btremThe takeaway is that using more than one file type in a project -- a supposed strong suit of 11ty -- is sort of, I dunno, broken is too strong a word. Maybe I can call it "rocky"? "Difficult"? My 2 cents.
[tantek]hmm the discussion of archive or aggregation pages like for months, years, tags etc makes me wonder how would one "edit" those pages with Micropub
[tantek]aaronpk, as you pointed out I think, you can pin a particular post to the top of a tag aggregation page. while minor, that pinning is a piece of content
aaronpki suppose you could flip the logic around, but that would also assume you have some sort of internal storage object for the tag itself, which is often not the case with tags or date pages
aaronpkh-feed with a pinned property seems reasonable, but it would for example take me a lot of internal refactoring to be able to store data associated with a tag page or date page
aaronpki'm just saying ordering hasn't come up in micropub because most of the use is on single-value properties or properties where the order doesn't matter
[tantek]micropub on your homepage h-card would absolutely matter about the name (or icon) for that matter, because folks consuming that h-card will likely always take the first value of those properties when representing you as an author somewhere else
btrem[KevinMarks] re: your comment about nunjucks and markdown: 11ty allows you to provide a njk layout for a md file. It also allows you to put frontmatter at the top of the md file to set the page title, article date, and permalink.
btremThat's where the problems arise. I can use njk expressions to create a permalink in an njk file, but I can't use that same expression in an md file.
btremIMHO, any cms/ssg should allow the site admin/author to create urls in a flexible and durable way. If the same expression to create permalinks fails on some files, then I need to have separate configuration files. That's a brittle situation.
btremaaronpk I don't see that as a weakness, but maybe I don't understand the issues. ISTM if order is important, then you would use <ol class="e-instructions">. If order is not important, you could use <div> or <p> or whatever.
aaronpkmy point is there are very few microformats properties where order actually matters in practice, and of those, we haven't really seen any of them used in micropub
btremAnd when I added h-recipe classes, I at first ditched the wrapper <div> and put e-instructions on the <ol> tag. Then I checked the markup in a parser, and realized, "Oh, that's why that wrapper is there." And promptly put it back in. ;-)
aaronpkthis thread started because of the question of how would you reorder values in a micropub edit, and i was explaining why this hasn't ever come up before
btremI did see the earlier part of the thread. In a broad way what you're saying makes sense. As to the details, as I said, I really don't know much about micropub. I suppose I probably should have minded my own business. So sorry for the noise.
lahackerso i'm circling back to micropub now and in favor of micropub'ing all the things i'd like to store my /about as a top-level h-card and create a micropub profile editor
jeremycherfasWhat do people do for rpi backup? Given how long it takes to read and write the SD card, I'm considering getting a spare card, and whenever I take a backup, immediately write it to the spare card, so I can just swap them out when I need to.
petermolnarI gave up on using rpis as servers for a longer period; I somehow tend to destroy sdcards. However, I'd probaby set up two rpis, two different manufacturer cards, one of them logging turned off, etc, and automatically sync between the two.
jeremycherfasI don't think I need that kind of redundancy, to be honest. I got caught today by a power outage, and the rpi was not plugged into my UPS. Would not reboot. So I am currently waiting for the image I created ages ago to be written to the card, and will then need to update all the things.
sknebel(newer pis also can boot from usb drives, which are more reliable. and one can do things to keep important parts read only etc, but that's a bit of configuration that needs to be thought through)
petermolnarand I second sknebel recommendation about the usb thing. In an ideal world, it's get an m.2 -> usb3 adapter and plug an actuall ssd in the rpi, using that as anything writable, and the sdcard as read-only.
jeremycherfasInstructions seem reasonably clear, but everything requires a usable SD card to start off with, so I'll just wait for dd to finish doing its thing.