[fluffy]okay I’m running it with verbose debugging right now from a console instead of systemd, so I should be able to see all logs as they happen. could you run the thing now?
[fluffy]also there’s an obvious annoying deadlock condition on the Publ server which could happen if there’s too many requests happening in parallel, so, that’s fun.
[fluffy]On the initial ticket request I discover the ticket endpoint, and if that’s successful return a 202 and enqueue the ticket grant, if it fails you get a 400
[fluffy]On the “automatically send a ticket if someone logs in” flow it just enqueues the ticket grant (since it already knows the endpoint) and lets the rest of the login flow happen normally
jamietannaI wonder if the caller doesn't need to know anything about whether the ticket endpoint accepted it correctly - they'll either see a ticket being redeemed, or they won't, so can go from there
jamietannait also has the opportunity of hiding, to maybe bad actors, whether tickets were redeemed - as it may allow them to discover lengths of `ticket`s, etc - but not sure how much of a problem that could actually be
[snarfed]conclusions: 1) caching webmention endpoints by domain is technically non-compliant but a huge efficiency/scaling win in practice. 90+% of bridgy’s wm endpoint discovery is currently cached
[snarfed]2) webmention sending itself is a bit all over the place. mostly 201 vs 200, but often dependent on which user(s) are currently receiving most of them
[snarfed]I’m not at all looking to standardize the caching, I don’t know that we have many other wm senders at scale dealing with this. seems too early or incomplete to try to come up with any protocol or standard
LoqiA resumé or curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that represents a person's background and skills, commonly used to secure employment https://indieweb.org/resume
[fluffy]Like if the intention is for an indieweb replacement for monster/indeed/Glassdooretc that requires indieweb-savvy hiring processes that are then heavily biased towards members of a very specific technical community
[fluffy]someday I’ll get around to adding h-resume to my resume but it’s been a low priority, what with not even wanting to be employed in the first place