[tantek]the default technical / engineering approach to formats is to over-engineer (e.g. be completionist), and to make stuff up, both of which tend towards complexity, not simplicity
[tantek]aaronpk, and other IndieAuth implementers, I note that the IndieAuth spec only talks about sign-in in (non-normative) examples, and in particular only once mentions the client "transforms that to http:" in one example
[tantek]1 (non-normatively) reference the microformats.org Web Sign-in spec which actually does have text explaining the plain domain to URL expansion as something for developers to implement
[tantek]2 is it time to change the implied scheme/protocol for web sign-in (and IndieAuth/Login in particular) explicitly to "https" ? I was thinking of "just" going ahead and doing this in the Web Sign-in spec (and then updating implementations accordingly), but figured I'd run it by this crowd first
[tantek]interesting that that makes it actual spec text instead of an example (I missed that change) and gives a choice! "by prepending either an `http` or `https`"
Murray[d]tantek++ that makes sense, and interesting to know something has been attempted (even with XML). From an "inside the industry" thing, I think a lot of the smaller boards would be happy to see a format that could be exported/imported easily, but the larger ones likely don't want to push for it (don't want it to be easy to leave)
[tantek]yes your summary analysis sounds right to me Murray[d]. in addition if/when "larger ones" decide to push for something, they more often than not make something up which fits their internal schema, and then fiat propose it to the world instead of actually developing something openly
[tantek]so the only chance that a truly "open" format has is to start small, with an ecosystem of smaller players developing / iterating it (when they can make breaking changes and not worry about folks updating things). Only then when it's fairly well interoperably implemented, and growing in adoption is it worth the effort to attract the attention of the "bigger" players to support it
[tantek]it's too tempting for the "larger ones" to abuse their power in the industry and "just ship" something to make a de facto standard, subverting any open community efforrts