wagle, samwilson, [jacky], Seirdy, [tw2113_Slack_], KartikPrabhu, j12t, shoesNsocks1, [snarfed] and hendursaga joined the channel
#[jacky]I think the next time I'm at a HWC, I might finally have gotten this "site-backed-by-micropub" thing down packed. For a minute, I was wondering how to handle generation of feeds but `q=source&post-type=&before=&after=` solved that nicely
capjamesg, [chrisaldrich], [tw2113_Slack_], [aciccarello], pepperoni_, hendursa1, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel; samwilson left the channel
#Loqijacky has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (76 in all channels)
chenghiz_ joined the channel
#GWGI'm hoping to build a prototype ticket endpoint this weekend.
hendursaga joined the channel
#GWGI still lack the ability to issue tokens to external users
KartikPrabhu and Poorchop joined the channel
#Poorchopfollowing the "send your first mention" example, the sender's personal domain in the h-card should have a u-url? but the permalink to the source should also have u-url?
#PoorchopI'm confused because then the h-card ends up with two u-urls but I guess that's what you want?
#aaronpkthe permalink to the source would be outside the h-card
#aaronpkso it will be the url property of the h-entry
#Poorchopoh no, I've been doing it wrong this whole time because I can't follow simple indentation
#Poorchophundreds of files to manually change by hand now
#Poorchopis it okay to have random text in the h-card like between tags?
#Poorchoplike a <p> tag with some extra info for my own purposes on my own site
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
#aaronpkOf course. The parsers will only grab the values within tags. You can test the result to see what other sites will parse from your site by using the test parsers like php.microformats.oo
#aaronpksounds like an opportunity to make some templates or automation
#PoorchopI was automating the generation of all of these mentions but it might take more time to try and fix them all via a script rather than editing by hand
#PoorchopI specify <html lang="en"> but I don't mention my language anywhere else
barnaby joined the channel
#barnabyPoorchop: pretty sure the parser adds language information to each microformat object, and children will inherit it from parents if it isnβt overridden