#dev 2021-07-15

2021-07-15 UTC
_jon, jacky, Seirdy, jackyfromweb and capjamesg joined the channel
@grigs looks like content farms love your article! I got these in my webmentions…
hendursa1, KartikPrabhu, capjamesg, _jon and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
is that for bbc radio pages? there is often a link to the mp3 version or indirectly via a podcast feed
hendursaga, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, [aciccarello], [tw2113_Slack_] and jamietanna joined the channel
hey barryf I'd definitely be interested in giving vibrancy a go for my own site, but there's a few feature requests I may want to get in before I do - would it be worth chatting on here / on GitHub about whether you'd like them in the core project, or maybe it would make sense to be in my own fork?
[aciccarello] and angelo joined the channel
(from -chat) re search: I wonder if there's a way to somehow "distribute" search. There's the whole opensearch idea, but now that I'm thinking about it, it wouldn't easily help to index pages at all. If instead there was a way to pre-generate an index of the site and make that available for search engines, it could make small, independent search setups possible quite easily.
indiesearch, hm?
is there such as thing as a search index standard?
I mean... sqlite would make a good one. We agree on a minimum viable columns (text index, snippet, title, url?) and if everyone makes such thing available, point a meta tag at it, we can build any search engine in minutes.
[KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
the actual fan-out gets to be a problem. search engines are only useful if they search enough sites, but if each user search query has to fan out requests to thousands to millions of sites, that’s not really practical
I think peter meant to make the database available as a download, to avoid exactly that?
kind of like sitemap.xml? i think the problem is search engines would have to trust the index, so it'd be easily gamed
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
yes, a downloadable db, and yes, trust is a problem.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
alex11, vikanezrimaya, [snarfed] and hendursaga joined the channel