#dev 2021-01-25

2021-01-25 UTC
djmoch and kitt joined the channel
Trying to format addresses for display is annoying. I need to figure out what countries use what formats...
[snarfed] joined the channel
that way lie dragons
KartikPrabhu and deltab joined the channel
[snarfed]: How so?
ShadowKyogre joined the channel
Oh yeah don't do that
one of my favorites
calling it a format is generous
vilhalmer, aaronpk, [snarfed]: I'm not trying to go that far
I'm doing it for presentation on posts...not trying to mail a letter
In this case, I'm converting h-adr to a display format.
h-adr has a small list of defined properties, that's a much simpler problem
I already take the output of reverse geocoding APIs and map it to the defined properties.
KartikPrabhu, gxt, swentel, KartikPrabhu1, schmudde, john-doe, [KevinMarks], [tantek] and [Nicolas_Hoizey] joined the channel
↩️ Hi, no worry for Bridgy, it was an issue with my HTML, where I had a bad mix of `p-author` and `u-bookmark-of`
MrHyde and oenone joined the channel
Good morning, Indieweb
deathrow1, jeremycherfas and sebsel joined the channel
↩️ Isn't IndieAuth a precursor of this? It uses your own domain too. https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth
IWSlackGateway and [Nicolas_Hoizey] joined the channel
↩️ Hi [snarfed], no worry for Bridgy, it was an issue with my HTML, where I had a bad mix of `p-author` and `u-bookmark-of`
DanC, [tantek], KartikPrabhu and schmudde joined the channel
Can't remember the issue number, but quick question for @aaronpk. How do I troubleshoot indieauth and aperture?
GWG: did my changes to Aperture's IndieAuth break the Wordpress plugin?
[Cambridgeport90] #100 Aperture and Wordpress with Indieauth: authorization code could not be verfied
aaronpk: Possibly, but I still have the PR to upgrade IndieAuth pending for a while now
Maybe we should test it with that branch and see if it works
[dshanske] #186 Tries to Adopt some of the New IndieAuth Changes
I don't use Aperture myself...
Maybe I should set up an account purely for testing
[KevinMarks] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
aha this must be it
yeah let’s get this merged and shipped!
you don’t really need to “set up an account”, just try to log in at some point
aaronpk: I need an approving review to ship. It isn't fair to pfefferle that he's the one regular approving reviewer who can review my things.
The alternative is for us to remove the requirement and leave me breaking things.
[schmarty] joined the channel
GWG: what kinds of review or feedback does pfefferle usually give on your PRs? perhaps you can ease the review process with extra details on the PR, such as what summarizing what is changing and why, how it can be tested, the results of your manual testing, any open questions you have that he could help answer, etc.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
there are still some discussions open, that’s why I haven’t had another look
I should not be a blocker and I do not have to review everything, but I would love to keep the (at least) 4 eyes principle
it is probable
it is a critical plugin that let’s people login
and we had a very severe problem in the beginning!
leg joined the channel
agreed with the at least one reviewer requirement, especially for something security / authentication related!
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: That's why I want to keep it, I just feel bad we don't have more people who know the plugin to review it
I worry about SPOP or SPOG
Either way, I will handle the edge case commented on with the null check and the duplicate code improvement.
GWG, ABBR is the abbreviation tag in HTML
Missed the reference
GWG e.g. I use markup like this in my events listing display on my homepage:
```<abbr class="p-location location" title="Austin, Texas, USA">Austin, TX</abbr>```
or just the city name: <abbr class="p-location location" title="San Francisco, California, USA">San Francisco</abbr>
I am working on the logic...I think I need a list of locations to test against
[tantek]: I also distribute the plugin, so I need to omit the home country of whoever is using it
schmudde joined the channel
Where a flower blooms tonight, Devout and purple, With a rift for a hollow power, That shivers it springs from a root - from Pluck At The Offering, Barbarity. Free excerpts. Order at http://amzn.to/2CF8fts or kindle http://amzn.to/2CV3tw4 #literature #author #indieauth
[schmarty] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ You need to tweak the theme so that Jetpack isn't included in the div with e-content. You can use http://Indiewebify.me to test. Bridgy also has a preview option at https://brid.gy/twitter/Cambridgeport90
schmudde, ShadowKyogre, KartikPrabhu, [colinwalker], [timothy_chambe], [eddie], lahacker, [tantek], voxpelli_, genehack, willnorris, gxt, [chrisaldrich] and jjuran joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel