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#[Murray]@petermolnar it's a bit cursed, but I've seen fallbacks that use `background-image` to place the png, which is then covered up by the SVG for browsers that support it. There may be a way to combo that with CSS `@supports` so that it is removed for more modern browsers, or you could always use JS to remove that style.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]can you use the src vs srcset technique?
#[KevinMarks]put the svg in srcset, and the old browser will use src?
#Loqischmarty has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (56 in all channels)
[aciccarello], [tantek] and [calumryan] joined the channel
#[tantek][schmarty]++ nice. removing/re-adding sounds like a version of turn it off and on again 😂
#Loqi[schmarty] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (57 in all channels)
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#[schmarty]tantek: that was the spirit in which I tried it 😂
[KevinMarks], [grantcodes], shoesNsocks, shoesNsocks1, tomlarkworthy, jamietanna, alex11, Poorchop and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#PoorchopI could use some tips regarding an implementation for sending webmentions - I was thinking of aggregating all of my posts in an xml file that gets autoupdated with every new post, then writing a script to parse that file depending on the depth/number of items that I specify which I call after pushing changes to my site
#PoorchopI'm not really sure how to implement sending webmentions for updated posts though
#Poorchopdo I need to create a database of all sent webmentions with associated URLs and then regularly check if the URL has changed in order to decide whether to re-send webmentions?
#Poorchopa lot of this sounds prohibitively confusing for the average layman
#aaronpkgenerally yes, the idea is if you update a post, you'd send webmentions again from that post
#aaronpkbut the idea is you'd know if your own posts are updated
#Poorchopoh I thought that was referring to updates on the receiving end
#Poorchopas in a post that I mentioned in the past was updated or moved to a new location
#aaronpkyou should also be prepared to receive webmentions *from* posts that have been updated, but you don't need to do anything proactively for those
#PoorchopI don't know if I'm going to implement receiving webmentions, it's incredibly tough for someone like me to write an implementation
#PoorchopI just don't want to rely on a third party service, that's a major reason why I host my own site in the first plac
#[tantek]developers are definitely not the average layman 😂
#Poorchopyeah but I was approaching this from the perspective as being something that the average person on geocities could've implemented back in the day
#aaronpkfrom scratch? no, but integrating with third party tools definitely
#barnabywalterswell, if you don’t want to implement your own incoming webmention handling, then relying on webmention.io is a reasonable compromise for still being able to show reactions to your posts
#aaronpkthere was lots of stuff on geocities that was embedded from third party services too
#[tantek]I like that summary though: "something that the average person on geocities could've implemented back in the day"
#PoorchopI'm not too concerned with receiving webmentions anyway, I don't want to know who is reading my site - I just want to let other people know that I'm reading their stuff so that they don't disappear
#[KevinMarks]What is your site coded in? There may be an existing webmention receiving library you can use
#Poorchopit's just html and css with some python scripts handling some automation
#PoorchopI saw mf2util and I think that I'll need to use it for sending mentions
#Poorchopin order to parse for the endpoint or whatever
#Poorchopit's a weird process because I make changes locally and then upload via ftp, so I gotta remember to run the webmention script on the server when everything is in finally in the right place
Seirdy, tomlarkworthy1 and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
#Loqi[Poorchop] Testing out sending my first Webmention. Sent using curl on the command line.
#aaronpkif you want to be real sneaky, and if you're only doing this on permalinks not on feed pages, you can use `<a href="" class="u-url"></a>` since a blank string will resolve as a relative URL to the page itself
#aaronpkbut that doesn't work if you insert that same markup into a list of posts