#dev 2021-05-09
2021-05-09 UTC
samwilson, [snarfed] and dckc joined the channel
[snarfed] haven’t found anything authoritative yet. seems like it would be somewhere under https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/cctlds-21-2012-02-25-en , but the docs there descend into big long legalese pretty quickly
[snarfed] ‘Since 2000, ICANN has also been working with managers of ccTLDs (the two-letter TLDs that have been established for countries and some territories) to document their relationship with ICANN. These relationships are more complex, because of the varying circumstances (in terms of type of organization, policies followed, economics, language, culture, legal environment, and relations with governments) of different ccTLDs and the organizations
[snarfed] i’m also curious about emoji subdomains, eg https://scotthelme.co.uk/https-scotthelme-co-uk/ and https://aye.sh/blog/emoji-%F0%9F%99%8B%F0%9F%8C%8F . what’s the authority on which characters are allowed in third level and lower domain labels like those?
jeremycherfas, samwilson and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] ok, i wrote up my research and questions for the Python requests package in https://github.com/psf/requests/issues/3687#issuecomment-835688746
justBull, doosboox, oodani, treora, dianoetic, barnabywalters, [Rose], [tw2113_Slack_], [jacky], [jeremycherfas], [schmarty] and sparseMatrix joined the channel
sparseMatrix o/
sparseMatrix my first stupid human trick with Beautiful Soup
sparseMatrix *relMe
sparseMatrix time to find out what happens next in the ol' login workflow
leo60228, alex11, shoesNsocks, [tantek], [KevinMarks], dianoetic and sparseMatrix joined the channel
sparseMatrix So, I'm working my way through the finer details of this process (the relMe login), and it seems to me the specs suggest a rather aggressive approach to finding an h-card anywhere on just about any site referenced in a relMe link anywhere in the document, as well as any explicit URI tucked into a form
sparseMatrix ...and that an h-card need not contain just the h-card tags but can really be any chunk of html so long as that html contains *at least* the h-card tags
sparseMatrix i.e., you can paste your h-card into the head of every page on your site and any of them should work
sparseMatrix ref: https://microformats.org/wiki/RelMeAuth
sparseMatrix Hi there Loqi
sumner joined the channel
sparseMatrix then I'd judt have all the relMe links in the document
sparseMatrix BUT, what I was finding especially interesting in the spec was that the hrefs should be searched recursively
dianoetic[m] joined the channel
sparseMatrix for instance if a given relMe link goes to a document instead of an endpoint, the document should be searched for relMe links ad finitum and the process repeated, until auth happens or all relMe links are exhausted