#dev 2021-02-11

2021-02-11 UTC
deltab, samwilson and [fluffy] joined the channel
This is precisely what IndieAuth aims to do. And it’s literally something any service can implement today because it’s based on OAuth2 (y’all use this every day) https://twitter.com/arcalinea/status/1359686548430614531. It’s kinda amazing (and a lot simpler than the stuff the CredWeb is… https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/8c7810ba-3fa9-4d2f-94f3-d6514816a4eb
↩️ Nah, don’t forget that every http://micro.blog account is an IndieAuth account too. Users don’t need to have any knowledge of anything under the hood for that to work. We need more service providers to implement it more than anything.
nertzy_, miklb, samwilson, [asuh], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], jackyalcine[m]1 and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
↩️ Webmention/IndieWeb – interactie (replies, likes, weet-ik-veel) tussen verschillende, doodgewone websites! – zijn zelfs na al die tijd nog vooral voer voor ingewijden, maar toch: de aanhang groeit.
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; Artea and ShadowKyogre left the channel
↩️ Ik heb een eigen website en vertrouw op #indieweb #webmentions voor interactie en ik zou niet meer zonder kunnen. Was is je eigen website?
samwilson and ShadowKyogre joined the channel
Anyone ever played with POI apis?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
I like to have redundancy... but I looked at theirs
ShadowKyogre and [Murray] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Not really but I did plan on leaning on OSM/Nomination for handling my venues
Like I wanted to put in a name, if possible, and use my current coordinates to later do a reverse location lookup
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Do they have a POI api?
I _think_ so, last time I checked their docs
I think foursquares's is the most tuned by people correcting to specific PI lookup from lat long; OSM has it but it's a bit more simplistic about what's nearby
in other words, foursquare's core is reported device location to POI, whereas OSM is mapping of POI to specific point, if you see what I mean
flickr derviing perceived woeid boundaries from tags was fun a while back
that did tend to include places you could see a POI from in the boundary too
[KevinMarks]: Now that I have location tagging next is venue tagging. Or at least thinking about it
I've abandoned that a few times due issues
You can tell how much I want to move again
DanC, [schmarty] and Solari joined the channel
venue is definitely where foursquare helps.
[KevinMarks]: I finally got an API key
nickodd, [tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel
okay finally figured out IRC on GNOME
which, tbh, via the "promoted" apps is really bad
kinda amazing that they've written so much of their apps in JavaScript
jackyalcine[m]2 and nickodd left the channel
^ quotable out of context 🙂
[jacky] joined the channel
jacky i use weechat to good effect FYI
day 30 of full on node.js life and i've learned to pack a bundle for the browser.. gotta say it feels like a superpower and i cannot wait to /progressively enhance/ with it
whoa.. not a single mention of javascript on /Micropub/Clients
i'm thinking.. a single javascript file you can download and include on your entries that allows you to double click the e-content, turns it into a content editable, make small changes, send the update over micropub
KartikPrabhu left the channel
this is new territory for me so maybe this wouldn't be possible for some reason but from this vantage point i can't see why not
set `contenteditable="true"` is all you need for that
for the editable part
yeah.. it works so well for the simple use case
i guess the emphasis is on a javascript micropub client entirely client-side (on the page itself)
a community can develop features for it and you can install and host it trivially
things get hairy with CORS but i just did a fetch() from my site to my site and sending along `credentials: 'same-origin'` passes my session cookie
superkuh joined the channel
again there could be some gotchas i'm not aware of.. tbd!
themaxdavitt, stacktrust and [schmarty] joined the channel
lahacker: grantcodes has done this tho I can't remember the name of it right now
[grantcodes] joined the channel
PostrChild. As a browser extension cors isn't an issue
so the in-page version would require the micropub endpoint to be hosted on your own domain.. but then you could use a tokenless request and piggyback off the session cookie alone (presuming you have login)
I just added a login form in the extension
Then once you're logged in it knows when you're on your own website and can automatically load the inline editor
All off pre existing standards, the idea is it should work for any site with mf2 and micropub. No custom code you need to install.
lahacker: I was avoiding something terminal based mainly because I'm slowly attempting to wean away from my heavy CLI workflow
samwilson joined the channel
yeah grantcodes i was reading your code not too long ago; have you heard of the WebExtensions `identity` API? https://github.com/angelogladding/WebExtension-IndieAuth/blob/main/index.js#L81-L96
that's a shame jacky i saw a vim plugin in your repo list and thought you might be interested in https://github.com/angelogladding/nvim-micropub (this one is just a superficial prototype at the moment but it definitely does Create and Read posts using standard vim commands :w and :e and a micropub endpoint)
[angelogladding] nvim-micropub: use nvim as a Micropub editor
wait whaaaa?
lol this is interesting
*very* early days.. but promising
I'd be down to use something like this for like emitting information about my vim setup on my site
this reminds me of a plugin that could edit GitHub issues the same way
which, tbh, is what I'd probably want to use that micropub plugin to do (to edit issues on my site and let that syndicate outwards)
yeah i'm not even sure exactly how the UX will flow.. it'll be a minor feat to be able to update the code of my site live.. TONS of consequences to that.. in reality i'd probably just like to be able to "gist" something real quick
"gist" to my own site
ia writer was such a let down i knew vim had to have an equivalent; https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim
[junegunn] goyo.vim: :tulip: Distraction-free writing in Vim
actually super cool, a little off topic, but makes me want to use vim for more than code; heck that mode is even nice when reading code
that reminds me to get goyo working nicely for me again
it is _super_ handy when reading docs inline
or even just reviewing code