[snarfed]arbitrary, my main use case right now is for facebook-atom and instagram-atom. they recently started using tokens in their image and video URLs with extremely short expirations, so they’d always fail when I saw them in my reader hours later
[snarfed]Cloudinary is almost there, but I haven’t found a way to set the cache TTL or otherwise age them out, so it keeps them forever and eventually starts charging me
tomlarkworthyI think the idea is you cache the content while the token is active, and return the same content after the token expires. Kinda exploits that there is no VARY headers for URL parameters though, its a loophole.
tomlarkworthyone would also think the cache TTL should expire with the token URL anyway. You would need a heavily customizable cache to sidestep link expiry
[snarfed]right, this is an abuse/misuse of what FB/IG intend. many caching proxies are flexible and let you configure how they obey headers (or not), which this needs