capjamesg[d]Odd question: does anyone know anything about ideal cloud computing for compute-heavy operations (preferably that will not break the bank!).
sknebelingesting WARCs is potentially something you could do more optimized when going deep into the options of some cloud offering, but tbh that sounds like more hassle to me
sknebel(if someone knows how they'd do that kind of thing with a more cloud-focussed setup I'd be curious though, I have no real sense how those compare at small scale)
capjamesg[d]Because then images need to be downloaded, checked, compared, and optimized before being indexed. But I'm not even going to attempt indexing images.
aaronpkIf you're working with warc files do you even need this to be in the cloud? Why not use a desktop computer where it's cheaper to get a fast processor?
[jeremycherfas]I’ve got myself in a bit of a muddle since GitHub deprecated passwords. I have a PAT working fine on my desktop, but not on my laptop. And when I use the PAT on the laptop I cannot authenticate. Is there a simple option? Am I best off to create a new PAT for the laptop only?
capjamesg[d]That doesn't work for multiple suites quite yet because the logic was oriented around my site and its structure. But I will index HTML anyway for when that support comes (i.e. for "who is" queries to show h-cards).
ZegnatI actually mess up spec edits constantly.You change public/source/index.php (and maybe some other file in /source) you then have to get the output HTML of that file and put it in public/spec/index.html
[fluffy]Are there any codified standards for what an IndieAuth profile should include? I see that @rattroupe has added support for outgoing profiles but I don’t see any authoritative/canonical list of what fields are expected to be presented, just a vague-ish example in the IndieAuth spec itself.
[fluffy]Authl has been requesting the profile scope for quite some time now but doesn’t actually make use of any fields returned because it just gets it from the h-card on the profile page.