#dev 2021-06-20

2021-06-20 UTC
jeremycherfas, samwilson, [tw2113_Slack_], [jacky], [tantek] and cambridgeport904 joined the channel; shoesNsocks left the channel
It's a hell of a lot quieter in here than usual...
jjuran, [jacky], pepperoni, capjamesg and hendursa1 joined the channel
This is a really dumb and useless thing, inspired by Loqi: https://notabug.org/tinyrabbit/talk-to-eddie
I started on it a few days ago. Not sure when I’ll have time to fiddle with it again :)
jeremycherfas and hendursa1 joined the channel
↩️ The #indieweb people are already trying to do this (at arguably the wrong layer) with technologies like WebMentions: https://indieweb.org/Webmention
[jgmac1106], capjamesg, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks], pepperoni and chenghiz_ joined the channel
anyone see that tweet that I posted on the [@faebornnetworks](https://twitter.com/faebornnetworks) account? Basically reminding the world that Indieweb and blockchain are not one and the same.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I don't like the idea of iframes for previews. You'll always miss a lot of potential design inside an iframe. Generally I think generating a preview url not in an iframe is a better idea.
superkuh and capjamesg joined the channel
!tell cambridgeport904 I saw it here in #meta
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Good. But what is this compounding of blockchain and decentralization as if they are one and the same? I think that since we're already trying to get people moving towards us that have less technical knowledge, then, throwing around those terms in the wrong places just serves to confuse folks more. Not really a dev question... but.
cambridgeport904: jeremycherfas left you a message 9 minutes ago: I saw it here in #meta
I don't know... that tweet earlier just sort of triggered me, I think. LOL For someone who has gone from being addicted to blockchain to hating it...
yeah it's frankly dumb, there's ways to decentralize without blockchain
i feel like blockchain is a magic word that gets big venture capitalist bucks and media hype
I know enough to know that blockchain is not essential to indieweb at all, but not enough to engage with anybody on the topic. So, kudos to you cambridgeport904++
cambridgeport904 has 1 karma over the last year
so blockchain is basically just a decentralized database, but you can't update or delete anything, only insert, and every time you insert you burn a metric ton of coal
ok maybe it's not a metric ton but it's still a lot of pollution
Indeed. and me being a lover of Mother Nature, that doesn't sit with me very well. LOL
although it's promised to revolutionize finance, it doesn't solve much more that the US dollar + electronic payment technology doesn't solve
in fact it makes a lot of things worse
You've got that right. Particularly in the social media spectrum. That should be handled by things like webmention, the Matrix protocol, and IndieAuth.
it's caused a resurgence of money transfer scams, it's caused the GPU shortage
Wait, what? Now that I didn't know. About the GPU shortage being related to that, I mean. Then again, not at all surprised.
well what i mean is ransomware
in the past, pre blockchain, if you wanted to extort money out of someone's PC, it would have to be via check, and since checks and wire transfers are highly regulated it's hard to get money through that way
but with blockchain, you can ask that they pay you $10k through a monero address, and you can't track that stuff
so ransomware has seen a resurgence
I used to like the idea of the government not being aware of transactions made by its citizens. Now, not so much. There are things that need regulation. I can't believe I'm saying this.
oh wait you were talking about the GPU shortage lol
yeah, you can mine crypto on a GPU, crypto is going to the moon, of course miners are gonna buy up all the RTX 3090s
And yes. I figured it had something to do with pre-built computers sucksing a lot more than they used to outside of the SMB quality metric.
plus, even without all of the scams and stuff, few people are using BTC as an actual currency
its price fluctuates violently, it's a speculative asset
and the price seems highly tied to elon musk's tweets
superkuh joined the channel
if he did this with stocks, i imagine he'd be at a SEC hearing by now
I used to like it... but I learned better.
yeah, same here
Now we need to find a replacement for communities like Hive, and I think the IndieWeb could actually ahndle something like that.
i feel like there's probably some edge case use for the underlying blockchain technology that would actually make sense, but besides untraceable unregulated black market transactions i don't know if there's much else
[grantcodes]: curious what you feel would be missing from an iframe?
Pretty rare for them to be full width
<sknebel "[grantcodes]: curious what you f"> Sometimes they don't display properly, I've noticed.
<[grantcodes] "Pretty rare for them to be full "> That, too
And then you can run into issues with things like fixed headers
The best way I could see it working on a micropub client would be for the client to only be a toolbar and the iframe be almost the whole size of the screen.
Hmm. I’m looking at my site from the phone and tried zooming in. Of course everything gets bigger then, but is there a way to reflow the text as it does? On a desktop computer it reflows automatically as I resize, but it looks like the zoom on a phone is something different
<doosboox "Hmm. I’m looking at my site from"> Interesting. What are you using for your site?
pepperoni joined the channel
cambridgeport904: https://warmedal.se/~bjorn/ just very sparse handcrafted CSS
Björn Wärmedal
Loqi: Indeed. You keep saying 😉
KartikPrabhu and shoesNsocks joined the channel
doosboox: desktop browsers do not zoom so much as they change how many pixels a CSS pixel is. While mobile browsers in general render everything once and then let you actually "zoom in" display pixels rather than CSS pixels.
If that makes sense
hendursaga, [tantek], KartikPrabhu and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Zegnat: yeah, I thought that might be the case
Anyone got any recommendations for editing Markdown that lives in a private GitHub repo from a (non-Pro) iPad?
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
if my website works as a oauth2 server, is it possible to build indieauth into that?
i'm guessing i'd create an oauth application for every different indieauth site that wants to connect with me?
[jeremycherfas]: I'll have a look at that, thanks
astralbijection[: possibly. Every client_url given in the flow would be a client/oauth application. But there are never any client credentials, as indieauth does not let you register clients beforehand
hmm actually, it seems like it will be a bit complicated to hack this around the oauth framework i'm using
oauth doesn't support response_type=id and i don't know if the framework supports having it return {"me": "url"}
response_type=id is deprecated for exactly this reason, but yeah the bigger blocker will be adding the "me" to the response
is it deprecated for indieauth or for oauth2?
also i just realized that adding "me" won't be too hard, there's a way to extend the response
it was in earler versions of indieauth, but we've been trying to make it more consistent with oauth so all the flows use response_type=code now
@barnaby : I have avanced on the mf2 parser in rust. Now, it is supporting all the example of the main wiki page and returns a json object instead of structures.
La Bécasse: nice! if i was still writing my site in rust then i would likely use it but i've given up on that haha
what's a good way to test if my indieauth endpoint conforms to spec?
well, short of putting it on a VPS, assigning a subdomain to it, and running it
is there something local?
ironuckles joined the channel