#dev 2021-07-09

2021-07-09 UTC
shoesNsocks and [fluffy] joined the channel
Hm, weird. Any logged messages/errors?
[fluffy]: Not sure, will be looking later. Need more error logging
is there an IP address I could look for in my logs?
Yes, it's coming from wpdev.gwg.us, will have to look up the ip
ah I found that in my logs
I'm not sure what's going on
my logs say you’re getting a 202 on the initial GET of _tokens?me=https://wpdev.gwg.us but I’m not seeing any subsequent activity
oh, is your thing maybe expecting a strict 200 back?
also it’s possible my async queue stuff is barfing, I haven’t actually tested that part
No, it should accept any 200 series
guess I need better logging on my end then 😛
Me too
I just fixed a bug
[jacky] joined the channel
okay I’m running it with verbose debugging right now from a console instead of systemd, so I should be able to see all logs as they happen. could you run the thing now?
In a few, beating family at Ticket to Ride
oh I guess I could initiate the request from my end too 🙂
You can
I autoredeem
But why it isn't finding a token endpoint seems to be me
yeah. so anyway the response I got back was ‘cannot find token endpoint’. Are you looking at link headers, or just tags?
My page responds with the following link header: link: <https://dev.beesbuzz.biz/_tokens>, rel=“token_endpoint”
oh, god damnit
that should be a ;
it’s always the stupid things 😛
okay, now I’m getting a 400 from your end
[fluffy]: Beat family. Back at desk. Got ticket. Expires in a month
when I try initiating another request I still get a 400 back from your ticket endpoint, which is concerning.
and I don’t see any subsequent request to the token endpoint
[fluffy]: Interesting.
And it is showing two different tokens
You issue refresh tokens.
I'm looking at the raw saw, as opposed to the UI I built.
oh wait actually I don’t have any logging on the token grant path, oops.
Which doesn't show refresh tokens.
I was debating yesterday what I could do to demo that the token was usable.
okay this is interesting, I’m getting an apparently valid redemption from you, but your endpoint is returning 400 after it does the redemption
also there’s an obvious annoying deadlock condition on the Publ server which could happen if there’s too many requests happening in parallel, so, that’s fun.
someday I need to look into moving publ over to asyncio
but that’s an *entirely* whole other thing in python 😕
oh wait never mind, that’s why I put ticket requests into a separate threadpool, so it doesn’t lock render threads.
sometimes I’m smart enough to think ahead on these things 😛
[fluffy]: It is. I forgot to tell it to return something on success.
Fixing that
Did we say what a ticket endpoint should return?
We did not
No wonder I forgot
So, you are doing 202? That makes sense.
I think I will add that to the page
On the initial ticket request I discover the ticket endpoint, and if that’s successful return a 202 and enqueue the ticket grant, if it fails you get a 400
On the “automatically send a ticket if someone logs in” flow it just enqueues the ticket grant (since it already knows the endpoint) and lets the rest of the login flow happen normally
That isn't what the ticket endpoint should return.
Going to add this. Not sure if there should be a response body. "When a ticket is sent, the ticket endpoint MUST return an HTTP 200 OK code."
[schmarty] joined the channel
I’d say maybe “When a ticket is successfully received, ”
becuase like, failures could still happen. If the ticket endpoint fails to redeem the ticket from the token endpoint, for example
and if the ticket endpoint is going to asynchronously make the token request it should return a 202
in an ideal world all of these things would be async
capjamesg and jamietanna joined the channel
my POC returns synchronously (with the exchanged token endpoint response) but I wonder if maybe an HTTP 204 No Content makes more sense
I wonder if the caller doesn't need to know anything about whether the ticket endpoint accepted it correctly - they'll either see a ticket being redeemed, or they won't, so can go from there
it also has the opportunity of hiding, to maybe bad actors, whether tickets were redeemed - as it may allow them to discover lengths of `ticket`s, etc - but not sure how much of a problem that could actually be
↩️ I'm using this medium to test the final version of webmentions in my site
hendursa1, jeremycherfas, nsh, gRegor, nekr0z, hendursaga and chenghiz_ joined the channel
[fluffy] that all lives in authl for your site, correct?
jamietanna: The worst a bad actor could find out is whether the tickets are processed synchronously or asynchronously.
jamietanna: There is also the question of whether you want to return something for rate limiting or such
jeremycherfas and [snarfed] joined the channel
conclusions: 1) caching webmention endpoints by domain is technically non-compliant but a huge efficiency/scaling win in practice. 90+% of bridgy’s wm endpoint discovery is currently cached
2) webmention sending itself is a bit all over the place. mostly 201 vs 200, but often dependent on which user(s) are currently receiving most of them
3) twitter is by far the biggest silo by # of wms. instagram and mastodon occasionally show up, but only very occasionally
[snarfed]: Re caching..that would be a great thing to start a discussion on
I know you have a protocol
The only question I wonderbis should a webmention endpoint be able to tell you how long to cache it and the realm it covers
Might make for a good extension
I’m not at all looking to standardize the caching, I don’t know that we have many other wm senders at scale dealing with this. seems too early or incomplete to try to come up with any protocol or standard
another way to put that is, if a site said “don’t cache my wm endpoint,” or “only cache it for 5s,” I doubt I’d make Bridgy obey that
bridgy is also special in that it is something the webmention receiver signs up for
so it having non-standard expectations is fine
I'm just really thinking about a parameter on the link
sure. my points were unrelated to the specific form of that expiration/caching hint though
I understand
[fluffy] joined the channel
[sknebel] Authl handles user login and profile parsing, but the actual ticket auth stuff lives in Publ
Authl is JUST a login flow wrapper, for user-initiated logins.
sknebel: You around tomorrow, maybe we'll breakout and talk auth?
maybe, depends on the mood I'm in tomorrow
j9hs1, capjamesg, j9hs and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
sknebel: What mood is conducive to auth talk?
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
I'm thinking of updating my resume with Microformats
What is resume?
A resumé or curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that represents a person's background and skills, commonly used to secure employment https://indieweb.org/resume
do it GWG! I had fun doing mine, especially so I could get it up to date :)
jamietanna: I haven't in too long
I need to study h-resume
[fluffy]: Now that I've proven my identity to your site, what else can I do there?
You can look at /profile to see what additional stuff I know about you, and I can decide to give you access to private posts.
are there any h-resume consumers?
And logging in should have issued another ticket renewal which you can poot into your feed reader
h-resume feels aspirational rather than practical.
Given most hiring processes still want a word doc
[fluffy]: If I am doing it,. might as well shoot for the moon
Like if the intention is for an indieweb replacement for monster/indeed/Glassdooretc that requires indieweb-savvy hiring processes that are then heavily biased towards members of a very specific technical community
capjamesg joined the channel
I figured that I want the page to look better, so I have to add new css, so why not some extra classes
Sure, I mean, might as well add the mf2 if you’re building the HTML in the first place
I’m just saying that it seems very unlikely that it’ll ever be consumed in any way other than a “look at this” demo
j9hs joined the channel
[fluffy]: I figured
I might get some karma points
someday I’ll get around to adding h-resume to my resume but it’s been a low priority, what with not even wanting to be employed in the first place
also unlike most of my site, the resume is all handwritten HTML
I mean if I wanted to be really fancy I could build it out as a series of nested Publ templates but, ugh, no
Welcome to the Indieweb, where our dreams are limited by time
[jgmac1106], j9hs and [jacky] joined the channel
same re: resume
I should prob check that out
rockorager joined the channel
re: resume, I did mine in LaTeX about 7 years ago and was 1 for 1 on getting the job
catches up on all the auth talk
j9hs joined the channel
Zegnat: Welcome to Auth Talk... what's on your mind?
Nothing, just catching up with chat and my own thoughts.
On my mind is mostly token verification at the moment, but I need a little more time to simmer out coherent thoughts
For @flux_garden I think I'm going to ignore WebMentions and just put in Twitter post+search links, like @fredwilson does on http://avc.com posts.
rockorager joined the channel
^ interesting, I think that “View discussions” button on avc.com is new. example: https://avc.com/2021/07/betting-on-the-price-of-carbon/
interesting form of very cheap backfeed. not actually backfeed, but a step toward acknowledging and using it
capjamesg, KartikPrabhu and j9hs joined the channel