#dev 2021-08-02

2021-08-02 UTC
[Emma_Humphries], hendursaga, [jeremycherfas], capjamesg, Seirdy, angelo, hala-bala[m], hendursa1, [calumryan], corenominal, jamietanna, corenominal[d] and [tantek] joined the channel
Выпустил webmention 0.3.0 (https://crates.io/crates/webmention, гитхаб: https://github.com/marinintim/webmention) Из важных изменений: переехал с surf на reqwest (должно стать проще интегрировать в приложения со свежим tokio), удалил async-std (облегчает сборку, если в вашем приложении оно не используется)
for those interested in citations and publishing how to cite this type UI: https://twitter.com/natfriedman/status/1420122675813441540
We’ve just added built-in citation support to GitHub so researchers and scientists can more easily receive acknowledgments for their contributions to software. Just push a CITATION.cff file and we’ll add a handy widget to the repo sidebar for you. Enjoy! 🎉 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E7VJ5FbWUAYithw.jpg
there's a bit of a debate about .cff vs .bib files and tbh I'd never heard of either!
anyone here publish either?
corenominal joined the channel
This is a first for me
Back to dark mode work today.. added little icons and had to add a special css entry for dark mode GitHub....I was hoping to avoid that
I use .ris in preference to .bib
Day 3 of #TheShapeOfShadows: * Spent much longer than I should have to try to learn the French Drop * I spent equally long trying to do a coin roll on my knuckles (https://www.brid.gy/publish/twitter)
Day 4 of #TheShapeOfShadows: Things I learned: * palindromes are hard (https://www.brid.gy/publish/twitter)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I believe my citation infos when I was at uni were all stored as bib files
cff is completely new to me though
Can anyone help me with a pi4 problem? After an upgrade, wifi no longer connects. `ifconfig wlan0` gives an error `Device not found` and the network connection icon (connected now via ethernet direct to router) shows no wireless networks.
I have checked `wpa_supplicant.conf` and the details in that appear to be correct. Unable to find anything that does not involve editing `wpa_supplicant.conf` which as far as I know is correct.
Opening Network Preferences and choosing SSID everything is greyed out.
tetov-irc joined the channel
OK, never mind; voodoo seems to have worked.
[fluffy], [Rose] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I most often use .ris files, which work with the broadest range of citation software, and .bib which is specific to BibTex for LaTeX and TeX. I've not heard of .cff files until today.
Oh, but the conversation thread under that tweet.... 😭
klez, [snarfed], capjamesg and hendursaga joined the channel
I use .bib a lot since I work with Latex
they are pretty decently readable and editable in a text editor
[schmarty] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel