#aaronpkyou don’t really need to “set up an account”, just try to log in at some point
#GWGaaronpk: I need an approving review to ship. It isn't fair to pfefferle that he's the one regular approving reviewer who can review my things.
#GWGThe alternative is for us to remove the requirement and leave me breaking things.
[schmarty] joined the channel
#[schmarty]GWG: what kinds of review or feedback does pfefferle usually give on your PRs? perhaps you can ease the review process with extra details on the PR, such as what summarizing what is changing and why, how it can be tested, the results of your manual testing, any open questions you have that he could help answer, etc.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
#[pfefferle]there are still some discussions open, that’s why I haven’t had another look
#[pfefferle]I should not be a blocker and I do not have to review everything, but I would love to keep the (at least) 4 eyes principle
schmudde, ShadowKyogre, KartikPrabhu, [colinwalker], [timothy_chambe], [eddie], lahacker, [tantek], voxpelli_, genehack, willnorris, gxt, [chrisaldrich] and jjuran joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel