#dev 2021-08-08

2021-08-08 UTC
Seirdy and alex11 joined the channel
I knew you’ld know.
hendursa1 joined the channel
!tell sknebel That was it!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Thank you!
!tell vikanezrimaya The indexing journey continues. I am trying my crawler on a site other than my own. It's going well so far but suffice to say you have to do more work when you are not crawling a site you built and know inside out 🙂
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
capjamesg[d]: Yeah, one's own mf2 markup might be too pure for the crawler tests. Good for ensuring the basic functionality works, but the edge cases can only be tested on different websites
vikanezrimaya: capjamesg[d] left you a message 2 minutes ago: The indexing journey continues. I am trying my crawler on a site other than my own. It's going well so far but suffice to say you have to do more work when you are not crawling a site you built and know inside out 🙂
Loqi, I know
Oh, the joys of using matrix as a bouncer and having a persistent backlog and push notifications
jacky joined the channel
How's your crawler coming along?
Im currently resting
sknebel: capjamesg[d] left you a message 12 minutes ago: That was it!
Gathering strength to rewrite my whole database connector because a certain library has a fatal bug in it that makes my website into a pumpkin after a certain number of requests
I am 100% sure now this is not my code or anything that could be caused by my coxe
neceve joined the channel
n=2 but my search engine has just successfully crawled another site.
nertzy_ joined the channel
n=4 and things are going better.
The search engine can now fill in for missing meta descriptions.
This is fun 🙂
jeremycherfas, [Rose]1, nertzy__, shoesNsocks1, bneil, eco, unrelentingtech, angelo, neceve, jamietanna1 and jamietanna joined the channel
jacky by "an authorization attempt fails " do you mean a hit to `/authorize`?
I can't remember off the top of my head, but I'd expect that to redirect back to a caller with an error URI, that the caller should then display something readable for?
tetov-irc, rockorager, Kai`, Zegnat[d], chenghiz_, Sam2 and [Sam_Butler] joined the channel
I've started using LinkedIn as a way to communicate above the walled garden chat communities.
Hey all, wanted to share something I've been thinking about — which comes from similar motivations as Indieweb, and indeed has some parallels to POSSE and web identity. Would love to hear your thoughts.
For this use case, and many others, it seems uncontroversial that we'll move away from centralized social networks — to networks that are more free, user-centric,  and dynamic.
I'm doing this to enable discoverability + accessibility + knowledge-sharing with my work.  Much of the professional world — at least in subject areas I'm focused on — is on LinkedIn.  By posting content and having discussions there, it enables anybody who may be interested in what I'm working on it to discover it — and likewise, me to discover them.
To start this transition, it seems that the simplest and surest first step is having access to our *graph data* — so that we can *use it* and *build/experiment on it*.
Specifically, I'm talking about:
1. Export my contacts from LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social networks, using their APIs
possible as well. )
2. Import those contacts into a new substrate/protocol, with some simple structure to help with identification.  (For example, to tell the difference between two contacts named "Amy Bee."  Or, if each of us have a "Amy Bee" in our contacts, an intelligent way to recognize if they are or are not the same person.  Email or phone number or personal domain could be a useful "anchor" for this — and better approaches could certain
3. Once I have all of my contacts accessible — I just want some simple functionality to *send messages*, and the ability to *tinker/experiment with new ways of interacting* on top of this new substrate.
Part 1 is feasible today.  Part 2 seems like it requires some dedicated thought and design.  Part 3 only comes after Part 1, and along with Part 2.
If anybody is interested in this type of thing, I'd love to hear thoughts and collaborate.  Note that this approach isn't about onboarding to a new network, it's about migrating our existing networks to a new and dynamic environment.  Also this is envisioned more of a commons / protocol initiative, not as a new network itself.
is the assumption a shared graph, or each holding our own (in effect what Signal does, where the contacts are on your own phone)
jacky joined the channel
The assumption is each person holding our own graphs (when I export my contacts from LinkedIn or Facebook, I only have access to my first-degree connections anyway)
Perhaps individuals' own graphs could be stitched together in some privacy-respecting, capacity-augmenting way — if there was consent for it
A relevant tool/reference for this could be: https://idx.xyz/
From a person in their community:
> You could issue a verifiable claim to prove that a DID owns a Web2 social account (Twitter, Github, etc.) Once issued you could store the claims in an user's IDX to link it to their DID which helps to build reputation over time/confidence that "Amy Bee" is your Amy Bee bc you can see it linked to her multiple social accounts that you recognize.
In this direction, the protocol is a decentralized public identity table. A person's unique identifier is a DID, linked to that person's individual IDX, which is comprised of that person's public accounts across different platforms (e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, email or phone?)
So instead of a source of truth based on a single address (e.g. email, phone, domain), the protocol's source of truth is a DID linked to a multitude of addresses.
That seems intuitive and directionally correct in some ways. I just wonder about IDX's business interests in this (whether they are a good building block for public commons infrastructure), and whether a different kind of architecture could be sensible
hendursaga, mgdm and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Webmentions are my way of finally letting Disqus go! I implemented a small Javascript-based project to easily show… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1424461659624648724
KartikPrabhu, hendursa1, hendursaga, tetov-irc and Rattroupe joined the channel
Does anyone know of an indieauth client that requests and uses the profile and email scopes?
I'm looking to test my endpoint implementation
[Emma_Humphries] joined the channel