@aaronpk↩️ Nah, don’t forget that every http://micro.blog account is an IndieAuth account too. Users don’t need to have any knowledge of anything under the hood for that to work. We need more service providers to implement it more than anything. (twitter.com/_/status/1359696934215188481)
nertzy_, miklb, samwilson, [asuh], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], jackyalcine[m]1 and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
@ochtendgrijs↩️ Webmention/IndieWeb – interactie (replies, likes, weet-ik-veel) tussen verschillende, doodgewone websites! – zijn zelfs na al die tijd nog vooral voer voor ingewijden, maar toch: de aanhang groeit. (twitter.com/_/status/1359786577334046726)
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; Artea and ShadowKyogre left the channel
[KevinMarks]I think foursquares's is the most tuned by people correcting to specific PI lookup from lat long; OSM has it but it's a bit more simplistic about what's nearby
[KevinMarks]in other words, foursquare's core is reported device location to POI, whereas OSM is mapping of POI to specific point, if you see what I mean
lahackerday 30 of full on node.js life and i've learned to pack a bundle for the browser.. gotta say it feels like a superpower and i cannot wait to /progressively enhance/ with it
lahackeri'm thinking.. a single javascript file you can download and include on your entries that allows you to double click the e-content, turns it into a content editable, make small changes, send the update over micropub
lahackerthings get hairy with CORS but i just did a fetch() from my site to my site and sending along `credentials: 'same-origin'` passes my session cookie
lahackerso the in-page version would require the micropub endpoint to be hosted on your own domain.. but then you could use a tokenless request and piggyback off the session cookie alone (presuming you have login)
lahackerthat's a shame jacky i saw a vim plugin in your repo list and thought you might be interested in https://github.com/angelogladding/nvim-micropub (this one is just a superficial prototype at the moment but it definitely does Create and Read posts using standard vim commands :w and :e and a micropub endpoint)
lahackeryeah i'm not even sure exactly how the UX will flow.. it'll be a minor feat to be able to update the code of my site live.. TONS of consequences to that.. in reality i'd probably just like to be able to "gist" something real quick