#dev 2021-03-20

2021-03-20 UTC
really3 and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ does Craft CMS support Indieweb stuff like Webmention and Microformats?
↩️ microformats and webmention are both just templating things. The HTML is fully, and i mean fully, customizable.
↩️ webmention is a little more involved than templating. you have to have an endpoint that receives the webmention and processes it. and of course, i would like to send webmentions too.
↩️ Hah, turns out there's an ancient Craft 2 plugin for it: https://github.com/matthiasott/webmention Craft 2 plugins aren't directly compatible with Craft 3 but i could fork it and port it in an afternoon.
↩️ Oh, well, that sounds like a perfect use case for a simple plugin. I haven't used Webmention -- it seems like basically the same thing as Trackbacks used to be, way back in the day? -- but i can look into writing a plugin. Seems fun. :)
[tw2113_Slack_], [scojjac], petermolnar_, jdp, nickodd, AkyRhO, [KevinMarks], dhanesh and jamietanna joined the channel
jacky I guess you've got no thoughts either way about how to present it?
(ignore me, I've re-read what you said and it's literally that)
I'm thinking about adding some features to my site using #indieauth, what kinds of things would you like to be able to do? Here's some things I'm considering: - Subscribe to new articles being posted via webhooks - Comments - Petting Mara for being a good bean - Search
- Filing issues on my projects - A "contact me" form - Markov chain/GPT2 generation of new blogposts - Subscribing to a newsletter - Some kind of API - An exclusive 30% discount on my http://itch.io items
i love the idea of offering a discount on purchasing stuff if you're logged in via indieauth 😂
alex11 and [fluffy] joined the channel
@doosboox to answer your question about WebSub, lots of folks publish it in the Indieweb yeah, and many of the social readers support it.
If you want a means to send it, I wrote a tool called Pushl that will scan a feed (rss, atom, h-feed) for new articles and send WebSub and webmention notifications automatically
It has a few other functions as well, like pinging archive.org to request that or preserve anything you link to for later
*request that it, thanks autocarrot
[fluffy]: that sounds really interesting! Where can I find that tool?
Someday I'll make an actual site for it
[fluffy] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (57 in all channels)
jamietanna[m]: gotcha!
nertzy_, [Rose], gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, [chrisaldrich] and shoesNsocks joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
↩️ I deployed the updates a few days ago. Finally posted about it: https://dwayne.xyz/post/webmentions-from-scratch
alex__, vilhalmer, [jeremycherfas], jjuran, [scojjac], really3, jjuran_ and [fluffy] joined the channel