#dev 2021-07-22

2021-07-22 UTC
kimberlyhirsh[d], neocow, Seirdy and [jacky] joined the channel
petermolnar: I'm very down for something like that
rockorager, GWG, Seirdy and gerben joined the channel
I'm not good at designing these kind of things, so if anyone has a good idea on what exactly to put on a t-shirt, please go ahead :)
capjamesg, gRegor and hendursa1 joined the channel
I've extended my search to return wordpress-ish json (also responds to /wp-json/wp/v2/search?q= with a redirect), rss, atom, or mere html results, and the endpoints for this are in opensearch.xml . The wp json is a bit lacking though; I was wondering if it would make sense to extend it into json-ld somehow, with backwards compatibility. The other question is: is there a microformat markup for sea
rch result pages?
petermolnar I am using h-feed.
There was a brief discussion about it in chat and h-feed seemed to be the most popular recommendation.
There isn't a "search engine result page microformat" per se but I think h-feed works fine.
considered for a moment to return the XML entries with an XSLT that transforms it into h-feed but then realized he's need to put support for that into the mf2 libs, and hell no.
petermolnar: I think there is a mf2-for-JSONLD namespace doc somewhere, so you could always weave the mf2 into the JSON results that way ;)
Hmm. I may have been thinking of https://github.com/rhiaro/mf2rdf but I could swear there was a more recent go at this somewhere
(Note: none of the above should be taken as serious advice.)
[rhiaro] mf2rdf: Microformats2 ontology
[Rose] joined the channel
Zegnat: The Withings API was a real pain last time I tried using it! It's been a while so maybe they changed it, I would be curious to hear your experience with it
[tw2113_Slack_]1 and [schmarty]1 joined the channel
we’ll see, I hope to have some time for it this weekend. Honestly, anything that I can automate to take data out I’ll take, haha
But from their docs, I feel positive. Their example code is PHP curl: https://developer.withings.com/api-reference#operation/sleepv2-get
moose3330 and strugee_ joined the channel
It used to be OAuth 1 and it was a mess
sp1ff` joined the channel
Yeah, no, it looks pretty good now. Granted, I only skimmed the docs, but I have high hopes. I might get started on it tomorrow already, as I have taken the day off
doosboox joined the channel
prepares to steal aaronpk’s sleep display code ;)
GWG Am I right in thinking you are into sensors?
I recently got a Pimoroni Grow HAT that has moisture sensors for plants and I'm having a hard time interpreting the data.
Not sure into is the right word, but it's an interest
Exactly what's the problem?
The moisture sensor uses "pulse-frequency modulation" to identify the moisture levels in the plant soil.
According to Pimoroni, lower Hz = wetter, higher Hz = drier.
But the data is relative.
The sensor currently says my soil is fine but it is just about watering time. But the Hz is really low (< 4.0).
I don't know if that makes sense. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this.
Maybe what I need to do is take this reading as base and then water the plants as usual and take that as "wet"
capjamesg: Yes, I do the same with my gas sensor...monitor it to figure out what is normal
Thanks GWG.
ok, I added "http://www.norvig.com/spell-correct.html" to the "See Also" section of /search https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=76481&oldid=76471
ok, I added "https://jamesg.blog/2021/07/22/search-engine-textrank" to the "See Also" section of /search https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=76482&oldid=76481
I had no idea how fast 8gb ram was in comparison to 2gb.
at least until apps and websites gobble that all up cause “ooh, it’s available”
Crawling my site takes 23 mins on a Raspberry Pi 4 w/ 2gb ram. I can do it in 3-5 on my desktop.
(Crawling involves a lot more than just the network requests - those probably take the least amount of time)
All this talk of sensors makes me want to update my Home Assistant integration so it can display appropriately
hendursaga and capjamesg joined the channel
Does anyone have an 8gb Raspberry Pi? Curious about the performance.
will massively depend on what you are doing
How to Use Webmentions with Gatsby.js – A Beginner's Guide https://ift.tt/3hThayy #freeCodeCamp #webdev #programming #100DaysOfCode #GirlsWhoCode #coding #javascript
afaik the RAM size is the only difference, so it really depends if you need that
Web crawling, potentially machine learning.
How to Use Webmentions with Gatsby.js – A Beginner&#x27;s Guide https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-use-webmentions-with-gatsby-beginners-guide/ Webmention is a simple protocol developed by the IndieWeb Community that you can use to request notifications when your URLs are mentioned on the web. When you post on your own site and syndic
Did you know that you can get notified when your URLs are shared on the web? Like if someone retweets an article you write, you'll learn about it. Great for engagement. In this guide @sprucekhalifa shows you how to use Webmentions with Gatsby.js. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-use-webmentions-with-gatsby-beginners-guide/
[snarfed], hendursaga, [chrisaldrich], shoesNsocks and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Hm, like, thinking about it, I understand why using SQLite for search from a site would be nice (mainly for the 'portability' of the db and that it has nice full text search support)
But I wonder how maintaining the state of said indexes would work
re: e-tag and fetching
that's a nice service that could use Micropub to update old/dead links using an archive 🙂
↩️ jaja sí el IndieAuth, pero recordemos que la fe pública, reside principalmente en el Estado y es él, quien la delega en los Notarios. Al final ellos brindan un servicio (hay quien afirma que es público) basado en la ley. Y por lo tanto, no hay tanta libertad de actuación.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel