#dev 2021-01-06

2021-01-06 UTC
btrem, alex11, [schmarty], ShadowKyogre, nickodd, schmudde, Salt[m], fredcy_, samwilson, jamietanna[m], khimaros[m], nekr0z, ciccarellome[m], JackyAlcin[m], malaclyps_, smacko[m], drhitchcock[m], antonio[m], mayakate[m] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Good morning, campers
schmudde, geoffo and jeremych_ joined the channel
↩️ the combination of webmention and microformats enables a lot of cool things such as comments, likes, events with RSVPs etc https://indieweb.org/posts#Types_of_Posts
schmudde and [tantek] joined the channel
from the top of that thread, https://dri.es/can-someone-add-some-more-html-tags-please - worth reading and plenty of good points there to discuss!
also dropped that link into #microformats for more general microformats discussions
that post popped up in my reader, but there's a weird escaping bug in it
looks like i was subscribed to his rss feed and i'm pretty sure something is messed up there
https://dri.es/rss.xml search for "with custom"
`...with custom <code><div></code>s for a...`
in the HTML it's `with custom <code>&lt;div&gt;</code>s for a`
my reader properly formats it from the html version, but got confused with the rss version
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
point for HTML!
[grantcodes], shoesNsocks, [Raphael_Luckom], gRegorLove and shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
Talking 'bout WebExtensions in #indieweb-meta ... I just finished up polishing part of an extension I was working on today that needed a context menu to show the correct items. I am both proud and embarrased by the final `if` I ended up writing: https://gist.github.com/Zegnat/8a96c343fcc9a83f0c12b63e1833292f#file-background-js-L18-L23
wow, that's a good one 🙂. I can't quite get my head around what that final `!== single` is doing
Only if the boolean from the `=== 1` is different from the boolean inside `single` is the code within the if supposed to run.
Refreshing the context menu is possibly an expensive action and might be visible to the end-user if it does not happen quick enough. So in cases where it isn't needed, I try to not run the code.
oh, that makes sense. I definitely get defensive around order of operations stuff like that and add extra parens for grouping even when I probably don't need them
I already have more parens there than I would write, a few were added by the style linter, haha
shoesNsocks, swentel and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel; shoesNsocks left the channel
I just published an npm package to cache the /_cache/ folder between builds on Netlify. https://github.com/siakaramalegos/netlify-plugin-cache-folder#readme It's basic with no config (I think other exist if you want more), with 2 steps to install. It's great for integrating with webmentions: https://sia.codes/posts/webmentions-eleventy-in-depth/
[chrisaldrich], [schmarty] and swentel joined the channel
anyone using JetBrains TeamCity CI/CD? You might want to recheck your infosec: https://twitter.com/nicoleperlroth/status/1346909580219936769
Exclusive: JetBrains, an obscure software company founded in Russia, based in the Czech Republic, is being investigated as playing a role in the Russian hack. Among its customers are SolarWinds, Google, Siemens, HP, VMWare with @sangernyt @julianbarnes https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/06/us/politics/russia-cyber-hack.html
i just saw that 😮
!meme Tools
hoschi and leg joined the channel
Darn, and here I was thinking of moving from Atlassian to JetBrains. Guess AzureOps (or what it is called?) is the only other alternative I know
only jetbrains product i use is PHPStorm
leg, shoesNsocks1 and [schmarty] joined the channel
that article is infuriatingly vague (also, JetBrains "obscure")
right, I wouldn't be surprised if the article somehow turned "they got a teamscity instance that got hacked" into this... (not that I want to discount jetbrains getting compromised as impossible)
[fluffy], sebbu2 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel