[Rose], [Raphael_Luckom] and hoschi joined the channel
#btremI've tried to post an rsvp to three different indie web meetings. The post appears to be ok. I followed the directions on issuing a webmention via curl. I get a 200 ok response with a json object. But nothing appears on the page. Do I have to be a registered member of indie web for it to work?
#btremIs this on the events page where it suggests sending an rsvp? I don't recall seeing it. I'm not trying to be negative -- honest -- I'm just wondering if I missed something.
#aaronpkno it's a relatively undocumented anti-spam thing
#btremYeah, but I rsvp'ed to two previous events, and it apparently never made it out of the queue.
#aaronpki suppose i could make the webmention response tell you that it's in the moderation queue, but frankly few people actually look at the webmention response anyway
#btremThe rsvp.json link I posted is for the Dec. meeting. :-/
#aaronpkthe one in the moderation queue is for jan 6
#aaronpk"Webmention Received Jan 2, 2021 3:15pm from btrem.com"
#btremWell, it's not a big deal. But perhaps if the json response included a note that it's in a moderation queue, that would have let me know what was going wrong.
#aaronpkso all my posts have weather info from there now
#btremThanks for the replies. I'm new to webmentions, so it's good to know that I got it right.
#btremI'm switching from a simple site of a few pages to a (still simple) static blog. Probably with 11ty. Hopefully I'll be able to at least partially automate the rsvp process.
#GWGbtrem: I've discovered I'd rather do the work of automation because if it takes too long to do things manually...
#btremYes, that's generally my experience. Plus it's neat to watch things happen automagically. :)
#btremBut my current server is shared hosting with cpanel, and no ssh access. That might makes things difficult.
#btremI like the guy who runs it, but I sort of want to move on to a host that offers ssh. It just makes things easier.
rawtext, ShadowKyogre, maxwelljoslyn, hoschi, alex11, [mapkyca], [chrisaldrich], schmudde and [Emma_Humphries] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
#LoqiThe representative h-card for a page is an h-card on that page that represents that page, if any, as not all pages are about a person or organization, a page might not have a representative h-card https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
#LoqiWebmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/webmentions
#[tantek]sigh, rel=nofollow is not the answer to "SEO spammer" webmentions, but rather deleting them in the first place. Don't accept links to garbage on your website, why is that not obvious?
#ZegnatCan you remove webmentions from the hosted services? webmentions.io and the heroku one? Question because I am not sure "don't accept links to garbage" is possible if people are using receiver services.
#hoschi-itFor webmentions.io in General: you can delete webmentions. Someone else knows about heroku hosting?
#[KevinMarks]I use the Heroku one but haven't deleted any webmentions. And mention.tech doesn't have that either. So maybe a user side blocklist?
#[KevinMarks]Also, if you're implementing webmention, webmention.rocks is really handy
KartikPrabhu and hoschi joined the channel
#btremI'm trying to figure out 11ty and I've hit a roadblock. Trying to do my first site build, I get this error:
#btremError in your Eleventy config file '/Users/bt/Sites/btrem.com/.eleventy.js'.
#btremWell that's true, it is not defined there. Nor is in any tutorials I have come across so far. DDG searches for the error messages have not come up with anything promising. Any ideas for what to search for or what page to look at?
#[Raphael_Luckom][tantek] I was wondering about that too when I saw the tweet...like I remember pingback spam back when I had a wp site but...just use some kind of filter? I'm a little curious about who's pumping out webmention spam anyway...it doesn't seem like that big of a target.
#GWGWe hope to have an anti-spam solution before webmention spam becomes popular
#[tantek][Raphael_Luckom] it's a many layered problem. the /spam page has some more as snarfed points out. At the highest level there was an error in inventing "Pingbacks" as a new UI thing instead of just being a transport protocol for peer-to-peer comments, and processed as such. Eventually people tolerated pingbacks being more "spammy" than comments perhaps because they were a separate "lower quality" thing.
#[Raphael_Luckom]The spam page is really useful, thanks
#[Raphael_Luckom]I wonder how much of the wordpress spam is enabled by the homogeneity of the wordpress ecosystem. Like is wordpress structured such that the pingback url is a known path on the domain, and does that affect spammability
deltab joined the channel
#GWG[Raphael_Luckom]: Pingbacks always have a header, as do webmentions on the site for discovery
[tw2113_Slack_] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
#[Raphael_Luckom]Anyone have good experiences with cloud / service providers other than aws/gcp/azure? [snarfed] mentioned Backblaze a while ago, and I assume some people use cloudflare. I've been trying to figure out how many different providers offer object storage _with_ event notification, pay-as-you-go nosql, and "serverless" functions. Even if a provider doesn't offer all three.