#dev 2021-01-29

2021-01-29 UTC
timotimo, omz13, AkyRhO, aciccarello[m], astrojl_matrix, jamietanna[m], marinin[m], nekr0z, antonio[m], fredcy_, JackyAlcin[m], khimaros[m], Salt[m], drhitchcock[m], BudaDude[m], smacko[m], Caleb[m]1, [snarfed], nolith2, Zegnet and ben_thatmust joined the channel
I've been slowly re-working parts of my site now to lean into Web Components
hopefully I can deploy it before the next hwc but it makes things like showing live reaction counts so much more easier since it's reusable
aaronpk, Salt[m], superkuh, ccchapman, treora, [KevinMarks], [tantek], timotimo and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
webcomponents has 1 karma over the last year
UX << Criticism (and warning of dark patterns): 2021-01-28 [https://creativegood.com/blog/21/losing-faith-in-ux.html Why I'm losing faith in UX] (UX as User Exploitation)
ok, I added "Criticism (and warning of dark patterns): 2021-01-28 [https://creativegood.com/blog/21/losing-faith-in-ux.html Why I'm losing faith in UX] (UX as User Exploitation)" to the "See Also" section of /user-experience https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=74403&oldid=73619
beehiveth, gRegorLove, schmudde, [Rose], lanodan, [Murray], [KevinMarks], hs0ucy, astrojl_matrix, nekr0z, petermolnar, stevestreza, drhitchcock[m], GWG, aciccarello[m], antonio[m], khimaros[m], genehack, Caleb[m]1, smacko[m], marinin[m], BudaDude[m], marinin[t], jamietanna[m], Salt[m], JackyAlcin[m], fredcy_, [mapkyca], joshproehl, [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
anyone know anything about the state of SNI support in server side libraries, esp webmention receivers?
i’d love to revisit https://brid.gy/about#appspot and switch bridgy’s source mf2 URLs from appspot to brid.gy, but i have no idea how many users i’d break
and sadly SNI support is an internal thing, i can’t query https://indiemap.org/ to find out
Indie Map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset. 2300 sites, 5.7M pages, 380GB HTML with microformats2. Social graph API and interac...
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
(no comment on whether some of the motivation here comes from the ugly embarrassing “via brid-gy.appspot.com” on pages like https://aaronparecki.com/2021/01/03/19/#responses 🙈)
[Aaron Parecki] It's pretty amazing being able to go from an idea in your head to a finished product in just a day. I've been spending some time learning 3D modeling and 3D printing and designed this modular stackable rack for these #BlackmagicDesign converter bo... https://aaronparecki.com/img/1240x0/2021/01/03/19/photo.jpg
good question
i would expect it's pretty widespread by now
hs0ucy, [tw2113_Slack_], joshproehl and j605 joined the channel
Following up from #indieweb yeah the “putting a flag in something” is certainly one of the counterproductive incentives at work in various “dweb” things, JS frameworks du jour, and perhaps OSS in general?
It's a space full of tension. on one hand, letting everyone have the ability to experiment and reinvent is one of my goals, not an antipattern. On the other hand, a lot of people who start out with the (correct) understanding that "technology wasn't built with me in mind, and I have a right to reconfigure it so that it respects my identity" fall into this trap, once they've finished reconfiguring, of thinking that they've done something
universal--that they've corrected an imbalance that was inherent in the _technology space_, and which everyone else should now use. The next thought, which I think a lot of people never get to, is "_I_ had to do all of these things because no one else was trustworthy to build for _me_--I should therefore assume that others will need to do the same because _I'm_ not trustworthy to build for _them_."
universal has -1 karma over the last year
no regrets
raucao, [schmarty], joshproehl, [chrisaldrich] and [benatwork] joined the channel
that's interesting, I though Loqi++ would only increment/decrement karma if it came at the beginning or end of a line...
[Rose] joined the channel
I tend to do that by accident every so often. I try to avoid it but that one can stay 🙂
[jeremycherfas], [tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks], [schmarty] and jdp joined the channel
this is a bit plumbing related but [schmarty], since you have a static site, I think you're in an interesting place to test 'real-time' stuff
like I'm guessing you have a websub hub exposed on your site
I think that a social reader that can also subscribe to your hub for new posts _can_ effectively listen for your changes and have that show up as feedback (in a way)
there's also the 'check the response from micropub' but _I think_ in this case, that works better if it's more of a synchronous process
voxpelli_ joined the channel
jacky: good point that there are multiple ways to check for a new post going through! I was thinking micropub response (status code plus Location: header, then maybe checking for the permalink to resolve). Having the reader get near real-time updates from my feeds via websub is a neat idea as well as a challenge for me because I keep some things out of my main feed.
tbh I'd be happy if the button just lit up for a second to acknowledge that I pressed it and it's doing something. 😂