#dev 2021-05-24

2021-05-24 UTC
jeremycherfas, jeremych-, [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], jjuran and IWSlackGateway3 joined the channel
I missed IndieAuth chatter :o
But I am always up for an IndieAuth pop-up!
doosboox and loicm joined the channel
Zegnat: Up for facilitating?
barnabywalters joined the channel
GWG: eeh, maybe? Not something I can commit to today though, as my life schedule is a little in flux
genehack left the channel
Zegnat: I have had luck lately asking. Got two pop-ups on
I think the https://indieweb.org/Instagram page is quite outdata. I tried instaport.me and freedom.io <http://www.freedom.io/> that are linked from there, and both seem to have disappeared. If anyone wants to do some wiki weeding, please don't hesitate.
[schmarty], loicm, [chee] and [fluffy] joined the channel
I guess 'defaulting' to https://indieauth.com is a no-no ;)
when attempting to resolve one's identity for self
please don't :)
lol can't lie, I did initially but I'm thinking about making it a hard failure
the thing with lighthouse is that I want people to define the endpoints to handle that flow so it's constrained to what those services deemed permissible
but using that above would invite anyone who uses those services - no bueno
[tantek] joined the channel
!tell oodani you mentioned "common pattern", when you see such things as "common", do you have example links to demonstrate the pattern?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
RE ^^^, I encourage anyone with a feed on their website to add themselves as an example to https://indieweb.org/feed (which bizarrely only has four indieweb examples on)
I may need to finally implement asyncronous webmention sending for my articles. I’m currently editing an article with almost 2500 links in, and the first time around, it took a very long time to attempt sending all the webmentions
(un?)fortunately my article editing process doesn’t re-send webmentions on a update. It totally should, but I’m happy leaving it “broken” for the moment
lazy webmention sending of updated posts sounds totally fine
re: examples, wouldn't it be best if we had some sort of a 'template' site that shows the examples rendered vs linking to live examples?
it'd be a bit easier to maintain and we could even run some tests against them over time
There's not enough of a pattern of examples to even create a template!
in general, I'm very skeptical of "common" absent actual links / crawls
I mean actually I'm very skeptical of a "pattern" absent actual links / crawls
jacky, there's also competing desires to make it super easy to add a "minimal" example, while also encouraging (incrementally) adding more detailed information about the example, including analysis, markup specific etc.
it's not something that "templates" very well (as compared to a freeform nested list item)
anecdotally, I agree with oodani’s impression that it’s common for homepage feeds to present long-form articles as summaries or even only titles
but I agree that it needs more documentation, hence encouraging people to add their examples
loicm joined the channel
I say 'template' site like how every Wordpress theme has a 'test site' that you can see how things are rendered on it
oooh that makes a lot more sense jacky!
aaronpk, have you seen this? definitely curious of your opinion of it and what overlaps if any it has with IndieAuth https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/identity
this looks familiar...
talking of feeds and updating, has anyone ever seen feeds where content is ordered by date updated rather than date published? I was thinking about making this possible on my website, so that I can have e.g. an old article which I’ve recently updated jump to to the top of the feed again
I guess activitystream’s approach of treating verbs and objects separately is one way to achieve this, but the added indirection is too annoying for simple web publishing IMO
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
feed readers tend to do that
barnabywalters agreed that "the added indirection is too annoying for simple web publishing"
[KevinMarks] by "ever seen feeds where", I think barnabywalters meant *feed files* not feed UX
yeah, I briefly used the AS storage model for my site years ago. dropped it very quickly
well I’m mostly talking about things like homepage feeds, so personal site UX, not reader UX
although reader UX is interesting too, as readers could easily give users choices about how to order posts
the only interesting thing about my home page is the "conference mode" where i can switch it to show only posts with certain tags
for my personal site, I’m thinking about defaulting to ordering by date published, but having a per-post option to instead order that post by it’s date updated, so I can decide on a post-by-post basis if I want that exception to apply
what is conference mode
conference mode is when you make your home page temporarily show different content than normal during an event, such as showing only posts with the conference's hashtag https://indieweb.org/conference_mode
i feel like this discussion about how you notify subscribers of updated posts has come up several times in the past, but never with a conclusive answer
what is recently updated
It looks like we don't have a page for "recently updated" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "recently updated is ____", a sentence describing the term)
hmm, I thought we did discuss how sometimes sites will show a sidebar module of "recently updated" articles for this very reason, but I don't know of a specific example offhand
a push-based delivery protocol like activitypub makes it very easy, but a feed-based one is not as straightforward
[tantek]: possibly! it's come up several times all with various solutions proposed/demonstrated, but I don't think any one in particular has "stuck"
[chee] joined the channel
i think i would publish a little note post saying "i updated my old post about what rabbits eat to include new information" and a link to my old post
^ that's a good practice too
yeah I like [tantek]’s suggestion of a more declarative approach over ephemeral on-the-wire only push approaches
what chee said
[chee]: yeah I’ve done similar things a few times in the past, it can definitely be a good approach
we have discussed it in the context of the Gardens & Streams stuff
e.g. wikis literally have a Recent Changes feed for this very reason
what is recent changes
recent changes is a stream of updated posts or pages from a site, ordered by most recently updated first, commonly known from wikis like the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/Special:RecentChanges page https://indieweb.org/recent_changes
depends on whether you want a UX more like slack and discourse where the posts update inline
there we go!
recently updated is /recent_changes
I actually have something similar in my post editing UI, but for syndication rather than making update notification posts on my own site
barnabywalters take a look ^ and maybe add a brainstorming section there with your thoughts
although I’m not sure whether it still works or not since I switched to using bridgy for posse…
yeah, it definitely needs to be an explicit user action when it happens
if i notice a typo in some post from 2 years ago, i do not want it hitting the top of my feed ^_^
i say definitely, i mean: if you're bringing them to the top of the feed. a "recent changes" sidebar could contain that kind of info
yeah maybe I’ll just make a little recent changes sidebar feed on my site
hmm I wonder if something like a u-recent-changes property for h-feed would be justified, which could either be a URL or an embedded h-feed
which would allow readers to auto-discover and follow recent changes to a given feed
re: "typo in some post" — I think that's what the "minor edit" feature in Wikipedia edits is for
which makes me wonder, would that be useful as a Micropub extension?
yeah, a minor edit like that is something which I wouldn’t do the manual ordering override for, but would probably show in a recent changes feed
^ curious aaronpk if you've ever come across that proposal, because now that's a use-case (avoiding updated posts coming up in a "Recent Changes" feed)
oh yeah that’s a good idea
or being able to filter them in/out
which also makes me wonder how to store that in the entry
do we need two updated dates?
or rather a separate "minorly updated" date
something like last update and last minor update?
sure, I mean we have dt-updated now
which would literally have to keep meaning "any update"
so maybe the other way around "nontrivial-updated" or some variant
I wonder if this is something which justifies a new mf property though. are these different datetimes really data which is likely to reach or be meaningful to a user?
I see them more as being internal properties which determine how and where a site displays content
at least, that’s how I’d forsee using them
hmm a "minor edit" flag in the micropub edit request could be handy for that
I think I agree a new mf2 property isn't necessary tho since it probably wouldn't make sense to show people two updated dates
yeah I'm unsure too
I don’t remember ever having seen user-facing “last notable update” data
That said, I would say I have seen posts get minor updates and not show an updated date, whereas a major update would then show the updated date
barnabywalters, check the same place I suggested, Wikipedia pages
^ that's the "non-trivial-updated" date I'm talking about, and yes, if it's visible content that only changes for a "major update" then that's proof of the semantic for such a property
I'm thinking blog posts that get minor fixes shortly after they're published vs a few months later get updated with more substantial changes
barnabywalters: Re updated, I have a /updated off my root that shows a feed ordered by last updated date
looking at a WP page where the last update was a minor edit, the Last Updated date on the WP page itself shows the date of the minor edit
specifically, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurorack “This page was last edited on 5 April 2021, at 18:33 (UTC).” which was a minor edit (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eurorack&action=history)
barnabywalters: This thread inspired me to make a note... https://github.com/dshanske/tempus-fugit/issues/3
[dshanske] #3 Add Minor Update flag
[fluffy] joined the channel
<3 Eurorack
heh, it’s the one substantial WP page I wrote which is still around, and typically the first place I look for examples like this
GWG: cool! can you add your /updated feed as an example to /recent_changes? and maybe note it on /feed too?
I thought I'd put it somewhere in the wiki
I also have /oldest, /random, and such
those are fun
barnabywalters: I meant to add /popular for posts that have the most comments.
those are all really fun examples for /feed! it shows off some of the diversity of feed possibilities outside regular reverse-chronological homepage feeds
barnabywalters: All my date based archive feeds are in chronological order
I also support /onthisday and /thisweek, which are in reverse chronological order, I believe
One I have seen quite often is a recently commented on feed or sidebar
jeremycherfas and [Murray] joined the channel
barnabywalters: my review feeds all work by date updated, because quite a few of the items in them are collections themselves. For example, the current first card has a post date back in April, but that was for season one; I've since finished season two, so that bumped it back up the feed (see: https://theadhocracy.co.uk/reviews/) Not sure how relevant that is to what you were looking for, but it fits 😄
ooh nice looking site [Murray]!
thanks 😊
block << Difference between [[mute]] and block: Hiding abuse doesn't make it stop. Thread: https://twitter.com/mathcolorstrees/status/1396271456393175041
Got a story for you. Years ago when I was a new PhD grad working at Twitter, there was a director of product who had strong ideas about how to solve the abuse and harassment problem on Twitter.
ok, I added "Difference between [[mute]] and block: Hiding abuse doesn't make it stop. Thread: https://twitter.com/mathcolorstrees/status/1396271456393175041" to the "See Also" section of /block https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=75867&oldid=74136
[schmarty], [amy], amy, [KevinMarks] and rhiaro joined the channel; sumner left the channel