see the overlay text
I haven't slightest idea on how to do that
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
is js on the table?
maybe as desert, bc use should eat as little as possible.....webmention.js only js I am carrying now
I don't see js as tool for styling on my website
oops dessert or desert too, having a js desert isn't bad
fair enough. CSS has some time based things in transitions / animations. I have to reread a million things every time I want to use them.
but they are pretty powerful and tend to work in the end
oksy css animation vs js....can see that as a draw
I keep telling myself I will sit down and really learn css animation...and then I don't...
hard to keep a language you aren't speaking all the time
..and talking about superkuh browser compatibility...that is a hard part about animation....
btrem, [KevinMarks], geoffo and Loqi joined the channel
I'm working on PKCE in IndieAuth. I'm thinking I won't support code_challenge_method=plain, so return an invalid_request error if that's received.
I'm thinking it's preferable to redirect to the redirect_uri with that error and error_description, right? vs. displaying the error on my authorization endpoint page.
(this is after the redirect_uri has been verified)
Not that I think any indieauth clients are sending "plain" but just trying to cover everything. Same error if there's code_challenge with no code_challenge_method
I only support S256 myself
Was just pulling up the WP code to see. Do you redirect to redirect_uri with the error parameters, or display the error message on the auth endpoint page?
gRegorLove: I would have to look. I added PKCE in Austin, I think
So, a while ago
Ah, the Before Times :)
Hard to believe that was this year
gRegorLove: I wasn't at Austin this year
It would have been 2019
Here we are, I added it March 17, 2019
yeah I only implemented s256
I thought it was kinda funny the spec says you shouldn't use plain unless absolutely necessary but then default to it
I'm looking forward to when I can require PKCE
Still too early
Same, vilhalmer, seems odd.
Does it really, heh
I don't remember the reasoning for that
geoffo, hirusi, [tantek], nickodd, [fluffy], [jeremycherfas], gRegorLove and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
A short one for the weekend. @alexfwulf mentioned that I've blindly used php-doc tags in my webmentions Blade compo… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1340245132281524225
Basically they accidentally reniced the auth services down to 0 and that broke everything that needed auth.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
The exact day of Sunburst and the CISA warning....color me skeptical
My @gmail.com email ended up getting auto-unsubscribed from a couple email lists I'd been on for a decade.
Due to gmail bounces.
DanC, [Alan_Smith] and geoffo joined the channel
having some trouble with quill and micro.blog and bookmarks..I think it is a micro.blog issue though and not quill
TeeKay joined the channel
...can't check on my quickthougths because that is all kind of borked when it comes to authorization and micropub
nickodd, jolvera, [chrisaldrich], [Ana_Rodrigues], jeremycherfas, [KevinMarks], sp1ff, geoffo and gRegorLove joined the channel; nickodd left the channel